After the wave of new and exciting results presented at the Winter conferences, the physics object and analysis groups are now focusing on the preparation of the CSA14 readiness test.

We have clustered the CSA14 “analysis” efforts around a few exercises on specific final state signatures crucial for early discoveries. This choice is driven both by the changes foreseen in beam conditions in 2015, and by the improvements in the reconstruction algorithms that are not yet in their final stage. The goal will be to test and verify the physics performance of these signatures and to compare them with that of the first LHC run.

The exercises identified so far are listed below:

  • High-pt leptons and special reco configuration: this study mostly pertains to the EXO group and will be performed using high mass Z’,W’ and exotic long-lived, fractional charge scenarios.
  • Low-pt tracking and conversions: the BPH and SMP groups will lead the efforts here.
  • Lepton + jet performance, including lepton isolation, fake rates and efficiency: most of the physics groups will participate in this exercise.
  • New PU mitigation technique in jets and in particular testing Puppi, PU jet id, MVA MET algorithms. Also in this case the exercises will span across several analysis groups.
  • Boosted topologies are of particular interest for the B2G and EXO groups.
  • Photon performance studies will be performed by teams in the SUS, EXO and HIG groups.

Many analysis groups are also interested in common exercises to deploy and test the new miniAOD format, and also to validate common backgrounds processes with the first data taking at 13 TeV.

A more detailed plan and organization of the teams participating to the CSA14 is currently in progress, and will be discussed in the upcoming meetings of the physics coordination group and, of course, of the physics groups (POGs and PAGs).

by Luca Malgeri