US-CMS Upgrades Project Office
US-CMS Upgrades Project OfficeThis page contains information and links for the Project Office of the US LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. See also the Fermilab SharePoint site used for our CD-2/3 reviews
- CD1 Review Preparations Dashboard
- CD1 Task Force Organisation
- Email list
- Indico category
- Materials from meetings stored in DocDB
CD-1 Vidyo Meetings
The regular and informal CD-1 Team meetings are always held in the same Vidyo meeting room:
- Room name: USCMS_CD1_TEAM_Weekly_Meeting_indico_220221
- Extension 9220221
- Meeting PIN 8874
- Auto-join URL
- Phone bridge: +1 866 5777460 (USA), then enter: 9220221*8874# [numbers for other countries]
- How to invite guests to Vidyo meetings
Access to USCMS Upgrade Project Office Content
Access to USCMS Upgrade Project Office ContentAccess to the US-CMS Upgrades Project Documents and Website
People working on the US-CMS Upgrades Project will generally need access to:
- The CMS DocDB document database where we store project documents
- The US-CMS Upgrades website, which is a protected part of the CMS website
If you are a CMS Collaborator and already have access to the internal CMS website and DocDB, then just Email a request to telling him your user ID and you will be given the necessary access rights. If you are not a CMS Collaborator (e.g. non-CMS Fermilab staff, contractor, etc.) then you first need to register at CERN as an external user. This takes one minute by filling in your Email address as user ID on this web form and choosing a password (different from your usual password). Then to get access to the US Upgrades documents and website just Email a request to telling him the Email address that you registered above and he'll give you the necessary access rights. Then, when you access a document or web page and are asked for a user ID and password, just enter your Email and password (as you registered above). When using DocDB to add or modify a document you may grant access to the US Upgrades Project Office people by selecting the US ProjectOffice Group in the access control pull-down menus ("Who can see this?" and "Who can modify this?"). Click Advanced to show all of the groups that can be selected.
Access to the svn Repository containing the US-CMS Upgrades CDR
Access to the svn repository is controlled by CERN afs userid. If you need access and do not already have it, contact Lucas Taylor (or George Alverson).
Access to information for the US-CMS Upgrades Reviewers
All documents that the reviewers need to see will be stored in DocDB.
- A public entry-level webpage will be created for the reviewers with useful links and general information (but not any confidential information). FIXME: decide where to host this. Could be either Fermilab or CERN.
- All documents and confidential data for the reviewers will be stored in DocDB. They should be tagged as readable by the DocDB groups US Reviewers and US ProjectOffice. If appropriate they may also be tagged as readable by CMS members only or, in exceptional cases, they may be completely Public. The reviewers will be given a single user + password combination that will grant them access to the DocDB documents in the group US Reviewers.
- FIXME: Will we give reviewers access to Primavera and/or COBRA? If so, how?
- An e-group has been created to enable you to send Email to the reviewers.
How is access control actually handled (what's under the hood)?
CERN- and CMS-standard procedures are used to securely manage who can access US-CMS Upgrade Project information:
- The CERN e-group system enables users to be added and removed from access control lists
- The CMS website has role-based access control, with roles mapping to e-groups (e.g. the Drupal role uscms-upgrades-project-office maps to the uscms-upgrades-project-office egroup)
- The CMS DocDB system has group-based access control, with groups mapping to e-groups (e.g. the DocDB group US ProjectOffice maps to the uscms-upgrades-project-office egroup)
So why must project office members register with CERN to access DocDB but the reviewers don't have to? The project office people have to register because they will be granted write access to DocDB. Reviewers can only read documents. This read-only mode of access is implemented by having a separate DocDB instance running just for this purpose with a local DocDB user defined for the reviewers that grants them read access to the appropriate (selected) documents. FIXME: Eric will set this up soon.
Granting or revoking a person's access rights to documents
To add or remove access rights to documents, add or remove the corresponding person using the CERN e-group system..
- The US ProjectOffice DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-project-office egroup.
- The US non-CMS DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-noncms-people egroup.
- The US Reviewers DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-reviewers egroup.
- Members of the uscms-upgrades-project-office e-group are administrators of the uscms-upgrades-reviewers egroup.
DOE and Fermilab Project Management Guidance
DOE and Fermilab Project Management GuidanceThe US-CMS Upgrades Project is subject to the DOE 413.3B Order relating to "Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets" as well as Fermilab requirements. For full details, see the left sidebar menu.
DOE 413 Program and Project Management Guidance
DOE 413 Program and Project Management GuidanceSee also:
- Search DOE website for all current DOE 413.3 documents
- 413.3B briefing by Dan Lehman
- Project Decision Matrix
Fermilab Office of Project Management Support (OPMO)
Fermilab Office of Project Management Support (OPMO)- Fermilab OPMO home page
- Fermilab's DOE 413 projects
- CD approval dates for all Fermilab 413 projects (incl. US-CMS Upgrades)
- Project contact persons for all Fermilab 413 projects (incl. US-CMS Upgrades)
- Project Procedures & EVMS
- CD1 requirements
- Project Office staffing guidance
Deliverables for CD1
Deliverables for CD1This page summarizes DOE and Fermilab CD-1 requirements, includes links to documents in DocDB, provides a brief description of each document, and identifies one or more contacts in DOE and/or the Project Office. The Federal Project Director is identified as "FPD". Text that appears in [BRACKETS] refers to references at the bottom of the page. FIXME: Add a link to the Director's Review and CD-1 Review charges when we receive them. [CHARGE].
Deliverables [REFERENCES] |
Required Documents (and document contents) |
Purpose and Description of Document | Contact | |
Overall Project Management | ||||
Key assumptions document [ASSUMPTIONS] [CONTINGENCY] [LABOR] | • Key Assumptions [CMS-doc-11577] 1. Cost and schedule — Contingency Rules — Labor Charging 2. Technical Assumptions 3. Programmatic Assumptions | This document describes cost, schedule, technical, and programmatic assumptions for the Project. The document contains key assumptions and is not intended to be all-inclusive. This is a living document. Its purpose is to provide up-to-date guidance on key assumptions that will affect project management decisions. Some of the sections in this document will be more fully described in other project documents such as the PEP, PMP, and CDR. This document serves as an easy reference for key assumptions for the Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Preliminary Project Execution Plan [PEP] | • Preliminary PEP [CMS-doc-11572] 1. Introduction 2. Project Baseline 3. Life Cycle Cost 4. Acquisition Approach 5. (CDx) Tailoring Strategy 6. Baseline Change Control 7. Management Structure and IPT 8. Project Management / Oversight | This document describes the mission need and justification for the Project, its objectives and scope, the DOE management structure, the resource plan, and the environmental, safety, and health (ES&H) requirements. The document also establishes the technical, cost, and schedule baselines against which performance will be measured by DOE. DOE Baseline Change Control thresholds are also established in this document. The PEP can include a Critical Decision (CD) tailoring strategy, if this is needed. | FPD Joel B. | |
Preliminary Project Management Plan [PMP] | • Preliminary PMP [CMS-doc-11569] 1. Introduction 2. Justification of Mission 3. Management, Organization, Responsibilities 4. Work Breakdown Structure 5. Technical, Schedule and Cost Baseline 6. Risk Management 7. Project Controls System 8. Acquisition Strategy 9. Technical Considerations 10. Quality Assurance Program 11. Value Management 12. Configuration Management 13. Engineering Design Review 14. Integrated Safety Management | This document describes the Project by providing an overview of project objectives, organization, management, and review mechanisms. The document supplements the PEP by providing details specific to the management of the Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Scope, Cost and Schedule Management | ||||
Conceptual Design Report [CDR] | • CDR [CMS-doc-11562] 1. Summary and Overview Science Requirements Conceptual Design Alternatives Analysis Key Performance Parameters Cost & Schedule 2. Physics Case 3. HCAL Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 4. Pixels Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 5. L1 Trigger Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 6. Project Management Configuration Management Scope Management Cost Management Schedule Management Quality Management Risk Management Procurement Management | Joel B.. Joel B. Drew B. Frank C. Jeremy M Chris T. Simon K. Will J. Darin A. Sergo J. Wesley S Joel B. Erik G. Lucas T. | ||
Cost and Schedule Range (includes Resource Loaded Schedule (RLS), BoE's, and lifecycle costs. [WBS] [BoE] [COST] [SCHEDULE] [MILESTONES] | • WBS dictionary • WBS 1. Project Management 2. HCAL 3. Pixels 4. L2 Trigger • BoE form instructions • BoE [ All BoEs in DocDB ] • Summary Schedule • Critical path • Project Milestones • Cost Book • Cost and Schedule Range | Travis & L2's | ||
Risk Management | ||||
Risk Management Plan [RISK PLAN] | Refer to Fermilab Risk Management Plan (M. Dinnon) in the PEP, PMP, and CDR. | Text in the PEP, PMP, and CDR will refer to the Fermilab Risk Management Plan (RMP), which describes a process for identifying, evaluating, tracking, abating, and managing project risk in terms of risk categories: cost, schedule, ES&H and technical performance. | N/A | |
Risk Register [RISK REGISTER] | Risk Register & Assessment | Lucas T. Erik G. | ||
Quality Management | ||||
Preliminary Quality Assurance Program (QAP) [QUALITY PLAN] | • Quality Assurance Program [CMS-doc-11584] 1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. Graded Approach 4. Management 5. Quality Improvement 6. Performance/Criteria 7. Procurement 8. Inspection and Acceptance Testing 9. Assessment 10. Implementation | This document describes the Quality Assurance (QA) program for the Project. Its purpose is to state the QA requirements and describe how the requirements will be satisfied. It discusses how the QA criteria will be satisfied using a graded approach. This QAP is established in accordance with DOE Order 414.1C "Quality Assurance" and Fermilab's Integrated Quality Assurance Program. The QAP is implemented through the policies set forth in the PEP and the PMP. This QAP is reviewed at least annually and revised with the approval of the Project Manager for the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Procurement | ||||
Acquisition Strategy [ACQUISITION STRATEGY] | • Acquisition Strategy 1. Justification of Mission Need 2. Project Description and KPPs 3. Alternatives Analysis 4. Recommended Alternatives 5. Total Project Cost Range 6. Funding Profile 7. Key Milestones and Events 8. Tailoring Strategy 9. Business and Acquisition Approach 10. Management Structure and Approach 11. Risk Analysis | This document describes the DOE acquisition strategy for the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. It describes the DOE's perspective of how the Project is to be managed. A preliminary version of this document is required for CD-1 and a final, signed version is required for CD-2. | FPD Joel B. | |
Procurement Management Plan | • Procurement Management Plan [CMS-doc-11585] | This document describes how the Project will obtain the goods and services required to accomplish the mission of the Project. | Joel B. | |
ES&H -- Environment, Safety and Health | ||||
Comply with the One-for-One Building Space Replacement | This document may not be needed for LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project for CD-1. | N/A | ||
Document High Perf. & Sustainable Bldg. & Sustainable Env. Stewardship considerations | This document may not be needed for LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project for CD-1. | N/A | ||
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Report [HAZARD ANALYSIS] | 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Description of Site, Facility 4. Identification of Hazards 5. Results and Assessments 6. Operations 7. Preliminary Hazard List 8. Conclusions 9. Appendix A: Risk Categorization 10. Appendix B: Hazard Worksheet | This document provides a preliminary assessment of potential hazards associated with the Project, and describes criteria used to mitigate these hazards. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
Integrated Safety Management Plan [SAFETY] | • Integrated Safety Management Plan [CMS-doc-11587] | This document describes the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Plan for the Project. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Document [NEPA & EENF] | Table of Contents: 1. Describe Proposed Action & Need 2. Describe Affected Environment 3. Potential Environmental Effects 4. NEPA Recommendation 5. NEPA Coordinator Review 6. Comments on items in Section 3 | NEPA establishes requirements for all federal agencies to prepare environmental assessments and impact statements, indicating environmental effects of proposed federal agency actions. The purpose of this document is to describe environmental impacts of the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
Other Related Documents | ||||
CMS Technical Design Documents | • HCAL Upgrades TDR • Pixel Upgrades TDR | N/A | ||
LHC and CMS constraints and assumptions | • LHC / CMS schedule | N/A | ||
Other | • Draft MOUs w/ US institutes • Draft SOWs w/ US institutes | Joel B. |
Some non-CMS material below is protected (ask Erik how to get access).
[CHARGE] • MicroBooNE Director's Review charge
[ASSUMPTIONS] • mu2e key assumptions
• MicroBooNE key assumptions
[PEP] • mu2e prelim PEP • mu2e org chart • mu2e Configuration Management and Change Control • MicroBooNE prelim PEP • MicroBooNE org chart • MicroBooNE Configuration Mgmt
[PMP] • US-CMS Construction Project PMP • mu2e prelim PMP • MicroBooNE prelim PMP [CDR] • mu2e CDR • MicroBooNE CDR
[CONTINGENCY] • mu2e Contingency Rules • MicroBooNE Contingency Rules • MicroBooNE Contingency Table
[LABOR] • Fermilab Labor Charging Practices for Projects • mu2e Labor Charging (1) • mu2e Labor Charging (2)
[WBS] • MicroBooNE WBS • MicroBooNE WBS Dictionary • mu2e WBS Dictionary
[BoE] • MicroBooNE BoE Directory • MicroBooNE BoE Form Instructions [COST] • mu2e Cost Book • mu2e Cost Range • mu2e Life Cycle Costs
[SCHEDULE] • MicroBooNE RLS Gantt Chart • mu2e Schedule • mu2e Critical Path • MicroBooNE MS Project Schedule • MicroBooNE Schedule Overview
[MILESTONES] • MicroBooNE Milestones • mu2e Milestones
[RISK PLAN] • mu2e Risk Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE Risk Mgmt Plan
[RISK REGISTER] • mu2e prelim Risk Register • MicroBooNE prelim Risk Register and Assessment
[QUALITY PLAN] • mu2e Quality Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE QA Plan
[ACQUISITION STRATEGY] • mu2e Acquisition Strategy • MicroBooNE Acquisition Strategy
[HAZARD ANALYSIS] • mu2e prelim HA • MicroBooNE prelim HA
mu2e Integrated Safety Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE Integrated Safety Mgmt Plan [NEPA & EENF] • NEPA and EENF examples
Examples of other DOE CD1 Reviews
Examples of other DOE CD1 ReviewsSome, but not all, the following material is password protected. Erik Gottschalk knows who to ask if you want to request access.
- mu2e CD1 review page | presentations
- DOE CD1 review (FNAL OPMO page)
- All DOE reviews (FNAL OPMO page)
- DOE CD1 review (FNAL OPMO page)
- MicroBooNe CD1 review page
Internal Review Preparations
Internal Review PreparationsThis page is a placeholder menu item for upcoming review pages
These pages are only visible to the project team until it is decided to make them visible to the reviewers
CD-2/3 Director's Review
CD-2/3 Director's Review
This page is obsolete --please use this:
new page at Fermilab
LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project
Fermilab, MMMM DD—DD, 2014
- Follow these instructions for reviewers to get access to the documents below in the CMS DocDB database.
Previous Reviews |
CMS-doc-# | |
2014-08-27: Report of the CD-1 DOE Review | 12229 | |
2013-07-18: Report of the CD-1 Director's Review | 11971 | |
2013-05-16: Report of the Director's Independent Design Review | 11859 | |
2012-08-15: CD-0 Mission Need (redacted) | 11596 | |
General Links |
DOE SC Office of Project Assessment | ||
Fermilab Office of Project Support Services (OPSS) | ||
Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets | DOE Order 413.3B | |
Top-level Plans |
Acquisition Strategy | 11947 | Update if reqd. and approve |
Key Assumptions | 11577 | Update if reqd. |
Project Execution Plan (PEP) | 11572 | Update if reqd. and approve |
Project Management Plan | 11569 | Update if reqd. and approve |
Configuration Management Plan | 11936 | Update if reqd. and approve |
Procurement Management Plan | 11585 | Update if reqd. and approve |
Proposal for the Joint Monitoring of DOE and NSF Earned Value Management Information | 12216 | Draft -- for approval |
Project Organization |
CMS / Fermilab Organization chart | 11804 | OK |
US-CMS Upgrade Project Organization Chart | 11822 | OK |
Technical Design |
LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project - Technical Design Report | 12201 | Draft -- in progress |
Document describing completeness of design | FIXME | Not started |
LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project - Conceptual Design Report | 11562 | OK |
401.02 HCAL Upgrades - CMS Technical Design Report | CERN-LHCC-2012-015 | Approved |
401.03 Pixel Upgrades - CMS Technical Design Report | CERN-LHCC-2012-016 | Approved |
401.04 Trigger Upgrades - CMS Technical Design Report | CERN-LHCC-2013-011 | Approved |
Project Scope |
401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) | 11605 | Stable |
401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project - Glossary and WBS Dictionary | 11801 | Update if necessary |
401.02 HCAL - Work Breakdown Structure | 11606 | Stable |
401.03 FPIX - Work Breakdown Structure | 11607 | Stable |
401.04 Trigger - Work Breakdown Structure | 11608 | Stable |
Project Cost |
Cost estimate uncertainty -- Contingency Rules | 11598 | Stable |
Cost Basis of Estimates (BoEs) | Index of BoEs | Update and review |
401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades - Cost Book | 11840 | Update |
Project Schedule |
401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project - Milestone Dictionary | 11946 | Update and review |
401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project - Milestones ordered by date (waterfall report) | 12009 | Update and review |
Project Schedule for: 401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project | 11836 (All) | Update and review |
Project Schedule for: 401.01 Project Management | 11836 (PM) | Update and review |
Project Schedule for: 401.02 HCAL | 11836 (HCAL) | Update and review |
Project Schedule for: 401.03 FPIX | 11836 (FPIX) | Update and review |
Project Schedule for: 401.04 Trigger | 11836 (Trigger) | Update and review |
Critical Path for: 401. LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project | 11836 (Project CP) | Analyze and review |
Critical Path for: 401.02 HCAL | 11836 (HCAL CP) | Analyze and review |
Critical Path for: 401.03 FPIX | 11836 (FPIX CP) | Analyze and review |
Critical Path for: 401.04 Trigger | 11836 (Trigger CP) | Analyze and review |
Project Risk |
(Preliminary) Risk Management Plan | 11701 | Update for PRA |
(Preliminary) Risk Register | 11707 | Update and analyze in PRA |
Safety and Quality Assurance |
Integrated Safety Management Plan | 11587 | Approved -- check if updates needed |
Quality Management Plan | 11584 | Approved -- check if updates needed |
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Report | 11816 | Approved -- check if updates needed |
NEPA categorical exclusion | 11958 |
Index of BoEs for CD-2/3
Index of BoEs for CD-2/3This page lists all cost Basis of Estimate (BoE) documents for the "LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project".
Additional documentation is referenced under "Supporting Docs" and from the cover pages of the BoE files.
The Glossary and WBS Dictionary provides a short description of terms used and the WBS elements.
401.01 |
Project Management |
BoE DocDB # |
Supporting docs |
401.01.01 | Project Management Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.01.02 | Project Management & Administration | 11644 | ||
401.01.03 | Project Controls & Finance | 11645 | ||
401.01.04 | Project Office Support | 11646 | ||
401.02 |
Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) Upgrade |
BoE DocDB # |
Supporting docs |
401.02.01 | HCAL Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.02.02 | HCAL Management | 11743 | ||
401.02.03 | HF Front-End | |||
401.02.03.01 | —— Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.02.03.02 | —— PMT Signal Cables (OFF-PROJECT) | 11691 | 11633 | |
401.02.03.03 | —— QIE10 ASIC | 11616 | 12027 | |
401.02.03.04 | —— Front-End System Design and Prototyping | |||
401. | ——— Prototype HF Crate | 11695 | 11771 | |
401. | ——— Prototype HF QIE Card | 11696 | 11621 | |
401. | ——— Prototype HF ngCCM | 11697 | 11889 | |
401. | ——— Prototype HF Calibration Module | 11698 | 11963 | |
401. | ——— HF Frontend Prototype System Testing | 11699 | 11881 | |
401.02.03.05 | —— Front-End Crates and Backplanes (OFF-PROJECT) | 11636 | ||
401.02.03.06 | —— QIE Cards (OFF-PROJECT) | 11676 | ||
401.02.03.07 | —— Calibration System | 11677 | 11965 | |
401.02.03.08 | —— HF ngCCM | 11678 | 11890 | |
401.02.03.09 | —— Low Voltage System Upgrade | 11679 | 11882 | |
401.02.03.10 | —— Optical Fiber Plant | 11637 | 11883 | |
401.02.03.11 | —— HF Cable Adapter Boards | 11710 | 11884 | |
401.02.03.12 | —— HF Testing & Burn-In | 11680 | 11885 | |
401.02.03.13 | —— HF Front-End Installation | 11681 | 11886 | |
401.02.04 | HB/HE Front-End | |||
401.02.04.01 | —— Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.02.04.02 | —— SiPM | 11660 | 11848 | |
401.02.04.03 | —— Optical Decoder Unit | 11618 | 11634 | |
401.02.04.04 | —— SiPM Control Board | 11638 | 11938 | |
401.02.04.05 | —— QIE11 ASIC SiPM Version | 11630 | 11632 | |
401.02.04.06 | —— Radiation Hard FPGA | 11711 | 11998 | |
401.02.04.07 | —— QIE Cards | 11639 | 11994 | |
401.02.04.08 | —— Calibration System | 11640 | 11995 | |
401.02.04.09 | —— HB/HE ngCCM | 11661 | 11993 | |
401.02.04.10 | —— Cooling System | 11662 | 11900 | |
401.02.04.11 | —— Readout Module Mechanics | 11663 | 11900 | |
401.02.04.12 | —— Integrated Readout Modules | 11641 | 11901 | |
401.02.04.13 | —— Detector Safety System | 11664 | 11778 | |
401.02.04.14 | —— Low Voltage | 11665 | 3647 | |
401.02.04.15 | —— RBX Level Testing & Burn-In | 11666 | 11902 | |
401.02.04.16 | —— HB/HE Installation & Commissioning | 11667 | 11903 | |
401.02.05 | HCAL Back-End | |||
401.02.05.01 | —— Milestones and Interfaces | 11787 | ||
401.02.05.02 | —— uHTR Design & Firmware | 11674 | 11941 | |
401.02.05.03 | —— uHTR HF (OFF-PROJECT) | 11693 | ||
401.02.05.04 | —— uHTR HB/HE | 11647 | 11648 | |
401.02.05.05 | —— AMC13 | 11650 | 11649 | |
401.02.05.06 | —— MicroTCA Crates | 11654 | 11651 | |
401.02.05.07 | —— MicroTCA Control Hub (MCH) | 11655 | 11652 | |
401.02.05.08 | —— MicroTCA Power Module | 11656 | 11653 | |
401.02.05.09 | —— MicroTCA AC/DC Converter | 11668 | 11702 | |
401.02.05.10 | —— Integrated HF MicroTCA Crates | 11669 | 11942 | |
401.02.05.11 | —— HF MicroTCA Installation & Commissioning | 11670 | 11945 | |
401.02.05.12 | —— Optical Splitters | 11671 | 11719 | |
401.02.05.13 | —— Integrated HB/HE MicroTCA Crates | 11672 | 11943 | |
401.02.05.14 | —— HB/HE MicroTCA Installation & Commissioning | 11673 | 11944 | |
401.02.05.15 | —— HCAL/Trigger Connection Optics | 11868 | 11869 | |
401.03 |
Forward Pixels (FPIX) Detector Upgrade |
BoE DocDB # |
Supporting docs |
401.03.01 | FPIX Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.03.02 | FPIX Management | 11744 | ||
401.03.03 | FPIX Components | |||
401.03.03.01 | —— Module | |||
401. | ——— Sensor | 11614 | ||
401. | ——— Bump Bonding | 11704 | ||
401. | ——— Pixel Module Assembly & Testing | 11730 | ||
401.03.03.02 | —— Electronics | |||
401. | ——— Pixel Readout Chip | 11705 | ||
401. | ——— Token Bit Manager (TBM) & Other ASICs | 11706 | ||
401. | ——— High Density Interconnect (HDI) | 11708 | ||
401. | ——— Port Card | 11709 | ||
401. | ——— Cables. Connectors & Fibers | 11714 | ||
401. | ——— Pixel Optohybrid (POH) | 11723 | ||
401. | ——— Power Supply System | 11724 | ||
401. | ——— DAQ Hardware | 11725 | ||
401.03.03.03 | —— Mechanical Structures and Cooling | |||
401. | ——— Half Disk Mechanics | 11726 | ||
401. | ——— Half Cylinder | 11727 | ||
401. | ——— Cooling Tubes | 11728 | ||
401. | ——— Integration & Testing | 11740 | ||
401. | ——— Installation Fixture & Testing | 11739 | ||
401.03.04 | FPIX Assembly & Testing | |||
401.03.04.01 | —— Half Disk detector assembly and testing | 11731 | ||
401.03.04.02 | —— Half cylinder detector assembly and testing | 11746 | ||
401.03.04.03 | —— Detector control system (DCS) | 11748 | ||
401.03.04.04 | —— Test Stand and Database | 11747 | ||
401.03.04.05 | —— DAQ development for system test | 11742 | ||
401.03.04.06 | —— Delivery to TIF at CERN | 11736 | ||
401.03.04.07 | —— Reassembly and test at TIF | 11737 | ||
401.03.04.08 | —— Commission test | 11738 | ||
401.03.05 | FPIX Pilot System | |||
401.03.05.01 | —— Pilot System Components | 11735 | ||
401.03.05.02 | —— Test system hardware | 11734 | ||
401.03.05.03 | —— Test system software & database | 11732 | ||
401.03.05.04 | —— FPIX pilot system delivery to CERN | 11729 | ||
401.04 |
Trigger Upgrade |
BoE DocDB # |
Supporting docs |
401.04.01 | Trigger Milestones and Interfaces | |||
401.04.02 | Trigger Management | 11745 | ||
401.04.03 | Muon Trigger | |||
401.04.03.02 | —— MUON Port Card Mezzanine (MPCM) | |||
401. | ——— MPCM Software and Firmware | 11749 | ||
401. | ——— MPCM Production | 11750 | 11922 | |
401. | ——— MPCM Test, Install, Commission | 11751 | ||
401.04.03.03 | —— MPC-EMUTF Optical Fibers | 11752 | 11923 | |
401.04.03.04 | —— End-Cap Muon Track-Finder | |||
401. | ——— EMUTF Software and Firmware | 11753 | ||
401. | ——— EMUTF Production | 11754 | 11924 11925 | |
401. | ——— EMUTF Test, Install, Commission | 11755 | ||
401.04.03.05 | —— EMUTF Infrastructure | 11756 | 11926 | |
401.04.03.06 | —— MUON Sorter (MS) | |||
401. | ——— MSM Software and Firmware | 11757 | ||
401. | ——— MSM Production | 11758 | 11927 | |
401. | ——— MSM Test, Install, Commission | 11759 | ||
401. | ——— MS-EMUTF Firmware and Software | 11892 | ||
401. | ——— MS-EMUTF Test and Commission | 11893 | ||
401.04.04 | Calorimeter Trigger | |||
401.04.04.02 | —— Calorimeter Trigger Processor | |||
401. | ——— CTP7 Software and Firmware | 11760 | ||
401. | ——— CTP7 Production | 11761 | 11924 11928 | |
401. | ——— CTP7 Test, Install, Commission | 11762 | ||
401.04.04.03 | —— Crosspoint I/O Card (CIOx) | |||
401. | ——— CIOx Software and Firmware | 11763 | ||
401. | ——— CIOx Production | 11764 | 11929 | |
401. | ——— CIOx Test, Install, Commission | 11765 | ||
401.04.04.04 | —— CTP Infrastructure | 11766 | 11926 | |
401.04.04.05 | —— Optical Receiver Mezzanines | 11767 | ||
401.04.04.06 | —— oSLB-oRM Optical Fibers | 11768 | ||
Fermilab Internal Cost and Schedule Assessment
Fermilab Internal Cost and Schedule AssessmentLHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project
Fermilab, May 15-17, 2013
This page contains links to documents to be assessed in this informal review of cost and schedule.
- See also Director's Independent Design Review
- Review agenda and links to presentations
Follow these instructions for reviewers to get access to the documents below in the CMS DocDB database.
Overview Documents
CMS-doc-# |
Key Assumptions | 11577 |
DRAFT: Project Execution Plan (PEP) | 11572 |
CMS/Fermilab Organization chart | 11804 |
US-CMS Upgrade Project Organization Chart | 11822 |
Conceptual Design Report (CDR) | 11562 |
WBS Structure (whole project, to level 3) | 11605 |
WBS Structure (401.02 HCAL, to lowest level) | 11606 |
WBS Structure (401.03 FPIX, to lowest level) | 11607 |
WBS Structure (401.04 L1 Trigger, to lowest level) | 11608 |
Glossary and WBS Dictionary | 11801 |
Risk Management Plan | 11701 |
Risk Register | 11707 |
Contingency Rules | 11598 |
Cost and Schedule
Cost Book at Level 1 (401 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project) | 11840 |
Cost Book at Level 2 (401.01 Project Management) | 11841 |
Cost Book at Level 2 (401.02 HCAL) | 11842 |
Cost Book at Level 2 (401.03 FPIX) | 11843 |
Cost Book at Level 2 (401.04 Trigger) | 11844 |
Cost Basis of Estimates (BoEs) | Index of BoEs |
Cost Basis of Estimates (BoEs) -- Guidelines | 11599 |
Schedule | 11836 |
Technical Design Reports
HCAL Upgrades Technical Design Report | CERN-LHCC-2012-015 |
Pixel Upgrades Technical Design Report | CERN-LHCC-2012-016 |
Monthly Status Reporting
Monthly Status ReportingThe status of the US-CMS Upgrades project is assessed and reported on a monthly basis, as follows:
1) Project Office
- Each month, the Project Office extracts from P6 two Excel files that show, for each L2 project:
- All activities that have/should have started and that are not yet completed and reported on.
- All resources assigned to the corresponding activities.
The associated data are also included (start/end dates, responsible institutions, M&S and labor needs, etc.).
- The files are posted as Google spreadsheets. This has the following advantages over the original Excel files:
- Only a web browser -- on Linux, Mac, or Windows -- is needed to edit the files (not MS Excel).
- Google docs supports multiple concurrent people working on the same document file.
- Secure access is provided, using the CAMs Google login.
- The Project Office informs the CAMs that the new files are available.
2) Control Account Managers (CAMs)
- Each month, the CAMs are notified that new files are ready to be filled with status data, as described below.
- The files will be in a USCMS Upgrades Google drive shared directory
- To open a Google file to edit it, just click on the file name.
Activity status files
The CAMs should complete the following empty columns, for their areas of responsibility:
- Actual Start date, if it has started, else write "Not started".
- Expected finish date if the task is still in progress (else leave blank).
- Actual Finish date if activity has finished, else leave blank.
- Activity % complete is the estimated fraction of the activity (e.g. deliverables) that is complete.
For reference, the "Start" and "Finish" columns shows the planned start and finish dates.
Activity Resource Assignment
For each resource, the CAMs should complete the following empty columns, for their areas of responsibility:
- Actual Units is the actual amount of the resource expended so far
- Remaining Early Units is the estimate of the amount of this resource required to complete the activity.
The "Resource Type" column indicates whether the resource is "Materials" (M&S base cost in dollars), Labor (Fermilab labor in hours), or Nonlabor (University labor in hours -- yes, the P6 nomenclature is unfortunate). The "Budgeted Units" columns shows the planned amount of units for this resource.
- After completing the files, the CAMs should notify their L2 manager.
3) L2 Manager
- The L2 Manager verifies the content of the CAM reports and resolves any potential issues with the CAMs.
- The L2 Manager notifies the PM when their two status files -- Activities and Resources -- are complete.
4) Project Manager
- The PM verifies the content of the L2 reports and resolves any potential issues with the L2s.
- The PM forwards the status reports to Project Controls and Project Finance.
5) Project Controls
- The Project Controls enters the reported schedule data into P6.
- The Project Controls generates a standard schedule impact monthly report.
6) Project Finance
- The project's Finance Controller enters the reported resource data into the COBRA system.
- The project's Finance Controller generates the standard earned value monthly reports.
7) Project Manager
- The PM reports on the project status to the various project oversight bodies.
PPT Slide Template
PPT Slide TemplateHere is a US-CMS Upgrades slide template using MS Powerpoint. To use it:
- Download the file and save under a new name
- Open the file and change the "Header and Footer" data (under "Insert" menu)
- Edit the "Master" slide under the "View" menu to delete / replace logo(s)
Redmine Issue Tracking
Redmine Issue TrackingWe are using the Fermilab Redmine issue tracking system to
- Keep track of general issues related to the upgrades project
- Handle minor change request items (e.g. a new cost number to enter in P6)
- To keep track of preparations for reviews
Access to Redmine requires a login with a Fermilab service account. Useful links:
- 401 - Upgrades project in Redmine
- All issues | High priority | Next 7 days
- My issues
- 401.01 PM
- 401.02 HCAL
- 401.03 FPIX
- 401.04 Trigger
Redmine admin notes:
- Users only appear in the user menu once they have tried to access Redmine for the first time. You can also manually enter a user into Redmine.
Risk Management
Risk ManagementThe LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project risk management process is described in the "Risk Management Plan" The risk planning process comprises the following steps:
Risk Identification
Qualitative Risk Analysis
Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses
- L2s: Summarize the risks to your project on this Risk Twiki page with the help of this Risk Checklist
- L2s: Ask all your team to improve the list. Remove duplicates. Consolidate overlaps.
- L2s: Fill in one Risk Web form per risk (takes < 5 minutes). Try to complete all fields (probability, impacts, response plans, etc.) if known.
- Risk Manager: collect data from all risk forms and create a single Risk Register.
- Risk Manager + Project Team: meet to review the risk register and fill in any missing data.
- Risk Manager: rank risks using probability and impact thresholds in the "Risk Management Plan"
- Risk Manager: aggregate project-wide cost risk impacts for high- and medium-ranked risks.
- Project Scheduler and Risk Manager: assess risk impacts on critical path and higher-level milestones.
- Project Manager: determine project cost and schedule range and risk cost contingency allocation.
- For CD1: preliminary risk responses, where known, will be documented in the Risk Register.
- For CD2: comprehensive risk response plans will be prepared.
US Upgrades PMGs
US Upgrades PMGsMonthly meetings of the Project Management Group for the "LHC CMS Detector Upgrades Project"
- 4th Meeting of the USCMS Upgrade PMG (17 April 2013)
- 3rd Meeting of the USCMS Upgrade PMG (20 March 2013)
- 2nd Meeting of the USCMS Upgrade PMG (20 February 2013)
- 1st Meeting of the USCMS Upgrade PMG (16 January 2013)
Uploading a document to DocDB
Uploading a document to DocDBUse the self-explanatory DocDB web form to add a new document. Under "Who can see this?" and "Who can modify this?"click "advanced" to show a list of all groups. Select from the list as appropriate. Use Control+Click or Command+Click to select multiple items in the menu, e.g.
- Public
- US ProjectOffice
- US Reviewers
Under Topics, please tag the document with as many topics as appropriate. Click the little + (plus) sign next to the topic name to see sub-topics. Notable top-level topics are:
- Countries → USA
- Upgrades
- Tracker → Pixels
- Trigger → L1 Trigger
Access Control to Documents in DocDB
- The US ProjectOffice DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-project-office egroup.
- The US Reviewers DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-reviewers egroup.
To add or remove users in these groups, just add or remove the person in the CERN e-group as described here.
Writing the US-CMS Upgrades CDR / TDR
Writing the US-CMS Upgrades CDR / TDRThe US-CMS Upgrades Conceptual Design Report (CDR) and Technical Design Report (TDR) are prepared using the standard CMS "tdr" system(*):
- The document is built from many files (sections, figures, etc.), so that many people can work concurrently.
- The files are all stored in the CMS svn repository.
- The "tdr" script is used to build a single PDF file of the complete CDR / TDR using all the input files.
Latest versions
See the latest TDR draft as a PDF file and as a DocDB record. See the final CDR in DocDB .
Getting started with the US-CMS CDR / TDR
Here is a record of a simple session that you can easily adjust to meet your own needs:
ssh -X -l lucas mkdir TDR-WORK cd TDR-WORK svn co -N svn+ssh:// svn update -N tdr2/reports svn update tdr2/utils svn update tdr2/reports/us-up-401-tdr eval `tdr2/utils/trunk/tdr runtime -csh` (for csh, tcsh and related shells) eval `tdr2/utils/trunk/tdr runtime -sh` (for sh and related shells) cd tdr2/reports/us-up-401-tdr/trunk tdr b us-up-401-tdr acroread /afs/
Using material from the Upgrade TDRs
For reference, a final snapshot of all the files used for the HCAL, Pixel and L1 Trigger Upgrade TDRs are available in imports directory:
Do not develop anything new in the imports directory. Copy what you need into the main TDR area (e.g. tex or fig directories).
Access Control
Access to the svn repository is controlled by CERN afs userid. If you need access and do not already have it, contact Lucas Taylor (or George Alverson).
More Documentation
- General instructions for accessing and building documents in svn
- The template document contains LaTeX tips, guidance and lists the available macros (e.g. particle definitions).
- BibTeX hints are in both the tex and bib files.
- General help on document production in CMS
- CMS style guide
(*) The CMS TDR system was developed by, and is now supported by: George Alverson and Lucas Taylor.