DOE and Fermilab Project Management Guidance
DOE and Fermilab Project Management GuidanceThe US-CMS Upgrades Project is subject to the DOE 413.3B Order relating to "Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets" as well as Fermilab requirements. For full details, see the left sidebar menu.
DOE 413 Program and Project Management Guidance
DOE 413 Program and Project Management GuidanceSee also:
- Search DOE website for all current DOE 413.3 documents
- 413.3B briefing by Dan Lehman
- Project Decision Matrix
Fermilab Office of Project Management Support (OPMO)
Fermilab Office of Project Management Support (OPMO)- Fermilab OPMO home page
- Fermilab's DOE 413 projects
- CD approval dates for all Fermilab 413 projects (incl. US-CMS Upgrades)
- Project contact persons for all Fermilab 413 projects (incl. US-CMS Upgrades)
- Project Procedures & EVMS
- CD1 requirements
- Project Office staffing guidance