CMS Awards

CMS Awards

The CMS Collaboration honors people that have made outstanding and exceptional contributions to the strength of CMS by rewarding several different awards. Each award and the list of winners can be found from the links given on the right. CMS Collaborators can find more information about nominations and selections for these awards here.

CMS Awards

In 2020 the CMS Award superseded the Detector and the Achievement awards that were awarded previously. Find more here.

Achievement Awards

Begun in 2007, the annual Achievement Awards honor individuals who have distinguished themselves by performing significant and lasting contributions to different components of the CMS experiment.
The recipients are selected by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Collaboration Board.
The award is presented yearly at a ceremony during the CMS week in February.

Detector Awards

The annual CMS Detector Awards are an acknowledgement to the CMS members that recently gave or are currently giving substantial and outstanding contributions to the project and construction of CMS detectors or parts of them, or in general implementations of upgrade projects.

PhD Thesis Award

Every year, the Ph.D. Thesis Award recognizes and rewards excellence in Ph.D. thesis research.
Selections for this prestigious award are made by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Collaboration board for students who submitted their Ph.Ds the previous year between November 1 and October 31 and they are recognized at the CMS week in June.
The thesis are judged on their content, originality, clarity of writing, and impact within CMS and the high energy physics in general and can be written on any CMS-related work (physics analysis, simulation, computing, detector development, engineering, etc.).
More information can be found here.

Young Researcher’s Medal and Prize

The CMS Young Researcher Prize is intended to recognize outstanding achievements of the young members of CMS, and so help them to obtain positions in our field or further afield. The Prize is to be awarded annually to several young* members of CMS who have made a very significant and sustained contribution to CMS over many years in any area (hardware, software, technical, analysis). The prize includes a cash sum of CHF 1000 and a momento for each recipient.

*Considered to have less than eight years of experience after gaining their Ph.D. in physics or less than 10 years of work experience for other areas.

Industry Awards

Starting in 2000, the CMS Collaboration has honored industrial companies that have made outstanding contributions to the construction of the experiment with the CMS Gold Award.
Companies who have demonstrated their excellence and engagement and who provide parts within specifications and on schedule are considered for this award.
Firms who, in addition, have made special efforts and taken initiative to work out technically and/or commercially better products are honored with the CMS Crystal Award.
Companies who have explored novel technologies and collaborated in R&D programs with CMS are candidates for this award. Find more here:

Named Lectures

Outstanding speakers chosen each year are given the opportunity to present their work during an opening plenary session of a CMS week and given an honorarium.
The lectures commemorate Peter Sharp and Lorenzo Foa for their exemplary careers.

Anonymous (not verified)

Achievement Awards

Achievement Awards

Begun in 2007, the annual Achievement Awards honor individuals who have distinguished themselves by performing significant and lasting contributions to different components of the CMS experiment.

On the right, you can find the names and citations of all awardees, organized by year.


Achievement Awards for CMS Construction 2010

Achievement Awards for CMS Construction 2010
Aspola Kirsti TRK For the the budgetary control of CMS subsystems.
Beaumont Wim TRK For the construction and testing of the CMS Tracker.
Berst Daniel TRK For the CMS Tracker Front End Hybrids.
Checcucci Bruno TRK For the Tracker Inner Barrel OptoHybrids.
Coughlan John TRK For the CMS Tracker off-detector electronics.
French Marcus TRK< For the CMS Tracker VLSI engineering.
Honma Alan TRK For the CMS Tracker silicon modules qualification.
Johnson Marvin TRK For the commissioning of the CMS Tracker.
Lepeule Patrick TRK For the contribution to engineering and installing the CMS beampipe.
Lumb Nick TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker End-Caps
Marchioro Sandro TRK For the contribution to the electronic systems of CMS.
Onnela Antti TRK For the contribution to the mechanics of the CMS TOB.
Palmonari Francesco TRK For the contribution to the integration of the CMS Tracker.
Parrini Giuliano TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker Power System.
Pernicka Manfred TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker readout electronics.
Raffaelli Fabrizio TRK For the contribution to the mechanics of the CMS TIB
Raymond Mark TRK For the contribution to the Tracker front end electronics
Streuli Silvan TRK For the contribution to the construction of the CMS pixel detector
Vasey Francois TRK For the contribution to the optical link technologies of CMS.
White Dean TRK For the contribution to the modules construction of the CMS Tracker.
Zorba Osman TRK For the contribution to the Tracker DAQ and Control Electronics.
Anfreville Marc ECAL For leadership of the Saclay laser monitoring team
Auffray-Hillemans Etiennette ECAL For leadership of the CERN ECAL Regional Centre Team
Bailleux David ECAL For the contribution to the ECAL monitoring lasers.
Dafinei Ioan ECAL For leadership of the Rome ECAL Regional Centre Team
Da Silva Jose Carlos ECAL For outstanding contribution to the ECAL Trigger/DAQ electronics.
Djambazov Lubomir ECAL For outstanding contribution to the ECAL Very-Front-End electronics.
Golubev Nikolay ECAL For leadership of the Russian Supercrystal Team.
Hill John ECAL For outstanding contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Endcaps.
Kogler Gabriele ECAL For the secretarial and administrative support to ECAL and CMS.
Korjik Mikhail ECAL For leadership of the Belarus crystal qualification team.
Lebeau Michel ECAL For contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Barrel.
Lustermann Werner ECAL For leadership of the ECAL electronics integration team
Mandjavidze Irakli ECAL For contribution to the ECAL off-detector electronics.
Musienko Yuri ECAL For leadership of the CERN APDlab Team.
Pellegrino Fabio ECAL For contribution to the assembly of the ECAL Barrel.
Sakhelashvili Tariel ECAL For contribution to the quality control of the production APDs.
Teller Olivier ECAL For contribution to the construction of the ECAL Barrel.
Trapani Pier Paolo ECAL For contribution to ECAL electronics, integration and installation at P 5.
Wertelaers Piet ECAL For outstanding contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Pre-shower.
Beaumont Wim HCAL For outstanding contribution to the CASTOR electronics
Bertoldi Maurizio HCAL For the high standards used in the supervision of HCAL production
Chendvankar Sanjay HCAL For the high standards used in the performance of the HO components
Churin Igor HCAL For outstanding contribution to HCAL mechanical design
Debbins Paul HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL source drivers
Grassi Tullio HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL Trigger and Receiver Boards
Hazen Eric HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL data concentrator cards
Heering Arjan HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL photodetectors
Kalmani Suresh HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Outer HCA system
Miller Michael HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL PMT bases and LED drivers
Orlov Alexander HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Endcap HCAL
Pathare Pramod HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Outer HCAL system
Schmidt Ianos HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL electronics
Shaw Terri HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL Front End Electronics
Smetannikov Vladimir HCAL For outstanding contribution to the YE1/HE interface
Vlassova Olga HCAL For outstanding contribution to the YE1/HE interface
Zalan Peter HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL component production
Abadjiev Konstantin Muon For outstanding contribution to RPC production and CMS underground installation
Benettoni Massimo Muon For outstanding contribution to the DT mechanical engineering design
Bondar Nikolai Muon For outstanding contribution to the CSC anode wire front end electronics
Bylsma Ben Muon For outstanding contributions to the CSC cathode strip front-end electronics
Calvo Enrique Muon For leadership in the tracker/muon optical alignment system
Chester Nelson Muon For leadership as CSC project engineer for construction
Clemente Adamantonio Muon For outstanding contribution to the RPC mechanical design
Dattola Domenico Muon For leadership in the construction and testing of the MB4 chambers at Torino
Giordano Vincenzo Muon For outstanding contributions to the production of DT cathodes
Gonella Franco Muon For leadership of the DT front end ASIC, the MAD and minicrate testing
Hilgers Guenter Muon For outstanding contribution to the DT HV boards and to the VDC system
Madorsky Alex Muon For leadership in the CSC high voltage system
Smolin Dmitri Muon For outstanding contribution to the ME1/1 muon chambers
Tchekhovski Vladimirr Muon For significant contribution to the ME1/1 chambers
Vicini Angelo Muon For major contribution to the RPC production and test at Pavia
Wenman Dan Muon For leadership in the CSC mechanical systems
Da Silva Jose Carlos TRIDAS see Tracker
Kudla Maciek TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the RPC Trigger system
Ero Janos TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the DT Muon Track Finder electronics
Taurok Toni TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the Global Trigger electronics
Matveev Mike TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the Endcap Muon trigger
Madorsky Alex TRIDAS see Muons
Kierzkowski Krzysztofr TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the RPC Muon Trigger electronics
Gigi Dominique TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the electronics for the central DAQ
Case Michael SWC For outstanding contribution to the detector description geometry
Muzaffar Shahzad SWC For outstanding contribution to the visualization and build system
Osborne Ianna SWC For outstanding contribution to the event display programs
Ratnikova Natalia SWC For outstanding contribution as a software librarian
Raymond Gilles SWC For major contribution to user support and CMS Centers Worldwide
Samyn Dirk SWC For leadership in the development and support of CMS Web systems
Tuura Lassi SWC For outstanding contribution to data quality monitoring and visualization
Wildish Tony SWC For outstanding contribution to data and workflow management
Cure Benoit Mag For outstanding contribution to the CMS Magnet and Coil
Fabbricatore Pasquale Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the Coil and Winding
Feyzi Farshid Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the CMS Endcaps
Gerwig Hubert Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the Barrel and the Lowering
Horvath Istvan Mag For outstanding contribution to the CMS Magnet Coil conductor
Levesy Bruno Mag For outstanding contribution to the general engineering of the Coil
Sgobba Stefano Mag For outstanding expertise in materials applied to the Coil welding operations
Alidra Maf TC For outstanding contribution to the assembly of subsystems and the entire experiment
Chauvey Michel TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Chatelain Jean-Paul TC For outstanding supervision and design, notably for BRM, ECAL and RPC
Di Vincenzo Sandro TC For sustained contribution to the barrel muon detector and beampipe
Dos Santos Silverio TC For crucial contribution to the CMS power distribution systems
Faber Gerard TC For leadship as CMS Integration Coordinator
Favre Marc TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Girod Jean-Pierre TC For important contributions to CMS assembly and resource management at point 5
Hudson Dawn TC For outstanding contribution in support of CMS construction and commissioning
Kurenkov Alexander TC For leadership of RDMS teams in their contribution to CMS assembly
Osborne John TC For outstanding contribution to the Civil Engineering of CMS
Petiot Pascal TC For exceptional support in testing and installing CMS subdetectors
Pothier Jean TC For outstanding contribution to test beam set-up and general safety
Sauce Herve TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Szoncso Fritz TC For outstand ingcontributions to the CMS configuration and trigger system.
Stefanovitch Roman TC For exceptional effort in the design and assembly of HCAL and in underground assembly
Surkov Alexandre TC For outstanding contribution to the mechanical design of CMS detectors
Trapani Pier Paolo TC see ECAL
Waurick Gerhard TC For outstanding contribution to the moving and heavy lifting systems
Wensveen Martin TC For outstanding contribution to the CMS cabeling effort
Aspola Kirsti Admin see Tracker
Azeglio Madeleine Admin For outstanding support and helpfulness under challenging conditions
Hudson Dawn Admin see TC
Kogler Gabriele Admin see ECAL
Kramer Tami Admin For outstanding contribution to support of CMS visiting physicists
Lissajoux Anne Admin For outstanding continous support of the Magnet and Coordination projects
Pelloux Marie-Claude Admin For leadership of the CMS Secretariat and support of the Spokesperson
Alidra Maf RC see TC
Aspola Kirsti RC see tracker
Badgett Bill RC For outstanding contribution to Web Based Monitoring
Di Vincenzo Sandro RC see TC
Dos Santos Silverio RC see TC
Hudson Dawn RC see TC
Trapani Pier Paolo RC see ECAL

Achievement Awards 2007

Achievement Awards 2007
System Name Institution Citation
Tracker Christophe Delaere Louvain major contributions to the tracker online software
Tracker Stefano Mersi CERN decisive contributions to tracker testing and integration
ECAL Paolo Meridiani CERN great contributions to ECAL software development
ECAL Pasquale Musella LIP important contributions to ECAL DAQ
HCAL Efe Yazgan METU crucial contributions to HCAL Global runs, Cruzet and Craft
HCAL Kerem Cankocak Iowa major contributions to HF construction and commissioning
Muon Phillip Killewald Ohio State decisive expertise on CSC hardware and software
Muon Christina Fernandez Bedoya CIEMAT, Madrid critical contributions to the development of the DT read out system
Tridas Karol Bunkowski Warsaw major contributions to the L1 RPC trigger system
Tridas Robert Gomez-Reino CERN decisive contributions to the Detector Control System
Commissioning Arno Heister Boston important contributions to the HCAL run control and first global runs
Commissioning Kristian Hahn MIT decisive input for integration of the tracker into global running
Software, Computing Maarten Thomas Aachen leadership in the CMS Monte Carlo production
Software, Computing Benedikt Hegner CERN critical contributions to CMS software development

Achievement Awards 2008

Achievement Awards 2008
System Name Institution Citation
Tracker Souvik Das Cornell major help in the development of pixel online software
Tracker Robert Stringer UCR crucial contributions to the development of the tracker control system
ECAL Jason Haupt Minn crucial contributions to the ECAL commissioning
ECAL Toyoko Orimoto Caltech decisive leadership in the ECAL prompt feedback group
HCAL Jordan Damgov Sofia major contributions to analysis of test beam data, Global data and iCS08
HCAL Ellie Lockner Maryland important contributions to operations and shift scheduling for HCAL
Muon Marina Giunta INFN, Bologna decisive contributions to DT DCS and monitoring software
Muon Greg Rakness UCLA important contributions to installation and commissioning of the CSC
Tridas Christian Hartl Vienna making crucial contributions to the L1 Global Trigger system
Tridas Andrea Petrucci UCSD making decisive contributions to the DAQ run control
Commissioning Andre David LIP key efforts on the ECAL DAQ and central run operations
Commissioning Paolo Rumerio Maryland great responsibilities taken for HCAL and central run operations
Software, Computing Dave Mason Fermilab being established as key member of the data operations team
Software, Computing Giovanni Petrucciani Pisa major contributions to the Physics Analysis Tools task force

Achievement Awards 2009

Achievement Awards 2009
System Name Institution Citation for
Tracking Mauro Dinardo U of Colorado Outstanding contribution to the commissioning of the Pixel detector
Tracking Domenico Giordano Bari/CERN Excellent contribution to the calibration of the Silicon Stip Tracker
ECAL Emanuele Di Marco Roma Major contributions to ECAL powering and data quality monitoring
ECAL Alessandro Thea ETH Outstanding contributions to the ECAL data acquisition system
HCAL Phillip Dudero U Minn Crucial development and maintenance of the RBXManager
HCAL Radek Ofierzinsky NW U Outstanding contribution to HCAL software
Muon Camilo Carrillo U. de los Andes Major Ccontributions to RPC track reconstruction
Muon Roberto Guida CERN Crucial contributions to the DT gas systems in all aspects
Tridas Roland Moser Technical U., Vienna Critical contributions to the DAQ online software infrastructure
Tridas Luigi Guiducci CERN Outstanding work as the DT Local Trigger Coordinator
Commissioning Jim Pivarski Texas A&M Leadership in the alignment of the muon systems using halo data
Commissioning Gianni Masetti Bologna Major contributions in DT system integration into CMS
SWC Josh Bendavid MIT Playing a crucial role co-ordination of the T0 data processing
SWC Valdas Rapsevicius Florida U Major contributions to the central DQM book keeping software


Photos from Achievement Awards 2009 ceremony:



Achievement Awards 2010

Achievement Awards 2010
Name Institution System Citation - "For"
Gordon Kaussen Cornell Tracking outstanding contributions to the calibration of the strip tracker
Joshua Thompson Hamburg Tracking outstanding contributions to the operations of the pixel tracker
Syue-Wei Li NCU Taiwan ECAL outstanding contributions to the Preshower detector
Rachel Yohay Virginia ECAL outstanding contributions to the Preshower detector
Ted Laird Princeton HCAL outstanding contributions to the HCAL technical trigger system
Jeff Temple Maryland HCAL outstanding contributions to the HCAL Data Quality Monitoring system
Amanda Deisher UCLA Muon outstanding contributions to the Cathode Strip Chamber trigger and timing
Carlo Battilana Madrid - CIEMAT Muon outstanding contributions to the timing of the Muon Drift Tubes
Pablo Martinez Ruiz del Arbol ETH - Zurich Muon outstanding contributions to the Muon alignment program
Jessica Leonard Wisconsin Tridas outstanding work on the Regional Calorimeter Trigger and emulation
Anton Myttrov Bari - INFN Commissioning outstanding contributions to commissioning the RPC system
Adam Hunt Princeton Commissioning outstanding contributions to the luminosity system
Annapaola de Cosa Napoli - INFN SWC outstanding contributions to the Analysis Tools project
Daniele Spiga CERN SWC taking major responsibility for the CRAB project.

Photos from the Achievement Awards 2010 ceremony:



Achievement Awards 2011

Achievement Awards 2011
Name Institution System Citation "For"
Andrea Benaglia Milano-Bicocca(student) ECAL contribution to calibration and monitoring of ECAL with isolated electrons
Yong Yang Caltech (student) ECAL contributions to intercalibration of ECAL with pi0's and eta's
Jean-Roch Vlimant UCSB(postdoc) Offline excellent work in the reconstruction project as convener as well as in the daily offline operations
Salvatore di Guida CERN(postdoc) Offline excellent work on the infrastructue for alignment and calibration workflows
Jacob Linacre FNAL (postdoc) Computing excellent contributions to CMS Data Processing
David Sperka Boston University (student) Trigger outstanding HLT work on CPU performance, muon triggers and on-call support"
Alex Mott Caltech (student) Trigger outstanding HLT work on monitoring, noise filters, SUSY triggers and on-call support"
Anna Cimmino Ghent (post-doc) Muons contribution in the RPC DQM design and development.
Chris Farrell UCLA (student) Muons contribution in the CSC muon reconstruction.
Ben Kreis Cornell (student pixel) Tracker outstanding contribution to Pixel detector commissioning, calibration and operation."
Christian Barth KIT (student strip) Tracker outstanding contribution to Tracker radiation damage studies, DCS and operation. "
Yi Chen Caltech (student) HCAL outstanding contribution to the development and implementation of HCAL noise filters
Taylan Yetkin Iowa (post-doc) HCAL leadership in HCAL operations and improvements in the HF detector and data quality
Ekaterina Kuznetsova DESY (Postdoc) HCAL outstanding contribution to CASTOR commissioning and calibration
Gian Piero di Giovanni Univ. of Florida(postdoc) TriDas work in the development and commissioning of the CSC muon trigger
Sho Maruyama UC Davis (student) TriDas work on the development of WBM trigger monitoring
Jake Anderson FNAL (postdoc) Upgrade outstanding contribution to HCAL upgrade simulations
Andrzej Zuranski Princeton (student) Run contributions to the operation of the CMS luminosity measurement
James Hirschauer FNAL (postdoc) Run contributions to the operations of the CMS HCAL and prompt feedback
Ivan Amos Cali MIT (postdoc) Run leading the effort to commission CMS for heavy ion readout

Achievement Awards 2012

Achievement Awards 2012
Name Institution System Nomination
Shervin Nourbakhsh Universita' di Roma La Sapienza and INFN Roma-1 (student) ECAL decisive contribution to the ECAL calibration and resolution studies
Yutaro Ilyama Canergie-Mellon U. (student) ECAL decisive contribution to the ECAL Data Quality Monitoring
Danilo Piparo CERN PPD excellent work in the Physics data MC validation (PdmV) project as convener as well as in the daily offline operations
Sho Maruyama FNAL PPD excellent work on the data certification
Piergiulio Lenzi Universita' di Firenze Offline  
Slava Krutelyov UCSD Offline  
Juliette Alimena Brown univ Trigger implementation of triggers for long-lived particles and outstanding contributions to HLT code and trigger menu integration
Lucie Gautier UIC Trigger trigger menu development, implementation of SUSY triggers and outstanding service as an HLT on-call expert "
Antonio Branca Padua (Student) Muons important contributions to the DT-DQM, which, thanks to his implementation of well designed tests, is able to certify the data quality with great accuracy"
Danielle Fasanella Bologna (postdoc) Muons outstanding contribution in supporting the DT PVSS , HV and LV systems, for which he developed numerous functionalities for dealing with difficult problems, such as the VCON error in the LV, making it one of the key elements for the DT excellent peformance in the past two years."
Erik Butz MIT (postdoc) Tracker important contribution to strip-Tracker operations and his major role in assuring the highest availability and best performance of the strip detector during the full p-p running period.
Janos Karancsi Univ. Debrecen Tracker important contribution to our understanding of pixel-detector efficiency in very high rate conditions, in addition to his detailed studies of transient and cumulative radiation effects."
Sudarshan Paramesvaran UC Riverside (postdoc) HCAL outstanding contributions to the HCAL commissioning and operations with his leading role in 2012.
Edmund A. Berry Princeton U. (student) HCAL excellent contribution to the HCAL operations and DAQ expertise.
Jeffrey Wood U. of Kansas (Student() HCAL outstanding contribution to the ZDC development and operations .
Nadir Daci LLR (student) TriDas studies of the L1 Electron-Photon trigger performance including ECAL spike killing
Giuseppe Codispoti UAM (postdoc) TriDas maintaining, operating and monitoring the DT Track-finder trigger, including its software"
Kevin Pedro Maryland (student) Upgrade development of simulation tools andstudies for forward calorimetry concepts
Mark Grimes Bristol (postdoc) Upgrade studies on physics performance with the pixel detector upgrade
Juan Antonio Lopez Perez FNAL Run outstanding contribution to the development of online monitoring tools in WBM and persistent support during the run
Ivan Amos Cali MIT Run contribution to the preparation, commissioning and coordination of CMS for the Heavy Ion run"

Achievement Awards 2013

Achievement Awards 2013

Achievement Awards 2013

Krajczar Krisztian CERN Run Coordination For his contribution to the CMS High Level Trigger during the p-Pb run in 2013. His work on the High Level Trigger was crucial for the smooth operation during the Heavy Ion run and for the high data taking efficiency and data quality.
Soha Aron FNAL Run Coordination For his contribution to the development of WBM and for improving the performance and robustness of WBM for online monitoring.
Demiragli Zeyenep Brown University Trigger Coordination For development of the new OpenHLT tool for menu studies, construction of the "half rate" benchmark menu and continuous contribution to the trigger menu studies done in the context of the STEAM group of the TSG.
Trocino Daniele Northeastern University Trigger Coordination For the outstanding work in convening the trigger in the Muon POG, providing an excellent muon trigger during the key years of the Higgs discovery and further improvements in view of the coming challenges.
Borrello Laura University of Wisconsin PPD For her contribution to the coordination of the Data Certification activity within the DQM group and for her work to improve and streamline the certification procedures.
Ojeda Miguel CERN PPD For his leading contribution to the development and deployment of several essential tools for CMS, spanning from services for Conditions management in the AlCaDB group, web applications for the PdmV group to the TagCollector for release integration.
Kortelainen Matti Helsinki Institute of Physics Offline For his work in performance tool development and studies in the areas of Reconstruction, HLT, and DQM since 2010.
Abdurachmanov David Vilnius University Offline For his achievements in solving some of the exceptionally difficult problems in porting and migrating CMSSW software to new architectures and new versions of external products like ROOT, in addition to his years of service as a CMSSW release manager.
Malta Rodrigues Alan Rio de Janeiro Computing For critical contributions to the operations team as the principle person producing the RelVal samples.
Dahmes Bryan Dahmes University of Minnesota Upgrades For his work on exotic physics studies for the ECFA workshop, and to demonstrate the motivation of a tracking extension to mitigate PU effects in the VBF jet tagging region.
Hughes Elliot Rutgers Upgrades For his involvement in the qualification of the QIE chip for the HCAL Phase 1 upgrade.
Levin Andrew MIT Upgrades For his work to develop the implementation of flexible geometry in the CMSSW fast simulation framework.
Zejdl Petr CERN Tridas For the development of a simplified TCP/IP protocol in an FPGA for the new CMS DAQ system.
Iles Greg Imperial College Tridas For his leading contribution to electronics design in the Level-1 Trigger project, in particular as a pioneer of high-speed optical serial links and large-scale FPGAs upon which the Phase 1 upgrade of the Level-1 trigger is based.
Yohay Rachel UC Davis Tracker For her outstanding contribution to Pixel repair and maintenance work, and leading role in 2013.
Hreus Tomas Zurich University Tracker For his outstanding contribution to the Tracker DPG work, and leading role in 2012-2013.
Marone Matteo INFN Trieste ECAL For his long-term commitment to the ECAL performance, from beam test analysis to construction and in-situ commissioning, and now as co-convener of the ECAL Prompt Feedback Group.
Lucchini Marco Milano-Bicocca, CERN ECAL For his outstanding contribution to understanding the longevity of the ECAL, through his coherent and systematic analyses of beam tests of irradiated crystals.
Lutz Benjamin DESY HCAL For excellent organization of the process of carrying out full replacement of HPD to SiPMs.
Saka Halil Princeton HCAL For his outstanding individual contribution to the quality of the HCAL physics dataset.
Van Haevermaet Hans Antwerp University CASTOR For his outstanding contribution into the CASTOR hardware and software development, test beam studies and data analysis.
Suarez Indara Texas A&M University MUONS For her work on the integration and commissioning of the new electronics for the ME1/1 region of the Cathode Strip Chambers.
Colafranceschi Stefano CERN MUONS For outstanding work contributing towards the efficient running of the RPC system.

Achievement Awards 2014

Achievement Awards 2014

Achievement Awards 2014

Dr. Martina Malberti University of California Riverside Tracker "For her contributions to FPIX repairs and development of faster calibration algorithms."
Dr. Frank Meier University of Nebraska Tracker "For his continuous effort in Tracker Alignment and Pixel Phase I module construction."
Dr. Seth Cooper University of Alabama HCAL "For his outstanding contribution to the development and commissioning of the HCAL wire-source calibration system, re-establishing HCAL sourcing after 7 years and for the very first time in P5."
Ms. Monika Mittal Panjab University HCAL "For her extensively and consistently work on all aspects of the HO upgrade project."
Dr. Arabella Martelli Milano Bicocca ECAL "For her outstanding contributions that led to the improved simulation of the ECAL response in Run I, and for the implementation of the ECAL response evolution model that is used in HL-LHC simulations."
Mr. Michael Planer Notre Dame ECAL "For his dedication to understanding the ECAL hardware longevity and its performance in the HL-LHC era."
Dr. Brian Dorney CERN Upgrades "For his outstanding contribution to the HCAL upgrade and more recently in developing the technique for the full assembly chain and quality control of the GEM chambers."
Dr. Lindsey Gray FNAL Upgrades "For his leading role in the software developments of the PFlow reconstruction with the new upgrade EC concepts and for the optimization of the EG software for performance studies."
Dr. Mark Pesaresi Imperial College London Upgrades "For his seminal studies of the Pt-module concept for track trigger; and for major contributions to the validation of the CBC ASIC chip and the development of the FC7 card used for the new TCDS system and the Phase 1 Pixel DAQ."
Dr. Andrea Triossi INFN Padova and CERN Muons "For his contribution to the DT TwinMux electronics for the Lv1 Trigger upgrade."
Dr. Manuel Franco Sevilla UC Santa Barbara Muons "For outstanding design and construction of the 72 Optical Data MotherBoards (ODMB) that control and read out the Digital CFEB electronics that were installed on ME1/1 chambers during LS1."
Dr. Giovanni Franzoni CERN PPD "For his outstanding contribution to the physics validation activity, the coordination of the MC and data processing requests in the PdmV team."
Dr. Gaelle Boudoul CNRS-IN2P3/Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 PPD "For her paramount role in the organization and validation of the MC production for the upgrade studies for the High Luminosity LHC."
Dr. Marco Mascheroni Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca Computing "For his work as project leader of the new CMS Distributed Analysis Tool CRAB3."
Dr. Ivan Glushkov University of Sofia Computing "For aiding in the seamless transition of server configuration infrastructure, his contributions to CMS Computing operations, and he work as computing operations liaison to IT."
Dr. Mark Grimes University of Bristol Offline "For the development, organization and integration of the simulation and reconstruction software for the Phase 2 technical proposal software."
Eng. David Mendez Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota Offline "For automation introduced in automating the CMSSW release process and improvements in automated quality assurance performed during integration of requested changes into CMSSW. This work has resulted in a large increase in the number of simultaneous development fronts that can be supported by the release integration team."
Dr. Mia Tosi INFN and University of Padova TSG "For her outstanding work as the trigger convener for the tracking POG and for providing significant improvements in the quality and timing of the on-line tracking that will allow the HLT to run complex algorithms at the high pileup expected in the LHC Run 2."
Ms. Inga Bucinskaite UIC Chicago TSG "For her outstanding contributions to trigger menu development, in particular for providing global trigger menu rate estimates for different beam energies and HLT menus, thereby enabling the development of balanced trigger menus for a variety of boundary conditions."
Dr. Michele Gallinaro LIP, Lisbon CT-PPS "For his strenuous effort to assure the timely completion of the CT-PPS TDR and for the excellent coordination of its physics studies."
Dr. Jonathan Jason Hollar Université Catholique de Louvain CT-PPS "For his outstanding contributions to the CT-PPS TDR, particularly the feasibility study on the measurement of exclusive WW production."
Eng. Aurelie Maurisset University of Wisconsin TC "For her dependable reliability, attention to detail and innovation during the long campaign of measurements supporting LS1, which ensured accurate knowledge of the geometry and position of CMS elements."
Mr. Alvaro Villa Recio CERN TC "For his leading role in the engineering design of the YE4 "pushback" system and his enthusiastic participation in its implementation in the CMS experimental cavern."
Dr. Daniel Duggan Rutgers University Run "For his leading contribution to the redesign, deployment, and commissioning of the CMS Online Data Quality Monitoring system and its use as a fundamental tool to commission the detector in preparation for Run 2."
Dr. Anne Dabrowski CERN BRIL "For leading the technical implementation of a series of innovative and novel Beam Conditions and Luminosity Instrumentation in LS1 and for steering the Radiation Simulation for the CMS Phase II Upgrade planning."
Dr. Dean Hidas Rutgers University BRIL "For his leading role in the building of the Silicon Pixel Luminosity Telescope for CMS."
Eng. Marcelo Vicente LIP, Lisbon; now at University of Wisconsin TriDAS "For his key contributions to the upgrade of the calorimeter trigger system, particularly his work on the oSLB - oRM system that links the CMS calorimeters to the Level-1 trigger."
Dr. Andrew Rose Imperial College London TriDAS "For his early work on track triggers and for the development and implementation of time-multiplexed algorithms for the calorimeter trigger."

Achievement Awards 2015

Achievement Awards 2015

 Achievement Awards 2015

Name Institute System Nomination
Clint Richardson Boston University, doctoral student Trigger Coordination For his outstanding High Level Trigger work on CPU performance and online operations.
Silvio Donato Universita di Pisa & INFN, doctoral student Trigger Coordination For his outstanding work on High Level Trigger menu development, b-tagging triggers and online operations."
Krisztian Krajczar Massachusetts Institute of Technology Trigger Coordination For his outstanding work on High Level Trigger menu development for Heavy Ion data taking.
Ted Kolberg University of Maryland HCAL For his leadership and contributions as the HCAL Operations manager during the commissioning phase of Run 2.
Victor Khristenko University of Iowa, doctoral student HCAL For his strong and numerous contributions to many aspects of the most urgent and demanding HCAL tasks for data taking, such as DQM and HCAL Operations."
Matthew Walker Rutgers Tracker For outstanding and continuous contributions to the Strip Tracker DAQ, Tracker operation and training of newcomers, as well as being very active in the Tracking POG working on track selection based on a MVA technique."
Simon Spannagel DESY, doctoral student Tracker For his contribution to many essential aspects of the Pixel Phase I upgrade project among which the measurement of the performance of the iterations of the Pixel ROC and the development of the test software for the module production.
Erik Butz KIT Run Coordination For invaluable tools used by all CMS subsystems to diagnose run-time problems ex post facto.
Sudarshan Paramesvaran University of Bristol Run Coordination For the commissioning of the Stage-1 and Stage-2 calorimeter trigger upgrades.
Giacomo Cucciati Milano Bicocca ECAL For his leadership of the ECAL DAQ group, and for his dedication to ECAL DAQ and Trigger commissioning and operation at P5."
Rafael Teixeira de Lima Northeastern University, doctoral student ECAL For his leading contributions to ECAL DAQ development and his support of ECAL DAQ installations at P5 and B904.
Lukas Vanelderen Hamburg University Computing & Offline For his outstanding contribution on the Fast Simulation (FASTSIM) for CMS Offline.
Farrukh Aftab Khan National Centre for Physics in Pakistan, computer scientist Computing & Offline For his outstanding contribution on the operations of the glideinWMS infrastructure for CMS Computing.
Federico De Guio CERN PPD For his vital role in managing the CMS Data Quality Monitoring infrastructure.
Antanas Norkus Vilnius University, computing scientist PPD For his outstanding contribution to the Release Validation and Monte Carlo production in PPD.
Aram Apyan MIT, doctoral student Upgrade For the study of the VBF H to tau-tau flagship physics signal to motivate major upgrades in the Phase II Technical Proposal and in the Scope Document.
Cesare Calabria Bari Upgrade For the development of the reconstruction software and the performance studies of the new Phase II forward muon chambers.
Francesco Micheli Zurich-ETH Upgrade For the development of the DAQ for the calorimeter upgrades test beams and the sustained support to all groups during the test periods.
Pierre Rose CERN, mechanical engineer Upgrade For the development of engineering designs, the modeling and the prototyping of the Outer Tracker modules."
Anna Cimmino Gent University Muons For her outstanding contribution to the commissioning and operation of the RPC system in 2015.
Evaldas Juska Fermilab, software professional) Muons For his outstanding contribution over many years to the CSC online software including DCS and the CSC Expert System.
Jeroen Hegeman CERN, applied physicist TriDAS For outstanding contributions to the development and operation of the new Trigger Control and Distribution System.
Maxime Guilbaud Rice University TriDAS For outstanding contributions to the development and operation of the upgraded Level-1 calorimeter trigger for heavy-ion and proton-proton collisions in 2015.
Zhen Xie Princeton University, software engineer BRIL For building and maintaining the brildaq system that has revolutionised the process of acquisition for non-event data.
Sophie Mallows KIT, radiation physicist BRIL For steering the Radiation Simulation task in BRIL and providing vital information for the upgrade planning of CMS.
    CT-PPS No nominations this year from CT-PPS. This is not due to the lack of excellent colleagues. Given the size of the team and the wish that Achievement Awards are exceptional indeed, it is more adequate to nominate less frequent."
Michael Hoch HEPHY Nomination from the CB Chairpersons team supported by the CB Advisory Group and the Head of CMS Communication For his outstanding contributions to CMS outreach and education programs, as well as for his creation of and dedication to the art@CMS program."

Achievement Awards 2016

Achievement Awards 2016

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Achievement Awards 2016

L1 Trigger

Zhenbin Wu University of Illinois at Chicago postdoc For his extensive and indispensable work on the development of the Level-1 trigger menus"
Thomas Strebler Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3- CNRS doctoral student For his outstanding contributions to the development of the electron and photon finder for the Level-1 calorimeter trigger upgrade"

Trigger Coordination

Dominick Olivito Univ. of California San Diego (UCSD) postdoc For his exemplary work on the trigger development and performance studies for Standard Model physics and SUSY searches, and the use of ``tracker muons'' at HLT"
Nadir Daci Vrije Universiteit Brussel postdoc For his extensive work, initiative and oversight of the High Level Trigger rate studies, menu development, and validation, and for his work on the trigger development for Exotica searches"


Fabio Ravera INFN-Torino doctoral student “For his invaluable contributions in the development, characterization, testing and data analysis of 3D silicon pixel detectors for CT-PPS”
Finn Rebassoo LLNL, Livermore postdoc “For his extraordinary performance in the design, construction, testing, and installation of the CT-PPS precision clock system in the LHC tunnel”


Douglas Berry CHICAGO postdoc “For leading the testing, debugging and repairing of all Phase I Forward Pixel modules in preparation for their installation on the half disks”
Francesco Fiori TAIPEI-NTU postdoc “For leading the Tracker DQM group during the challenging first two years of Run 2 and the preparation for the pixel upgrade, and for establishing an effective Tracker Prompt Feedback Group”

Run Coordination

Mario Galanti Rochester postdoc “For his contributions to the simultaneous operations of the Hadronic Calorimeter and commissioning of multiple phase-1 upgrades”
Dinyar Rabady HEPHY doctoral student “For his significant contributions to the upgrade Global Muon Trigger and support to the upgrade Global Trigger”


Marco Peruzzi CERN postdoc “For his leading contributions to ECAL Run Coordination during CMS Run II”
Pierre Depasse Lyon permanent staff “For his leading contributions to online operations and offline reconstruction via his management of the ECAL databases”


Erica Brondolin HEPHY doctoral student “For her contributions as main developer of the track reconstruction software for the new implementation of the Tracker geometry for the Phase II upgrade TDR studies”
Andrey Marinov ULB-Brussels postdoc “For his longstanding contributions to the development of large size GEM for the GEM1/1 project, and has a key role in preparing the slice test that will be installed during the 2016 EYETS”
Louise Skinnari Cornell postdoc “For her outstanding contributions in the development of the software for the Track-Trigger formation based a tracklet approach, and for her studies of the overall L1-trigger performance for the Phase II Upgrade Technical Proposal”
Danila Tlisov Moscow-INR postdoc “For his major contributions to the qualification of the radiation tolerance of the Phase I HCAL front-end readout and his key role in the preparation and operation of the Castor Radiation Facility essential to validate the scintillator devices for the Phase II Hadron Barrel and Back Hadron Endcap Calorimeters”

PPD coordination

Marco Musich Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) postdoc “For his outstanding contributions to the Alignment and Calibration group”
Matti Kortelainen CERN postdoc “For his vital contributions to the performance of the CMS track reconstruction”

Endcap Calorimeter Upgrade project

Rajdeep Chatterjee Minnesota postdoc “For his outstanding contributions to the commissioning, operation and analysis of tests of HGCAL prototypes in beams at Fermilab and CERN”
Thomas Pierre-Emile LLR mechanical engineer “For his outstanding contributions to the engineering work developing the design, performing comprehensive and rigorous engineering analysis, and the material tests and prototyping for the EE structure for the Endcap Calorimeter”


Jared Sturdy Wayne State University postdoc “For his work in the GEM subdetector, leading the GEM online software and commissioning group for over a year in preparing for the GE1/1 demonstrator to be installed at the start of 2017”
Jacopo Pazzini Padua University and INFN postdoc “For his work in the DT subdetector, writing DAQ software of the TwinMux, taking care of the DT longevity tests at the GIF++ facility, and operations as a DT DOC”


Mehmet Ozgur Sahin DESY postdoc “For his development and commissioning of the firmware for the ngFEC card for the Phase-I upgrades”
Ohannes Kamer Koseyan Bogazici University doctoral student “For his contributions to the testing of the QIE10 cards for the HF Phase-I upgrade”

Computing and Offline

Nicolo Magini Fermilab software engineer “For his sustained and very critical contributions to the development and support of the PhEDEx dataset replication system and the work done in co-coordinating the workload and data management development sector in Software/Computing”


Paul Lujan University of Canterbury postdoc “For the commissioning and operation of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope and for the management of CMS online luminosity“
Arkady Lokhovitskiy University of Canterbury engineer “For maintaining all of the behind the scenes computing and hardware systems of BRIL and for countless contributions to the work and success of all of his colleagues”

Achievement Awards 2017

Achievement Awards 2017

Achievement Awards 2017

​ ​ ​


Philipp Brummer CERN   For outstanding contributions to the Run Control System of CMS, which resulted in powerful diagnostic tools and an improved operations efficiency.

Run Coordination

Josh Kunkle U. Maryland   For sustained and critical contributions to leading HCAL Operations, and for dedication to the running of the CMS experiment.

Run Coordination / Trigger (joint)

Sara Fiorendi INFN Milano-Bicocca   For dedicated and outstanding work on the measurement of the CMS luminous region; for major contributions to the development and maintenance of the HLT muon reconstruction; and for the development and support of many HLT paths involving muons.


Laurent Thomas Bruxelles, Florida pstatus For playing a major role in the development and checks of the SUSY HLT trigger paths, and for contributions to many different aspects of the TSG activities.
Zhenyu Chen Rice University postdoc For playing a major role in the preparation, deployment and operation of all trigger menus related to the Heavy Ion running in the last few years.

Level 1 Trigger

Thomas Reis CERN postdoc For exceptional contributions to the Level-1 Muon Trigger.
Pierluigi Bortignon Florida doctoral student For exceptional leadership of the Level-1 Trigger Detector Performance Group.


Diego Figueiredo U. Rio de Janeiro postdoc For outstanding contributions in the development, commissioning and operation of the data acquisition system of the CT-PPS detectors.
Nicola Minafra U. Kansas   For exceptional dedication and creativity in the design, construction, and integration of fast timing detectors into CT- PPS.


Peter Tsrunchev U. Sofia   The development of almost real-time analysis of the CMS emittance scans allowing for prompt monitoring of the stability of the online luminosity calibration and rapid identification of problems.
Jonas Daugalas Vilnius U. postdoc For developing novel web- monitoring tools of BRIL data based on elastic-search database technology that has enabled the remote visualization and analysis of detector data in real-time.
Chris Palmer Princeton   For leading contributions to Luminosity measurement using Pixel Cluster Counting Analysis and HF Transverse Energy Algorithms and leadership in the Luminosity Calibration.


Gurpreet Singh Chahal (Chulalongkorn U.,Durham, ICL   For leadership in the Physics Data Monte Carlo Validation team, and for outstanding contributions to management of the production of CMS Monte Carlo events and, in particular, for his dedication to the production of upgrade samples for the preparation of the Phase-2 TDRs.
Arun Kumar NTU pstatus For leadership in the Alignment Calibration and Database team; impact on the preparation of the legacy re-reconstruction of the 2016 data; preparation of the data-taking and operation condition updates during the 2017 run.

Offline S&C

Todor Ivanov U. Sofia   "For running and improving the CMS Distributed Analysis infrastructure.
Kevin Pedro Fermilab   For outstanding work on and leadership of the software for the CMS upgrades.
Yutaro Iiyama MIT   For outstanding work as Data Transfer coordinator, operator and architect of the high impact dynamic data management tool Dynamo.


Jeremie Alexander Merlin CERN   For significant contributions to aging and discharge studies of GEM detectors; for his role in driving the construction and validation of the GE1/1 slice test chambers; and for optimization of quality control procedures for the production of GE1/1 detectors for LS2 installation.
David Morse Northeastern U.   For leading the CSC electronics testing and diagnostic facility throughout Run 1 and 2, and for outstanding contribution to the planning and coordination of the CSC upgrade work during LS2.
Luca Pernie (Texas A&M)   For driving a major overhaul of the muon alignment system over several years, and for the development and maintenance of software enabling delivery of high quality alignment geometries throughout 2016-17.


Stefanos Leontsinis CU Boulder   For playing an important role as Pixel detector Run Field Manager and Technical Field Coordinator since June 2016, including the preparation for and the execution of the extraction of the old detector and the installation, commissioning and debugging of the new pixel detector.
Matthias Schroeder Karlsruhe U.   For convening the Tracker alignment group since 2015, and for carefully preparing the alignment of the new pixel detector within a few weeks after the start of the 2017.
Adish Vartak UC San Diego   For coordinating the Strip Tracker DAQ group under increased load, maintaining very high-quality tuning of the detector, and ensuring smooth running throughout the whole year.


Andrea Massironi Northeastern U.   For outstanding work on the ECAL performance, for the development of the ECAL alignment procedure and for dedicated support of the data acquisition system.
Simone Pigazzini INFN Milano-Bicocca   For dedication to understanding the evolution of the ECAL response & for outstanding contribution to the ECAL Upgrade test beams.


Pavel Bunin JINR   For leading contributions to the preparation and operation of the HE Phase-1 burn-in facility, and the upgrade of a wedge of HE in CMS in EYETS 2016/17.
Stefan Obraztsov SINP MSU   For playing a major role in the extensive HE and HF radioactive source campaigns of EYETS 2016/17. This helped enable full-scale data-taking with a radioactive source.
Nathaniel Joseph Pastika Baylor U.   For outstanding contributions to the testing and commissioning of the HCAL Phase-1 front-end electronics, from the early stages of development to the final integration.


Florian Pitters CERN   For outstanding contributions to HGCAL sensor characterisation measurements at CERN, ensuring consistent, well- understood results, and establishing procedures for the full campaign of sensor testing and radiation qualification.
Eva Sicking CERN   For initiating and leading HGCAL sensor testing at CERN, enabling both in-depth sensor characterisation, and development and demonstration of novel large-area probe cards for full size 6” and 8” sensors.


Simone Pigazzini INFN Milano-Bicocca   For invaluable contributions to the MIP Timing Detector technical proposal, with detailed simulation studies and with significant work on the development of the DAQ and offline framework for test beam data analysis.
Artur Apreysan Fermilab   For technical leadership of and critical contributions to the MIP Timing Detector technical proposal, through his organization of beam tests for UFSD sensor characterization, and in ensuring the delivery of the mechanical designs and thermal simulations necessary to prove the feasibility of the TE.


Sandhya Jain Tata Institute   For playing a key role in the production of the Monte Carlo samples for all Phase-2 sub-system simulations studies for TDRs.
Jan Kieseler CERN   For playing a key role in providing the analysis infrastructure for users throughout all of the Phase-2 TDR MC campaigns.
Katja Klein RWTH-1   For playing a crucial role in editing the Tracker Upgrade TDR, while simultaneously commissioning a new documentation format.
Sven Dildick Texas A&M   For major developments in muon reconstruction in preparation of the Phase-2 TDR.

Achievement Awards 2018

Achievement Awards 2018

Achievement Awards 2018

​ ​ ​

Run Coordination

Chiara Rovelli Roma   For outstanding and committed leadership of the ECAL detector performance group, which led to excellent detector performance under the challenge of increasing luminosity conditions in Run 2.
Benedikt Voldwald Hamburg U.   For sustained and dedicated efforts to improve the operational efficiency of the pixel detectors, particularly after the DCDC challenges, and for playing a leading role in ensuring the highest possible uptime and data quality, enabling smooth operations in 2018. 
Mehar Ali Shah Islamabad   For outstanding contributions to the excellent operation of the RPC system during Run 2 of the LHC, and for playing major roles in detector performance analyses, including a significant role in the RPC aging studies. 

Trigger Coordination

Yi Chen CERN   For support in the preparation, deployment and operation of all trigger menus for Heavy Ion related data taking, leading to the success of the Heavy Ion programme in the last few years. 
Mohammed Rashad Darwish Antwerpen   For continuous support to the CMS data taking as HLT DOC, being one of the main players who made possible the excellent HLT performance in 2018
Kyeongpil Lee Seoul   For playing a major role in the recent developments of the muon HLT reconstruction and in all related studies, which in 2018 allowed CMS to overcome all previous limitations. 


Olena Karacheban CERN   For consolidation of the VDM scan framework: in particular the Emittance Scan online analysis, leading to a complete new set of tools to measure stability and linearity, improving understanding of luminosity systematics. 

Andrés Delannoy Sotomayor

Tennessee   For steering the PLT operation in Run 2 and for planning the PLT rebuild to take place in LS2. 


Alexander Grohsjean DESY   For pioneering the implementation of new MC generators and productions at CMS, for the work on event generator validation, and for providing tools and continued support to the operations of MC contacts. 
Marcel Andre Schneider CERN   For playing a major role in the Data Quality Monitoring group by refactoring its software infrastructure to meet increasing demands of monitoring information, and for support to the operations during 2018 data taking. 

Offline & Computing

Diego Dávila Puebla   For running and greatly improving the CMS submission infrastructure, including commissioning the new CERN storage pool. 

Rokas Maciulaitis

Vilnius U.   For excellent contributions to the Facilities group in Software and Computing. 

Daniel Abercrombie

MIT   For development of the site consistency tool and automatic workflow recovery tools for Software and Computing. 


Álvaro Navarro Tobar

Madrid/ CIEMAT   For sustained and outstanding contributions to the CMS Muon DT Phase 1 upgrade, including development of important firmware and of online software. 

Jan Eysermans

Puebla   For outstanding contributions to the Detector Control System of RPC, and for the key role in the R&D for Phase 2 Upgrade for the RPC detectors. 
Chad Freer Northeastern U.   For playing a crucial role as CSC and EMTF liaison, and for creativity and determination with in-depth studies toward understanding a number of complex phenomena relating CSC and EMTF systems.
Tao Huang Texas/ TAMU   For outstanding dedication and leadership in developing, upgrading and validating the CSC Optical Trigger Motherboard electronics for the ME1/1 trigger and readout system for the HLLHC.


Tatjana Susa Zagreb/ RUDJER   For outstanding contributions to the pixel detector offline calibrations, reconstruction and simulation in Run 2.
Raffaele Gerosa USCD   For outstanding contributions to the Silicon Tracker commissioning software, to online calibrations during data taking, and for leadership in the Tracker DAQ group. 
Sarah Seif el Nasr-Storey Bristol   For outstanding contributions to the development and validation of the tracker front-end systems in 2017 and 2018. 


Michael Benjamin Andrews Carnegie Mellon U.   For outstanding and dedicated contributions to ECAL Run Coordination during CMS Run II.
Badder Marzocci Roma   For excellent coordination of the ECAL Monitoring and Calibration group that led to the computation of the inter-calibration constants for ECAL during Run 2. 
Tanmay Mudholkar Carnegie Mellon U.   For invaluable participation in the ECAL datataking in Run 2, ensuring optimal ECAL data quality monitoring. 


Maria Toms Moscow/ ITEP   For leadership in HCAL operations and detector infrastructure, and for major contributions to the Detector Control System, Safety System, and HE source calibration system. 
John Hakala Brown U.   For years of contributions to many aspects of HCAL detector operation, most notably online software, and for contributions to the development of Method 3 HCAL local reconstruction code for the HLT. 
Christopher West Alabama U.    For leadership of the HCAL DPG trigger group through the Phase 1 upgrades of the HF and HE detectors, for direct improvements to the online and offline HCAL trigger, and important contributions to HCAL online software and operations. 


Artur Lobanov Polytechnique   For outstanding contributions to many HGCAL activities, including electronics evaluation, beam tests and particle identification. 
William Ortez UCSB   For outstanding work in transforming bespoke HGCAL silicon module assembly into a production reality.
Tommaso Vergine CERN   For excellent work on aspects related to the HGCAL front-end electronics, including the critical "Hexaboard”. 


Marco Toliman Lucchini Princeton   For critical contributions to the barrel timing detector sensor development, for comprehensive organization of the TDR studies, and for test beam evaluations of the crystals, light collection and overall sensor performance. 
Valentina Sola Torino   For extraordinary work on the development of the endcap timing layer UFSD sensors, including measuring their properties, organising irradiation campaigns, and beam tests. 
Bennett March UCSB   For broad contributions to the endcap timing layer detector spanning bench tests of sensor performance, test beam work, DQM tools, and TDR studies for design and performance optimization based on detector resolution and efficiency. 


Maria Cepeda CERN   For shepherding to successful completion an array of topics on Higgs physics sensitivities for the four TDRs, the MTD TP, and the Yellow report for the European Strategy Group. 
Juliette Alimena Ohio State U.   For shepherding to successful completion an array of topics on BSM physics sensitivities for the four TDRs, the MTD TP, and the Yellow report for the European Strategy Group.
Julie Managan Hogan Brown U./ Bethel   For providing continuous support in processing of the Upgrade MC samples via Delphes.


Edoardo Bossini CERN   For outstanding contributions to the trigger and to the timing performance characterization of the PPS detectors. 
Jan Kaspar CERN   For outstanding contributions to the reconstruction software and systematic detector alignment applied to the PPS data.


Maciej Gladki CERN   For development of the DAQ Expert tool that has improved CMS data taking efficiency by giving instant advice to the shift crew in case of problems. 
Christian Wernet Fermilab   For significant contributions to the development of an efficient RESTful API for the new CMS Online Monitoring System (OMS).


Jaana Kristiina Heikkilae Helsinki/ HIP   For exceptional work in establishing and running the Level-1 trigger Data Certification team. 
Santeri Laurila Helsinki/ HIP   For exceptional work in establishing and running the Level-1 trigger Data Certification team. 


Nicholas Smith Wisconsin   For seminal and outstanding contributions to the Level-1 trigger, including a leading role in studies of the L1 EM calorimeter pre-firing.
Olivier Davignon Bristol   For outstanding contributions to the Level-1 calorimeter trigger, in particular triggering on tau leptons.

Achievement Awards 2019

Achievement Awards 2019

Achievement Awards 2019


Tongguang Cheng Purdue Univ. Northwest

For his decisive role and achievements in the Alignment Calibration and Database group, first as AlCa-HLT contact to coordinate on the event selection needed to calibrate CMS, and then as leader of the AlCaDB group, and for the development and commissioning of the automated workflow determining the pixel quality during data taking.

Efe Yazgan Chinese Academy of Sciences

For his work in the validation tools for generators and for sample production.

Sergio Sanchez Cruz Univ. de Oviedo

For his significant developments in muon identification, and prompt feedback tools, as well as his contributions to the triggering of muons, the determination of efficiencies in the current trigger, the preparation and deployment of new triggers and the study of the phase-2 L1 trigger upgrade.


Barbara Alvarez Univ. de Oviedo

For her outstanding contributions to the analysis of accelerated aging of DT chambers at GIF++.

Andrea Gelmi INFN For his significant contributions, including the definition of the detector specifications and the study of the improved detector for the high eta region, for the upgrade of the RPC muon system.
Nicholas Manganelli Univ. of California, Riverside For his leadership of testing at SX5 for the MEx/1 chambers and his work as CSC Run Coordinator.


Laurent Forthomme Helsinki Institute of Physics For his outstanding contribution to the PPS software development throughout Run 2 and for the CMS ultra-legacy reprocessing.
Pavel Parygin National Research Nuclear Univ.

For his sustained and dedicated efforts on the commissioning for the newly installed Phase-1 on-detector electronics of the HCAL and in preparing the detector for the participation in mid-week global runs.


Thiago Tomei UNESP

For his sustained efforts over many years to ensure the well running of the trigger system, making key contributions in ensuring the calibration needs of the detector were handled as ALCA-HLT convenor, in the physics needs of the experiment as EXO-HLT convenor, in online operations as a member of the FOG and to the future of the HLT with his leadership of the TSG Upgrade group.


Klaas Padeken Vanderbilt Univ.

For outstanding leadership and contributions to the commissioning, data acquisition, and operation of the CMS pixel detector.

Jory Sonneveld Hamburg Univ. For outstanding contributions to and demonstrated leadership in all areas concerning the operation of the CMS pixel detector.


Shilpi Jain Univ. of Minnesota

For her essential role in providing crucial ingredients for the derivation of the Run 2 refined calibration (ultra-legacy) for ECAL, with scrupulous work and tireless dedication.

Fabio Monti INFN, Milano-Bicocca For his precise, timely, and committed work on ECAL calibration and scale monitoring using e/p from W->ev events, which has also allowed to tackle and correct for the subtleties of the ECAL monitoring system.


Aleko Khukhunaishvili Univ. of Rochester For his crucial contributions to the Phase I upgrade of HCAL.
Jay Lawhorn CalTech For his invaluable contributions to improving the performance of the HCAL online and offline reconstruction, including playing a leading role in the development, validation, and deployment of the code (“MAHI”) for Run 2.
Christopher Madrid Baylor Univ.

For his extensive contributions to several aspects of the HCAL Barrel and Endcap upgrades, including testing QIE cards at Fermilab, assembling and testing electronics modules at CERN, and carrying out the actual installation in CMS.


Merijn van de Klundert DESY For his several year long critical contributions to the success of the CASTOR experiment, spanning many activities including multiple detector installations, integration in the CMS DAQ/DCS/Trigger systems, commissioning and operation, calibration and performance, as well as leading contributions to data analysis and the overall CASTOR physics program.


Maral Alyari Fermilab

For her excellent contributions to the engineering of HGCAL, including the critical work on designing, prototyping and testing the mockup cassette.


Frigyes Janos Nemes Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Eszterhazy University For his innovative, original and careful determination of the LHC optics from the PPS data, a key ingredient for all analyses based on PPS information.
Ksenia Shchelina LIP

For her contribution to the exclusive di-lepton analysis which has allowed important improvements of the PPS calibration. In her role as Proton POG co-convenor, she is contributing in an essential way to making the proton information available to analyzers outside the PPS community.


Thong Nguyen CalTech For his role in providing daily support for MC production and Data re-reco activities.
Valentin Kuznetsov Cornell Univ. For his dedication in preparing the K8s infrastructure for the CMSWeb migration.
Jonas Rembser CNRS/POLYTECHNIQUE For the work on E/gamma, particle flow reconstruction, analysis software and general CMSSW code modernization, refactoring, and updates.


Davide Bozzato CERN

For his dedication to benchmarking the CMS FLUKA residual radiation field, his extensive activation studies for LS3 and his contributions to radiation simulation.


Siddhesh Gopichant Sawant TATA institute For the MC submission,  organization and support of the MC campaigns for different TDRs in his role as UPSG PPD contact person.


Cristina Vazquez Velez CERN For the excellent work on the functional and performance enhancements of the Detector Control System.


Aaron Bundock Imperial College For crucial contributions to the Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger and Phase-2 upgrade studies.
Luca Cadamuro Univ. of Florida For important contributions to Level-1 Tau Trigger and Phase-2 EndCap Muon Trigger studies.





Achievement Awards for CMS Construction

Achievement Awards for CMS Construction

These awards were given for the construction of the CMS detector with the ceremony in 2010

Aspola Kirsti TRK For the the budgetary control of CMS subsystems.
Beaumont Wim TRK For the construction and testing of the CMS Tracker.
Berst Daniel TRK For the CMS Tracker Front End Hybrids.
Checcucci Bruno TRK For the Tracker Inner Barrel OptoHybrids.
Coughlan John TRK For the CMS Tracker off-detector electronics.
French Marcus TRK For the CMS Tracker VLSI engineering.
Honma Alan TRK For the CMS Tracker silicon modules qualification.
Johnson Marvin TRK For the commissioning of the CMS Tracker.
Lepeule Patrick TRK For the contribution to engineering and installing the CMS beampipe.
Lumb Nick TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker End-Caps
Marchioro Sandro TRK For the contribution to the electronic systems of CMS.
Onnela Antti TRK For the contribution to the mechanics of the CMS TOB.
Palmonari Francesco TRK For the contribution to the integration of the CMS Tracker.
Parrini Giuliano TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker Power System.
Pernicka Manfred TRK For the contribution to the CMS Tracker readout electronics.
Raffaelli Fabrizio TRK For the contribution to the mechanics of the CMS TIB
Raymond Mark TRK For the contribution to the Tracker front end electronics
Streuli Silvan TRK For the contribution to the construction of the CMS pixel detector
Vasey Francois TRK For the contribution to the optical link technologies of CMS.
White Dean TRK For the contribution to the modules construction of the CMS Tracker.
Zorba Osman TRK For the contribution to the Tracker DAQ and Control Electronics.
Anfreville Marc ECAL For leadership of the Saclay laser monitoring team
Auffray-Hillemans Etiennette ECAL For leadership of the CERN ECAL Regional Centre Team
Bailleux David ECAL For the contribution to the ECAL monitoring lasers.
Dafinei Ioan ECAL For leadership of the Rome ECAL Regional Centre Team
Da Silva Jose Carlos ECAL For outstanding contribution to the ECAL Trigger/DAQ electronics.
Djambazov Lubomir ECAL For outstanding contribution to the ECAL Very-Front-End electronics.
Golubev Nikolay ECAL For leadership of the Russian Supercrystal Team.
Hill John ECAL For outstanding contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Endcaps.
Kogler Gabriele ECAL For the secretarial and administrative support to ECAL and CMS.
Korjik Mikhail ECAL For leadership of the Belarus crystal qualification team.
Lebeau Michel ECAL For contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Barrel.
Lustermann Werner ECAL For leadership of the ECAL electronics integration team
Mandjavidze Irakli ECAL For contribution to the ECAL off-detector electronics.
Musienko Yuri ECAL For leadership of the CERN APDlab Team.
Pellegrino Fabio ECAL For contribution to the assembly of the ECAL Barrel.
Sakhelashvili Tariel ECAL For contribution to the quality control of the production APDs.
Teller Olivier ECAL For contribution to the construction of the ECAL Barrel.
Trapani Pier Paolo ECAL For contribution to ECAL electronics, integration and installation at P 5.
Wertelaers Piet ECAL For outstanding contribution as project engineer for the ECAL Pre-shower.
Beaumont Wim HCAL For outstanding contribution to the CASTOR electronics
Bertoldi Maurizio HCAL For the high standards used in the supervision of HCAL production
Chendvankar Sanjay HCAL For the high standards used in the performance of the HO components
Churin Igor HCAL For outstanding contribution to HCAL mechanical design
Debbins Paul HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL source drivers
Grassi Tullio HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL Trigger and Receiver Boards
Hazen Eric HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL data concentrator cards
Heering Arjan HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL photodetectors
Kalmani Suresh HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Outer HCA system
Miller Michael HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL PMT bases and LED drivers
Orlov Alexander HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Endcap HCAL
Pathare Pramod HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Outer HCAL system
Schmidt Ianos HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL electronics
Shaw Terri HCAL For outstanding contribution to the HCAL Front End Electronics
Smetannikov Vladimir HCAL For outstanding contribution to the YE1/HE interface
Vlassova Olga HCAL For outstanding contribution to the YE1/HE interface
Zalan Peter HCAL For outstanding contribution to the Forward HCAL component production
Abadjiev Konstantin Muon For outstanding contribution to RPC production and CMS underground installation
Benettoni Massimo Muon For outstanding contribution to the DT mechanical engineering design
Bondar Nikolai Muon For outstanding contribution to the CSC anode wire front end electronics
Bylsma Ben Muon For outstanding contributions to the CSC cathode strip front-end electronics
Calvo Enrique Muon For leadership in the tracker/muon optical alignment system
Chester Nelson Muon For leadership as CSC project engineer for construction
Clemente Adamantonio Muon For outstanding contribution to the RPC mechanical design
Dattola Domenico Muon For leadership in the construction and testing of the MB4 chambers at Torino
Giordano Vincenzo Muon For outstanding contributions to the production of DT cathodes
Gonella Franco Muon For leadership of the DT front end ASIC, the MAD and minicrate testing
Hilgers Guenter Muon For outstanding contribution to the DT HV boards and to the VDC system
Madorsky Alex Muon For leadership in the CSC high voltage system
Smolin Dmitri Muon For outstanding contribution to the ME1/1 muon chambers
Tchekhovski Vladimirr Muon For significant contribution to the ME1/1 chambers
Vicini Angelo Muon For major contribution to the RPC production and test at Pavia
Wenman Dan Muon For leadership in the CSC mechanical systems
Da Silva Jose Carlos TRIDAS see Tracker
Kudla Maciek TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the RPC Trigger system
Ero Janos TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the DT Muon Track Finder electronics
Taurok Toni TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the Global Trigger electronics
Matveev Mike TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the Endcap Muon trigger
Madorsky Alex TRIDAS see Muons
Kierzkowski Krzysztofr TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the RPC Muon Trigger electronics
Gigi Dominique TRIDAS For outstanding contribution to the electronics for the central DAQ
Case Michael SWC For outstanding contribution to the detector description geometry
Muzaffar Shahzad SWC For outstanding contribution to the visualization and build system
Osborne Ianna SWC For outstanding contribution to the event display programs
Ratnikova Natalia SWC For outstanding contribution as a software librarian
Raymond Gilles SWC For major contribution to user support and CMS Centers Worldwide
Samyn Dirk SWC For leadership in the development and support of CMS Web systems
Tuura Lassi SWC For outstanding contribution to data quality monitoring and visualization
Wildish Tony SWC For outstanding contribution to data and workflow management
Cure Benoit Mag For outstanding contribution to the CMS Magnet and Coil
Fabbricatore Pasquale Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the Coil and Winding
Feyzi Farshid Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the CMS Endcaps
Gerwig Hubert Mag For outstanding contribution to the engineering of the Barrel and the Lowering
Horvath Istvan Mag For outstanding contribution to the CMS Magnet Coil conductor
Levesy Bruno Mag For outstanding contribution to the general engineering of the Coil
Sgobba Stefano Mag For outstanding expertise in materials applied to the Coil welding operations
Alidra Maf TC For outstanding contribution to the assembly of subsystems and the entire experiment
Chauvey Michel TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Chatelain Jean-Paul TC For outstanding supervision and design, notably for BRM, ECAL and RPC
Di Vincenzo Sandro TC For sustained contribution to the barrel muon detector and beampipe
Dos Santos Silverio TC For crucial contribution to the CMS power distribution systems
Faber Gerard TC For leadship as CMS Integration Coordinator
Favre Marc TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Girod Jean-Pierre TC For important contributions to CMS assembly and resource management at point 5
Hudson Dawn TC For outstanding contribution in support of CMS construction and commissioning
Kurenkov Alexander TC For leadership of RDMS teams in their contribution to CMS assembly
Osborne John TC For outstanding contribution to the Civil Engineering of CMS
Petiot Pascal TC For exceptional support in testing and installing CMS subdetectors
Pothier Jean TC For outstanding contribution to test beam set-up and general safety
Sauce Herve TC For outstanding commitment during the assembly and maintenance of CMS
Szoncso Fritz TC For outstand ingcontributions to the CMS configuration and trigger system.
Stefanovitch Roman TC For exceptional effort in the design and assembly of HCAL and in underground assembly
Surkov Alexandre TC For outstanding contribution to the mechanical design of CMS detectors
Trapani Pier Paolo TC see ECAL
Waurick Gerhard TC For outstanding contribution to the moving and heavy lifting systems
Wensveen Martin TC For outstanding contribution to the CMS cabeling effort
Aspola Kirsti Admin see Tracker
Azeglio Madeleine Admin For outstanding support and helpfulness under challenging conditions
Hudson Dawn Admin see TC
Kogler Gabriele Admin see ECAL
Kramer Tami Admin For outstanding contribution to support of CMS visiting physicists
Lissajoux Anne Admin For outstanding continous support of the Magnet and Coordination projects
Pelloux Marie-Claude Admin For leadership of the CMS Secretariat and support of the Spokesperson
Alidra Maf RC see TC
Aspola Kirsti RC see tracker
Badgett Bill RC For outstanding contribution to Web Based Monitoring
Di Vincenzo Sandro RC see TC
Dos Santos Silverio RC see TC
Hudson Dawn RC see TC
Trapani Pier Paolo RC see ECAL

Detector Awards

Detector Awards

The annual CMS Detector Awards are an acknowledgement to the CMS members that recently gave or are currently giving substantial and outstanding contributions to the project and construction of CMS detectors or parts of them, or in general implementations of upgrade projects.
The original detector achievement awards for construction can be found here.
The detector awards have recently been restarted in 2016 in recognition of work for the CMS phase II detector upgrade and the awards are presented to the recipients the year after.

On the right, you can find a link to check the list of awardees and their work, organised by years.


Detector Awards 2016

Detector Awards 2016

Detector Awards 2016

Pictures from the Detector Awards ceremony can be found here: 


Silvan STREULI PSI   For long standing and outstanding work in the design and construction of the new low mass BPIX with integrated CO2 cooling loops and of the related tools for assembly and installation in CMS.
Helmut STEININGER HEPHY engineer For outstanding contributions to the firmware development of the past and the new pixel detector FED.

L1 Trigger

Thomas GORSKI Wisconsin engineer For crucial contributions to the upgraded trigger algorithms on the evolutionary path to the full calorimeter trigger upgrade.
Alessandro THEA RAL   For the long-standing and fundamentally important contribution to both the Phase-1 upgrade and subsequent operations of the Level-1 trigger system.


Vladmir EPSHTEYN Moscow-ITEP engineer For his critical work on analyzing and interpreting the radiation damage of the HCAL scintillators and WLS fibers.
Kevin PEDRO FNAL postdoc For outstanding contributions to the development of the offline software for the phase 1 hardware upgrade for HF and HE and for the development of the simulation and studies of the Radiation damage to the HE scintillator.


Flavio LODDO BARI engineer For the crucial contribution to the design and finalization of the VFAT3 front-end electronics of the GE1/1 project.
Simranjit Singh CHHIBRA Bologna   In recognition of his crucial contributions on developing, testing, and implementing the Alignment Position Errors (APE) in muon track reconstruction contributing to the success of the muon reconstruction, especially at high muon momenta.


Jeroen HEGEMAN CERN   For essential contributions to the integration the new TCDS (Trigger Control Distribution System) in the phase-I upgrade Trigger and Data Acquisition subsystems.


Jessica Lynn LEONARD DESY   For crucial contributions to the BRIL system. After being the author of the online read-out software for the custom-built real-time histogramming units (RHU) she has been in charge of the commissioning and operation of the full BCM1F system.
Moritz GUTHOFF CERN   For the excellent contribution in optimizing the frontend sensor choices for the Fast Beams Conditions Monitor, BCM1F and for the many contributions to the radiation simulation code of CMS.

Detector Awards 2017

Detector Awards 2017

Detector Awards 2017


Pirmin Berger ETH For significant contributions to the construction, testing and commissioning of the Phase-1 pixel vertex detector of CMS.
Davide Ceresa CERN For the development of the Macro Pixel ASIC (MPA), the readout chip for the innovative Pixel-Strip modules for the Tracker Upgrade.
Laurent Charles Strasbourg For outstanding work over several years on the conception of the Phase 1 Pixel DAQ system, and for successfully bringing it into production. 
Gabrielle Hugo CERN For decisive software and simulation contributions to the large Phase-2 Tracker Upgrade project.
Stella Orfanelli CERN For valuable contributions to beam halo monitoring; for the serial powering for the Phase-2 pixel detector; and for contributions to the design of the overall electronics architecture of the detector.


Dominico Dattola INFN Torino For long-standing and essential contribution to developing the design and integration of infrastructures for the Drift Tube Chambers and Barrel Resistive Plate chambers, and for vital commitment in studying and implementing new shielding to reduce radiation effects on the Muon detectors.
Minho Kang Korea U. For outstanding contributions to the production and quality control of the RPC gaps for CMS RPC RE4/3, 4/2 at KODEL (Korea Detector Laboratory), and for invaluable work on developing a new generation of RPC for the RE3/4-1 chambers for the Phase-2 Muon Upgrade.
Katerina Kuznetsova Florida/ PNPI For outstanding contributions over several years in leading the wide-ranging program of CSC longevity tests and performance studies in high background environments, as expected at HL-LHC, using the SPS muon test beam and the GIF++ high-intensity gamma source.


Mirko Berretti Helsinki For unsurpassed contributions to the development, construction, installation and commissioning of the CT-PPS diamond timing detectors, as leading designer and project coordinator.


David Bailleux Fermilab For outstanding contributions to all technical aspects of the ECAL, and for dedication to the ECAL laser system.
Thierry Romanteau Polytechnique For outstanding contributions to the development of the ECAL trigger concentrator card firmware.
Floris Thiant Polytechnique For outstanding contributions to the development and implementation of the ECAL trigger automatic masking software.


Edward Laird Brown For critical contributions to the Phase-1 upgrade of the HCAL front- and back-end electronics, and for playing a leading role in commissioning one upgraded wedge of HE (HEP17) in CMS.
Daniel Noonan Florida Tech For playing a leading role in the Phase-1 upgrade of the HF detector.


Zoltan Gecse Fermilab For many important contributions to the design and development of the HGCAL project, impacting many aspects of the design.


Frank Glege CERN For playing a leading role in the design and implementation of the Detector Control System, and for the integration of all sub-detectors into the DAQ.
Andre Holzner UCSD For crucial contributions to many aspects of the CMS data acquisition, in particular the networking and monitoring for Run 2.


Karol Bunkowski Warsaw For exceptional work on the CMS Level-1 Muon Trigger.
Johannes Wittman HEPHY For crucial contributions to the successful completion of the Phase-1 upgrade of the CMS trigger project.

Detector Awards 2018

Detector Awards 2018

Detector Awards 2018


Martin Lipinski Aachen   For significant contributions to debugging the pixel detector DCDC converter failures, and for essential involvement in the emergency production of new converters. 
Mykyta Haranko DESY   For significant contributions to the baseline DAQ for the Phase-2 outer tracker, and for µ-DTC firmware design and implementation. 
Jarne de Clercq VUB   For significant contributions to the baseline DAQ for the Phase-2 outer tracker, and for µ-DTC firmware design and implementation. 
Kamil Cichy CERN   For significant, essential contributions to the innovative “tilted barrel” mechanics and cooling for the CMS Tracker Upgrade. 


Lorenzo Barcellan Padova   For outstanding, sustained contributions to the design, commissioning and maintenance of the DT chamber electronics. 
Andrew Peck UCLA   For outstanding, sustained contributions to design and costing of new electronics, including complex optical link planning, for the CSC and GEM muon systems. 
Nicolas Zagandis Ghent   For years of essential contributions and coordination of the RPC system including commissioning, operations and upgrades. 
Rosamaria Venditti  Bari   For years of essential contributions to the Muon system and in particular in the GEM project. 



Nicolò Tosi Bologna   For key contributions to the firmware for the µTCA readout of the BCM1F Background and Luminosity detectors and of the BHM Beam Halo Monitors.


Evgueni Vlassov Moscow/ ITEP   For unique and outstanding contributions to ECAL operations since the start of LHC collisions.
Dario Mapelli U. Milano-Bicocca   For innovative contributions to the ECAL Test Beam data-acquisition system, exploiting modern IT tools and frameworks. 


Nadja Strobbe Fermilab   For leadership in characterisations of the frontend electronics for HF, HE and HB; and excellent leadership of the test beam for the HE and HB upgrades. 
Richard G. Kellogg Maryland   For many years of fundamental contributions to many areas of the HCAL phase-1 upgrades.


Erich Frahm Minnesota   For outstanding contributions to the development of the new Endcap Calorimeter. 
Damien Thienpont Polytechnique   For essential contributions to the design of the HGCAL readout ASIC. 


Enrico Robutti Genova   For years of essential contributions and leadership in the design, construction and operation of the PPS silicon tracker. 



Gregory Iles London/ IC   For sustained and outstanding contributions in designing trigger and readout electronics for CMS over many years. 
Thomas Williams RAL   For exceptional work on the Phase-1 CMS Level-1 Online Software upgrade. 


Roberta Arcidiacono

Torino   For fundamental contributions to the development of the silicon sensors (UFSD) of the MTD end-cap detector. 

Detector Awards 2019

Detector Awards 2019

Detector Awards 2019


Michele Bianco  CERN

For outstanding and extensive contributions to the GE11 project, including chamber construction, installation and integration as Technical Coordinator of the project.

Ian Crotty Wisconsin

For extensive important contributions to the construction, operation, and upgrade of the RPC detectors and associated systems.

Mohit Gola Univ. of Delhi

For major contributions to the GE11 GEM chamber assembly and quality control, including the development of procedures to characterize chamber performance.

Jian Wang Univ. Florida

For significant contributions to operation and upgrade of the CSC system, and notably the coordination and execution of the extensive upgrade of the on-chamber electronics during Long Shutdown 2.


Jia Fu Low Univ. of Florida For vital contributions to the Level-1 EndCap Muon Trigger and important studies for the Phase-2 Trigger Upgrade.
Ales Svetek Wisconsin For important firmware engineering contributions to the Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger and Phase-2 Trigger Upgrade.


Felice Pantaleo CERN

For important contributions to the development of reconstruction code for the HGCAL detector, including developing a novel flexible framework for event reconstruction, optimization of the layer-clustering algorithm, and development for GPU processors.

Karol Rapacz CERN

For important contributions to the HGCAL detector and systems design, including the development of the 3D model and detailed layout of the complex CO2 cooling system.

Arnaud Steen National Taiwan Univ.

For leadership in the test beam program for the HGCAL detector, including development of the overall analysis framework and detailed studies of module performance.


Salavat Abdoulline Fermilab

For major contributions and leadership in upgrading the HCAL software to optimize operating efficiency and performance and to prepare for the front-end electronics upgrade.

Alexander Kaminskiy Moscow State Univ. For extensive contributions to the HCAL upgrade, including the DCS and DSS systems, test systems for the front-end electronics upgrade, and source calibration of the upgraded detector.


Ryan Heller Fermilab For critical contributions to the MTD detector design and prototype development, in particular developments for the characterization of LGAD sensors in lab tests and test beams.
Tahereh Niknejad LIP For important simulation work in the development of the front-end chip for the Barrel Timing Layer readout.


Alexander Ledovskoy Univ. of Virginia For outstanding and unique contributions to the modeling and understanding of ECAL crystal and photodetector response evolution, and key contributions to the commissioning and performance optimisation for long term operation of the ECAL detector.


Stefan Maier KIT For outstanding contributions to the upgrade of the Outer Tracker, including development of procedures and systems in 2S module assembly and qualification and the development of a high-rate test stand for the module readout chain.
Yadira Padilla Cornell Univ. For important contributions to the mechanical design of the Inner Tracker upgrade, in particular the TFPX mechanical structure and overall integration of the Inner Tracker.

Industry Awards

Industry Awards

Starting in 2000, the CMS Collaboration has honored industrial companies that have made outstanding contributions to the construction of the experiment with the CMS Gold Award. Companies who have demonstrated their excellence and engagement and who provide parts within specifications and on schedule are considered for this award. Firms who, in addition, have made special efforts and taken initiative to work out technically and/or commercially better products are honored with the CMS Crystal Award. Companies who have explored novel technologies and collaborated in R&D programs with CMS are candidates for this award.



HMC3 (Pakistan) For the production of the mechanical structure of the outermost Endcap shielding disks (YE4).
Materion (USA) For the supply of the new Beryllium – Aluminium beam-pipe.
ZEC (Poland) For the technical expertise for gas and cooling pipe-work installation.


CAEN (Italy) For the development and the production of the power system for the CMS Tracker.
DELL (Switzerland) For the supply of the CMS Data Acquisition on-line computers.


VSL AG (Switzerland) For the successful lowering of the CMS detector in its underground cavern.
JSC BOGORODITSK TECHNO-CHEMICAL PLANT (Bogoroditsk, Russia) For the development of radiation-resistant Lead Tungstate crystals, setting up the production capacity and producing an unprecedented number of crystals for the CMS ECAL.
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Shanghai, China) For the development of radiation-resistant Lead Tungstate crystals, setting up the production capacity and producing an unprecedented number of crystals for the CMS ECAL.
ASCOM (Schweiz) AG (Hombrechtikon, Switzerland)
For their strong commitment and support on the electrical services for the CMS tracker.


General Tecnica Development and production of Resistive Plate Chambers


Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (Japan)
Silicon Strip Sensors for CMS Tracker and Preshower
NGK Insulators Ltd. (Japan) Optical Receivers/Tranceivers for CMS Tracker and ECAL


IBM Microelectronics (USA)
Electronics in 0.25 Micron CMOS Technology
Ansaldo (Italy) Winding of the Superconduncting Coil


Doosan Heavy Industry (Changwon, Korea)
Swivelling Platform
Hamamatsu Photonics (Hamamatsu, Japan)
Radiation Hard APDs
Techmeta (Pringy, France) Reinforcement of Inserts


Nexans Suisse SA (Cortaillod, Switzerland)
Co-Extrusion Process
Outokumpu Pori Oy (Pori, Finland) High Quality Superconducting Strands
Plascore Inc. (Zeeland, USA) High Prec. Panels for Muon Detector
Alcan Aluminium Valais (Sierre, Switzerland)
Extrusion of High Qual. Alumin.Alloy


Felguera Construcciones Mecanicas (Barros, Spain)
Manufacture of HCAL Barrel
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Harima, Japan) Manufacture of Magnet Endcap Disks


Deggendorfer Werft & Eisenbau (Deggendorf, Germany) Manufacture of Magnet Barrel Yoke


AMD Research - FINN Team For the development of FPGAs for machine learning
PETsys Electronics, Porto Salvo (Portugal) For the chip TOFHIR (MTD)
CommSolve Solutions and Usystems (UK) For the R&D on the special racks with cooling for the CMS DAQ
ZAG Zyklotron AG, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany) For irradiation tests of many CMS detector components
FOSELEV and CERN EN-HE For lifting and handling of CMS detector parts


Brevetti Stendalto S.p.A. (Italy) For the outstanding contribution in supplying the new CMS Endcap cable chains during the LHC Long Shutdown 2.
Hybrid SA (Switzerland) For their collaboration and flexibility in the development of the novel hexagonal PCBs for silicon-sensor modules of the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter.
PURICELLI S.R.L (Italy) For the industrial production of uniform resistivity HPL panels for the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers.
Rock West Composites Inc. (USA) For excellence in collaborative design finalization and subsequent fabrication of the BTL-Tracker Support Tube prototype.
Teknemika (Italy) For the quality controls and high precise shaping of the HPL electrodes for the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers.
W.E.I.’N VENICE S.r.l. (Italy) For the design of the new enfourneur, the machine for the insertion and extraction of the CMS ECAL crystal super-modules.


Kuttig Electronic GmbH (Germany) For the successful fast-track production of 1200 replacement DC-DC converters for the pixel detector during the year-end technical stop 2017-18.


Fischer-Backus (USA) For the production of 4800 multi-conductor cables for the ME1/1 electronics upgrade and the newly installed ME4/2 detectors.
MC Gill (USA) For the skin manufacturing of the ME4/2 detectors.
Plascore (USA) For the fully automatic AXIOM and Gerber machines used for the panel cutting, drilling and strip milling of the ME4/2 detectors
3-D Maker (Poland) For the engineering studies and fabrication drawings for pipe-works of many crucial systems


CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH (Germany) For their achievement of the Silicon Pixel Sensors for the CMS Pixel Barrel.
G & A Engineering S.r.l. (Italy) In recognition of the skill, ingenuity and flexibility applied to the design and integration of detector components and installation tooling for the region around the CMS beam-pipe.
GS Swiss PCB AG (Switzerland)
For their outstanding quality in the production of the APD and Temperature Flex Prints for the CMS ECAL.
Bonamy's Hervé S.A.S. (France)
For the excellent results in the production of dimensionally challenging, precision bent cooling pipes for the CMS Tracker.
Novacavi SpA (Italy)
In recognition of the development of the special 'Low Impedance Cable' for the CMS Tracker.
Elettronica Conduttori S.r.l. (Italy)
For the successful mass production of the "Low Impedance Cables" for the CMS Tracker.
Thermo Engineering S.r.l. (Italy)
For the accomplishment of the delicate connectorization of the "Low Impedance Cables" for the CMS Tracker.
Van-System S.r.l. (Italy)
For the development and the production of the connectors for the power system of the CMS Tracker.
Galli & Morelli S.r.l. (Italy)
For the tooling for the construction and the assembly of the CMS Inner Tracker.
Prisma Electronics SA (Greece)
For their outstanding collaboration in producing the front-end hybrid PCBs for the CMS Preshower detector.


CEGELEC–SPIE (St Genis-Pouilly, France) For their outstanding contribution to the cabling of the CMS detectors and infrastructure.
CREATE SOLID (Lisbon, Portugal) In recognition of the skill, ingenuity and flexibility applied to the design and integration of detector components and installation tooling for the region around the CMS beam-pipe.
GS Präzisions AG (Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland)
For their outstanding quality in the production of the APD and Temperature Flex Prints for the CMS ECAL.
INIZIATIVE INDUSTRIALI SARL (St Genis-Pouilly, France) For the excellent work in the installation and testing of the Tracker cooling pipes.
OERLIKON LEYBOLD VACUUM (Zurich, Switzerland) For the successful design and installation of the CMS Coil Vacuum system.
QUANTRONIX Corp. (East Setauket, NY- USA)
For the development of the CMS ECAL monitoring lasers with duel wavelength and excellent service in supplying replacing optical parts.
ZEC Service (Wroclaw, Poland) For initiative and technical excellence during the underground completion of cooling systems for the CMS detector and electronics.


ADAPT ELEKTRONIK (Grossheubach, Germany)
For their strong commitment and support on the electrical services for the CMS tracker.
ADCO (Aachen, Germany) For the continuous advice and support on all aspects of carbon fibre composite parts for the CMS tracker and the successful fabrication of several such parts with very small mechanical tolerances.
BREVETTI STENDALTO (Monza, Italy) For the design and supply of all CMS cable chain systems.
For the supply of all optical fibers deployed in the Data Acquisition and Control systems.
HITACHI COMPUTER PR (France) For their contribution to the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter with a large production of high quality Front End electronics boards.
IPT (Aachen, Germany) For the precision laser welding of thin wall titanium and stainless steel pipes for the CMS tracker.
KAPSCH (Vienna, Austria)
For the production of analog and digital Optohybrids for CMS Tracker and Electromagnetic Calorimeter.
QUDOS TECHNOLOGY LTD (Oxon, United Kingdom) For the prompt design, construction and commissioning of the large clean-room for the Tracker Integration Facility (TIF).
RIE (St Petersburg, Russia) For the supply of Vaccum Phototriodes for theCMS Electromagnetic Endcap Calorimeter.


AICON Development of specific elements for the photogrammetry survey of CMS
Production and assembly of the VFE electronic boards for CMS ECAL
Cicorel Tracker Hybrid Production
eXception Manufacturing of the Front End Driver boards

for the CMS Tracker
Hybrid SA
Tracker Hybrid Assembly
KONCAR (Zagreb CR) Manufacturing and installation of the 20 kA busbar for the Superconducting Coil
SDMS (ST Romain - F) Design, construction and installation of the Phase Separator for the Superconducting Coil
TM Engineers ( Birmingham - UK)
Manufacture of the Major Mechanical components for the ECAL Endcaps
ZEC Services (Poland) Production and installation of cooling and gas circuits for the CMS Detector


RTM Reinhard Microtech AG (Switzerland)
Glass Oitch Adapters for CMS Tracker
Planar Systems Inc. (Finland) Glass Oitch Adapters for CMS Tracker
Plyform SRL (Italy) Carbon Fiber Composite Strctures for CMS Tracker
Chipidea Microelectronics SA
Design of high Performance Fast ADC in Submicron Technology
Lutch (Russia) Production of high Quality Titanium Tie Rods for the Suspension System of the CMS Coil
Telema (Italy) Construction of the Dump Resistor of the CMS Magnet
Criotec Impianti SRL (Italy)
Manufacture of the Thermal Shields for the CMS Coil


Tecnici Progettisti Associati (Italy)
Manufacture of the Coil Winding Machine
Equippaggiamenti Elettronici Industriali (Italy) Magnet Power Supply
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Switzerland) Online Quality Control During Conductor Manufacture
Lenoir Elec (France)
Switch Breakers for CMS Magnet
HEPCO (Iran) Table and Cylindrical Shielding for Forward Hadron Calorimeter


Res. Inst. for Techn. Phys. (Snezhinsk, Russia)
Wedges for Forward HCAL
Dembiermont (Hautmont, France) Seamless Rings and Shoulders for Coil
Machinery Corp. (Istanbul, Turkey) Strongback Components for Forward HCAL
Franc-Comt. Ind. (Lons-le-Saun., France)
Assembly of the CMS Magnet
Makine Freze Kalip Ltd. (Bursa, Turkey) Thick Forged Iron Plates for Magnet Barrel
Myasishchev (Zhukovsky, Russia) lveolar Structures for CMS ECAL
MZOR (Minsk, Belarus)
Mechanics for HCAL Endcaps
NIKIET (Moscow, Russia) Mechanics for HCAL Endcaps


André Laurent SA (La Ricamarie, France)
Special Tie Bars for Barrel Yoke
Noell Konecranes (Langenhagen, Germany) Manufacture of Air Pad System
Kabelwerke Brugg (Brugg, Switzerland) Manufacture of Superconduct. Cable
Alcan Aluminium Valais (Sierre, Switzerland)
Extrusion of High Qual. Alumin.Alloy
Izhorskiye Zavody (Kolpino, Russia) Thick Forged Iron Plates for Magnet Barrel
Sumitomo Chemicals (Ethime, Japan) High Purity Aluminium


Superbolt Inc. (Carnegie, USA)
Special Bolts for Endcap Disks
Hudong Heavy Machinery (Shanghai, China) Production of Endcap Carts for Endcap Disks


Izhorskiye Zavody (Kolpino, Russia) Thick Forged Iron Plates for Magnet Barrel
ZDAS (Zdar nad Sazavou, Czech Republic) Design & Casting of Iron Brackets for Magnet

Named Lectures

Named Lectures

Outstanding speakers chosen each year are given the opportunity to present their work during an opening plenary session of a CMS week and given an honorarium. The lectures commemorate Peter Sharp and Lorenzo Foa for their exemplary careers.


Named Lectures 2017

Named Lectures 2017

No lectures yet


PhD Thesis Awards

PhD Thesis Awards

Every year, the Ph.D. Thesis Award recognizes and rewards excellence in Ph.D. thesis research. Selections for this prestigious award are made by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Collaboration board for students who submitted their Ph.Ds the previous year between August 1 and July 31 and they are recognized at the CMS week in June. The theses are judged on their content, originality, clarity of writing, and impact within CMS and the high energy physics in general and can be written on any CMS-related work (physics analysis, simulation, computing, detector development, engineering, etc.).

The call for nominations for the CMS PhD Thesis Award is open in October and the awardees announced the following June.

Find out more about our Awardees:


Young Researcher’s Medals and Prizes

Young Researcher’s Medals and Prizes

The CMS Young Researcher Prize is intended to recognize outstanding achievements of the young members of CMS. The Prize is awarded annually to at least three young members of CMS who have made a most significant and sustained contribution in CMS over many years in any area (hardware, software, technical, analysis). The prize as of 2020 includes a cash sum of CHF 1000 and a momento for each recipient. The recipients normally have less than eight years of experience after gaining their Ph.D. in physics or 10 years of work experience for other areas.

Name 2023 Nomination
Olena Karacheban

"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the measurement of luminosity, the operation of the BRIL system and her role in steering its HL-LHC upgrade."

Benedikt Maier

"For his crucial and sustained contributions to the search for new physics, including dark matter, using simplified models, development of machine learning in physics analyses and in computing and data management."

Huilin Qu

"For his crucial and sustained contributions to the development of heavy-objects tagging algorithms exploiting advanced deep learning techniques, especially in the context of measuring H-> cc."

Adinda de Wit

"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the analyses of the properties of the Higgs boson."


Name 2022 Nomination
Davide Ceresa "For his crucial and sustained contributions in designing front-end ASICs for the CMS Tracker and the High Granularity Calorimeter"
Rajdeep Chatterjee "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the electron/photon reconstruction in ECAL, the analysis of decay channel H->gg, the precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson, and test beam studies of the HGCAL."
Jan Kieseler "For his crucial and sustained contributions to top quark precision measurements, to the development of novel analysis methods and seminal concepts in machine learning with impactful applications, and to the CMS upgrade programme through physics projections, HGCAL reconstruction software and silicon sensors studies."
Yuta Takahashi "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the study of the lepton flavor anomalies observed in B decays, both with new-particle searches at high-pT and indirect searches at low-pT, for his developments in tau lepton reconstruction for each of these, and his leading role in the trigger strategy for pursuing the flavour anomalies in Run3."


Name 2021 Nomination
Andrew Gilbert "His crucial and sustained contributions in providing first evidence for Higgs boson decays to tau leptons, in the combination of the Higgs boson measured in the CMS and CMS+ATLAS experiments, and the back-end electronics of HGCAL."
Marco Lucchini

“His crucial and sustained contributions to the development of fast scintillating crystal-SiPM based detectors for the precision measurement of timing of charged particles, the design and prototyping towards the barrel mip timing detector.”

Meng Xiao "Her crucial and sustained contributions to the analysis of CP and other properties of the Higgs boson in its four-lepton channel, the EFT analysis of the Higgs boson in several of its decay channels, and to the alignment of the inner tracker.”


Name 2020 Nomination
Zeynep Demiragli "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the searches for new physics, especially using mono jet signatures, to the JetMet group and to the trigger and data acquisition in CMS."
Lindsay Gray "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the physics justification, the design, and the approval of the mip timing detector (MTD), and to the performance studies of the high granularity endcap calorimeter."
Thomas French "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the environmental control and systems integration of the Endcap Calorimeter upgrade and to the activities of Technical Coordination, especially in reducing risks to the long-term operation of the magnet."
Louise Skinnari

"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the studies of the top quark, especially the measurement of the production cross-section, and the development of the track reconstruction in the Level-1 Trigger for HL-LHC."


Name 2019 Nomination
Lorenzo Bianchini "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the commissioning of specific algorithms for the “particle flow” technique, the measurement of H-> ττ and the observation of the ttH channel"
Maria Luisa Cepeda Hermida "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the operation of the Level-1 and High-Level triggers, to the search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson, and to evaluating the attainable precision for the properties of the Higgs boson from future measurements."
Loukas Gouskos "For his crucial and sustained contributions to MET studies in the initial phase of the experiment with ever increasing integrated luminosity, to the search for 3rd generation Supersymmetric particles and in machine learning based algorithms for b-tagging and classification of jet types."

From left to right: Matthias Kaseman, Guido Tonelli, Lorenzo Bianchini, Loukas Gouskos, Maria Luisa Cepeda Hermida, Tejinder Virdee and Roberto Carlin. Joe Incandela and Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here (Photo: M.Hoch)


Name 2018 Nomination
Cristina Botta "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the search for, and subsequently the measurement of, the Higgs boson via its decay into two Z bosons, and in the observation of the Higgs boson in association with top quarks."
Lea Michaela Caminada "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the construction, installation and commissioning of both the original and the upgraded barrel pixels detectors, and in measurement of B-meson production cross-section and the observation of the Higgs boson in association with top quarks."
Matthew Nguyen "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the studies of heavy ion physics, especially of jet quenching, b-jets production and the modification of Particle Flow algorithm for the study of heavy-ion collision events ."
Nicholas Wardle "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the combinations of results from diverse studies of the Higgs boson in CMS and CMS+ATLAS, and in developing a novel method of background modeling."

From left to right: Joel Butler, Tejinder Virdee, Nicholas Wardle, Lea Michaela Caminada, Cristina Botta, Matthew Nguyen, Guido Tonelli and Joe Incandela. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here

Name 2017 Nomination
Mingshui Chen "For his sustained and critical contributions to the installation and commissioning of the CSC muon system, the discovery of the Higgs boson in its ZZ (*) channel and the measurement of its properties via the combination of all pertaining results."
Cristina Fernandez Bedoya "For her sustained and critical contributions to the design and commissioning of Muon DT electronics chain, and leading the operation of the DT muon system as well as of the CMS Muon system."
Sudarshan Paramesvaran "For his sustained and critical contributions to the commissioning and running of the Level-1 calorimeter trigger and in the coordination of the running and data-taking of the CMS experiment."
Mikko Voutilainen "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development and deployment of jet energy corrections critical for physics results from channels using jets."
Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva "For his sustained and critical contributions to the physics of the Higgs boson and the top quark and the simulations for the development of the endcap high granularity calorimeter for the HL-LHC Upgrade."

From left to right: Guido Tonelli, Tejinder Virdee, Sudarshan Paramesvaran, Mingshui Chen, Mikko Voutilainen, Cristina Fernandez Bedoya, Joe Incandela and Joel Butler. Missing from the photo: Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here

Name Nomination
  No Prize given for 2016
Name 2015 Nomination
Joshua Bendavid "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of photon and electron energy reconstruction, the discovery of the Higgs boson via its two-photon decay mode, and the Tier-0 operation at LHC startup."
Silvia Goy Lopez "For her sustained and critical contributions to the definition of the menu for High Level Trigger at LHC startup, the trigger and online support of the barrel Drift Tubes system, and her key contributions to the CMS Run."
Giovanni Petrucciani "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of software for the Physics Analysis Toolkit, the optimisation of tracking, the discovery of the Higgs boson in its ZZ(*) channel and the measurement of its properties via the combination of all pertaining results"
Andrew Rose "For his sustained and critical contributions to the Global Calorimeter Trigger, to the development of the Time Multiplexed Trigger for Run 2, the innovative implementation of new physics algorithms in highly constrained firmware and the role in the design and implementation of the MP7 processor board."

From left to right: Tiziano Camporesi, Tejinder Virdee, Joshua Bendavid, Giovanni Petrucciani, Silvia Goy Lopez, Andrew Rose, Guido Tonelli and Joe Incandela. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here

Name 2014 Nomination
Kostas Kousouris "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of jet energy calibration, tests of QCD and searches for new physics using jets."
Andrea Rizzi "For his sustained and critical contributions to the silicon microstrip tracker, its exploitation through the development of software for track reconstruction and secondary vertex tagging, and the search for long-lived exotic particles."
Markus Stoye "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of the software for the alignment of the Tracker, to the measurement of the polarization of W bosons at high pT, and to the search for supersymmetry in all–hadronic and single lepton channels."
Jean-Roch Vlimant "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of software for the calorimeter and tracking triggers at HLT; data quality monitoring, detector simulation and reconstruction software."

From left to right: Tejinder Virdee, Andrea Rizzi, Guido Tonelli, Kostas Kousouris, Markus Stoye, Jen-Roch Vlimant and Tiziano Camporesi. Michel Della Negra and Joe Incandela could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here

Name 2013 Nomination
Colin Bernet "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of particle-flow based global event description and its use in CMS physics analyses, and to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to tau leptons."
Andre David "For his sustained and critical contributions to the preparation and commissioning of the electromagnetic calorimeter, to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to photons, and to the combination of results from its various decay modes."
Oliver Gutsche "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development, deployment and operation of the world-wide distributed Computing system of CMS."
Dymtro Kovalskyi "For muon reconstruction, of a new "lightweight" event display for CMS, of lepton triggers, and to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to W bosons."
Andrea Petrucci "For his sustained and critical contributions to the design and implementation of many components of the Data Acquisition system of CMS and to its operation."

From left to right: From left to right: Guido Tonelli, Colin Bernet, Andre David, Oliver Gutsche, Dima Kovalskyi, Andrea Petrucci, Joe Incandela, Tejinder Virdee. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here
