Achievement Awards 2014

Achievement Awards 2014

Achievement Awards 2014

Dr. Martina Malberti University of California Riverside Tracker "For her contributions to FPIX repairs and development of faster calibration algorithms."
Dr. Frank Meier University of Nebraska Tracker "For his continuous effort in Tracker Alignment and Pixel Phase I module construction."
Dr. Seth Cooper University of Alabama HCAL "For his outstanding contribution to the development and commissioning of the HCAL wire-source calibration system, re-establishing HCAL sourcing after 7 years and for the very first time in P5."
Ms. Monika Mittal Panjab University HCAL "For her extensively and consistently work on all aspects of the HO upgrade project."
Dr. Arabella Martelli Milano Bicocca ECAL "For her outstanding contributions that led to the improved simulation of the ECAL response in Run I, and for the implementation of the ECAL response evolution model that is used in HL-LHC simulations."
Mr. Michael Planer Notre Dame ECAL "For his dedication to understanding the ECAL hardware longevity and its performance in the HL-LHC era."
Dr. Brian Dorney CERN Upgrades "For his outstanding contribution to the HCAL upgrade and more recently in developing the technique for the full assembly chain and quality control of the GEM chambers."
Dr. Lindsey Gray FNAL Upgrades "For his leading role in the software developments of the PFlow reconstruction with the new upgrade EC concepts and for the optimization of the EG software for performance studies."
Dr. Mark Pesaresi Imperial College London Upgrades "For his seminal studies of the Pt-module concept for track trigger; and for major contributions to the validation of the CBC ASIC chip and the development of the FC7 card used for the new TCDS system and the Phase 1 Pixel DAQ."
Dr. Andrea Triossi INFN Padova and CERN Muons "For his contribution to the DT TwinMux electronics for the Lv1 Trigger upgrade."
Dr. Manuel Franco Sevilla UC Santa Barbara Muons "For outstanding design and construction of the 72 Optical Data MotherBoards (ODMB) that control and read out the Digital CFEB electronics that were installed on ME1/1 chambers during LS1."
Dr. Giovanni Franzoni CERN PPD "For his outstanding contribution to the physics validation activity, the coordination of the MC and data processing requests in the PdmV team."
Dr. Gaelle Boudoul CNRS-IN2P3/Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 PPD "For her paramount role in the organization and validation of the MC production for the upgrade studies for the High Luminosity LHC."
Dr. Marco Mascheroni Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca Computing "For his work as project leader of the new CMS Distributed Analysis Tool CRAB3."
Dr. Ivan Glushkov University of Sofia Computing "For aiding in the seamless transition of server configuration infrastructure, his contributions to CMS Computing operations, and he work as computing operations liaison to IT."
Dr. Mark Grimes University of Bristol Offline "For the development, organization and integration of the simulation and reconstruction software for the Phase 2 technical proposal software."
Eng. David Mendez Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota Offline "For automation introduced in automating the CMSSW release process and improvements in automated quality assurance performed during integration of requested changes into CMSSW. This work has resulted in a large increase in the number of simultaneous development fronts that can be supported by the release integration team."
Dr. Mia Tosi INFN and University of Padova TSG "For her outstanding work as the trigger convener for the tracking POG and for providing significant improvements in the quality and timing of the on-line tracking that will allow the HLT to run complex algorithms at the high pileup expected in the LHC Run 2."
Ms. Inga Bucinskaite UIC Chicago TSG "For her outstanding contributions to trigger menu development, in particular for providing global trigger menu rate estimates for different beam energies and HLT menus, thereby enabling the development of balanced trigger menus for a variety of boundary conditions."
Dr. Michele Gallinaro LIP, Lisbon CT-PPS "For his strenuous effort to assure the timely completion of the CT-PPS TDR and for the excellent coordination of its physics studies."
Dr. Jonathan Jason Hollar Université Catholique de Louvain CT-PPS "For his outstanding contributions to the CT-PPS TDR, particularly the feasibility study on the measurement of exclusive WW production."
Eng. Aurelie Maurisset University of Wisconsin TC "For her dependable reliability, attention to detail and innovation during the long campaign of measurements supporting LS1, which ensured accurate knowledge of the geometry and position of CMS elements."
Mr. Alvaro Villa Recio CERN TC "For his leading role in the engineering design of the YE4 "pushback" system and his enthusiastic participation in its implementation in the CMS experimental cavern."
Dr. Daniel Duggan Rutgers University Run "For his leading contribution to the redesign, deployment, and commissioning of the CMS Online Data Quality Monitoring system and its use as a fundamental tool to commission the detector in preparation for Run 2."
Dr. Anne Dabrowski CERN BRIL "For leading the technical implementation of a series of innovative and novel Beam Conditions and Luminosity Instrumentation in LS1 and for steering the Radiation Simulation for the CMS Phase II Upgrade planning."
Dr. Dean Hidas Rutgers University BRIL "For his leading role in the building of the Silicon Pixel Luminosity Telescope for CMS."
Eng. Marcelo Vicente LIP, Lisbon; now at University of Wisconsin TriDAS "For his key contributions to the upgrade of the calorimeter trigger system, particularly his work on the oSLB - oRM system that links the CMS calorimeters to the Level-1 trigger."
Dr. Andrew Rose Imperial College London TriDAS "For his early work on track triggers and for the development and implementation of time-multiplexed algorithms for the calorimeter trigger."