As every year, we are happy to congratulate the CMS award winners!
CMS Collaboration is proud to successfully advance knowledge, scientific research and technology for years but, no doubt, all this would not have been possible without the contribution of each of its members.
To honor the dedicated members of the CMS Collaboration for their significant contributions and outstanding work, they have been recognized with the “CMS Award” every year, since 2000.
The nominations can be made by any CMS member belonging to diverse areas of work: ranging from the detector systems & coordinations to outreach. The awardees are selected by a dedicated committee of five members followed by the selection endorsement from the CMS Collaboration Board (CB) chair.
“The CMS award committee this year has awarded 47 persons who have given fundamental contributions to the successful completion of the Long Shutdown 2 maintenance and upgrades, the commissioning and preparation for Run3 data-taking and the Research and Development studies in view of the HL-LHC phase. In addition, three persons who contributed with hard work and long-term commitment to the success of CMS, were awarded for lifetime contributions to the CMS experiment.” - Francesca Cavallari, co-chair of CMS Awards Committee
Let’s get to know each of the forty-seven awardees who made incredible contributions!
Anastasia Riabchikova - For vital technical work in the CMS radiation simulation during LS2 and in the upgrade planning of multiple CMS BRIL detector systems.
Georgios Krintiras - For outstanding contributions to the precision luminosity calibration effort.
Mykyta Haranko - For technical contributions to the BRIL Phase 2 TDR, the prototype for the BRIL Trigger Board, and the preparations for Run 3.
Andrea Gozzelino - For his commitment to the DAQ shifts and to the training of new shifters.
Lavinia Darlea - For outstanding contributions to the storage manager and transfer system, and as system administrator in CMS.
Srecko Morovic - For excellent contributions in the preparation of the DAQ system and of the HLT farm for Run 3.
Chiara Amendola - For outstanding contributions to the ECAL preparation of Run 3 data-taking and for the commitment in the Phase 2 electronics beam tests.
Davide Valsecchi - For outstanding contributions to the ECAL trigger and data acquisition systems in preparation for Run 3.
Maytham Ezzeldine - For outstanding contributions to the insertion/extraction tool of the ECAL supermodules.
Tomasz Gadek - For outstanding contributions to the design and development of the HL-LHC ECAL upgrade electronics.
Joshua Hiltbrand - For detailed studies of out-of-time pileup subtraction and essential contributions to the optimization of HCAL L1 trigger primitives for Run 3.
Xuli Yan - For his essential role in finding the origin of the VTRx RSSI drift, and the subsequent refurbishment of the HCAL endcap front-end electronics in preparation for Run 3.
Indranil Das - For implementing a new concept of muon tomography for HGCAL-GEANT geometry simulation and validation.
Jonathan Wilson - For leading contributions to the HGCAL firmware ecosystem, especially emulation and testing of the ECON ASICs.
Thorben Quast - For being a key player in HGCAL beam-test commissioning, operation, and analysis, and the silicon lab at CERN.
Benjamin Radbun-Smith - For crucial coordination of the Level-1 detector performance group activities.
Elisa Fontanesi - For outstanding development and coordination of the Level-1 Trigger menu for Run 3.
Emily MacDonald - For outstanding contributions to and coordination of the Level-1 Trigger Phase 2 upgrade tracking and vertexing activities.
Varun Sharma - For crucial coordination and exceptional commitment to the operations of the Level-1 Trigger system.
Guillermo Reales Gutierrez - For crucial and sustained contributions to the mechanical and thermal design of the BTL detector.
Marta Tornago - For outstanding contributions to studies of prototype LGAD sensors and implementing the ETL geometry in software.
Archana Sharma - For her leading role in DT run coordination and DT drift-time (VDC) measurements.
Camilla Galloni - For her contribution to the GEM DAQ system, commissioning activities, and run coordination responsibilities.
Johan Sebastian Bonilla - For contributions to the CSC refurbishment and the GEM-CSC trigger development, in particular covering understaffed roles.
Lisa Borgonovi - For outstanding contributions to the DT technical coordination.
Mapse Barroso Ferreira Filho - For crucial contributions to commissioning of RE4 super modules, consolidation studies of existing RPC, and ageing studies of iRPC.
Hasan Ozturk - For his contributions to the smooth operation of the MC production and data reprocessing project.
Joosep Pata - For his key contributions in the preparation for Run 3 data taking and Run 3 and Phase 2 reconstruction software performance.
Qiang Li - For outstanding contributions to offline and computing in CMS over more than ten years.
Saqib Haleem - For his outstanding contribution to the operations, evolution, and expansion of the CMS computing submission infrastructure.
Francesco Brivio - For development, maintenance, operation, and coordination in the CMS alignment and calibrations group.
Jordan Martins - For his exemplary leadership and crucial technical contributions to the physics dataset and MC validation group, in particular his optimization and deployment of data reprocessing and MC production.
Muhammad Ahmad - For his excellent leadership in the operation, maintenance, and development of the CMS data-quality monitoring system.
Andrea Bellora - For outstanding contributions to the PPS Pixel DAQ online software, PPS proton objects reconstruction, detector efficiency studies and pixel commissioning for Run 3.
Daniel Francois Teyssier - For major contributions to GEM system integration into CMS.
Joanna Wanczyk - For technical contributions to the BCM1F rebuild and commissioning in LS2 and for rapid feedback to CMS in the LHC Beam tests.
Angelos Zografos - For outstanding work on the CMS Tracker Phase 2 upgrade.
Giulia Negro - For crucial contributions to the refurbishment and the operation of the CMS Pixel Detector.
Suvankar Chowdhury - For excellent leadership, outstanding commitment and important contributions to the Tracker data quality monitoring project.
Wassef Karimeh - For outstanding work on the CMS Strip Tracker detector control system.
Mateusz Zarucki - For his exemplary leadership of the TSG Field Operations Group and outstanding support of online operations.
Swagata Mukherjee - For outstanding work in leading the e/gamma effort for the Phase 2 DAQ-HLT TDR and preparing the e/gamma HLT for Run 3.
Zoltan Szillasi - For organizing outreach activities in CMS such as the virtual visits.
Noemi Beni - For organizing outreach activities in CMS such as the virtual visits.
Gyorgy Bencze - For his enormous contributions to the muon project.
Sunanda Banerjee - For outstanding contributions to many areas of the CMS experiment since the beginning of its existence, including major contributions to HCAL geometry, simulation, and calibration.
Sergei Lusin - For his 23-year contribution to CMS detector powering, grounding, shielding, electrical reliability & noise reduction.