Once more a reminder of the Lepton-Photon approvals, which will start in less than a week from now.
The INDICO agenda, now with rooms and EVO booking info, can be found here: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=149749
At the top of the page you can also find a simple schedule overview asPDF file. (Color code: 'Blue' means this is a 'reload' analysis, ie., it has been approved for EPS and is now updated with the newly accumulated statistics. 'Green' means: ARC has given green light)
Also a reminder of the disclaimers:
- The official dates are in CADI but we will try to keep this Indico agenda up-to-date.
- The approval talks will be confirmed only after green light by the ARC.
- During this marathon we will accept quite short dead lines for green lights, much less than the usual 2 weeks.
So take note now of the approval dates of your preferred analyses. The dates may change at short notice.
The best way to be promptly informed about your preferred analyses is to subscribe to the hypernews fora of the reviews.
Looking forward to your proactive contribution to the review process,
Best regards, GuDaGi
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