Since the year 2000, the CMS Collaboration has recognised industry partners who've played a crucial role in building the experiment. The CMS Gold Award acknowledges companies that consistently deliver high-quality components, meeting deadlines and specifications.
“The CMS detector is made of many components which are designed specifically for our application. In particular, the upgrade of the CMS detector for the HL-LHC phase requires many new types of detector parts. With our challenging requirements we often push the technology at the limit of what is available today. We are grateful to the industrial partners who accept the challenge and are willing to collaborate with us on the research and development for these components.” - Francesca Cavallari, chair of the CMS Industry Awards
These are the 7 industrial companies awarded by CMS with a “Gold Award”:
AMD Research, FINN Team - for engagement with the CMS collaboration on classic and
novel (machine learning) usage of FPGAs in High Energy Physics
PETsys Electronics, Porto Salvo (Portugal) - for the challenging development of the TOFHIR2 front-end ASIC for the barrel compartment of the CMS MIP Timing Detector
CommSolve Solutions Ltd, Plymouth (UK) - for the excellence of the support and advice in designing the cooling system for the data centre of the CMS detector at the LHC
USystems Ltd Systems House, Bedford (UK) - for the performances and reliability of the water-cooled doors which are used in the data centre of the CMS detector at the LHC
ZAG Zyklotron AG, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany) - for the continuous support and access provided to the proton cyclotron allowing important irradiation tests on detector components for the CMS experiment at the LHC
FOSELEV SUISSE S.A. (Switzerland) - for the excellent work in all handling and lifting operations of the CMS detector parts, and for the great support during the reception, assembly and testing of the new enfourneur for the CMS ECAL upgrade
EN Handling Engineering (HE) Group (CERN) - for the excellent work in all handling and lifting operations of the CMS detector parts, and for the great support during the reception, assembly and testing of the new enfourneur for the CMS ECAL upgrade