Despite the rather challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CMS GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) team has been working against all odds to complete the installation of the very first GEM station (GE1/1) in CMS. With the completion of one…
Since late May, with the incremental re-opening of CERN’s facilities, members of the CMS GEM project have been hard at work restarting the laboratory activities in preparation for the continued efforts towards the GE1/1 chambers installation. Made…
On July 25th, 2019, the very first GEM superchambers were installed into the CMS YE- endcap as part of the newest CMS muon subsystem, GE1/1. And while this was a fantastic accomplishment worth celebrating, it was only the beginning of the story.…
The CMS Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) subsystem will form an extra layer of detectors, along with the Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) layers, closest to the beam. The GEM's ability to cope with a very high particle rate will greatly improve…
During LS2, CMS will install 144 additional muon detector modules specially designed to detect particles produced in the very forward region.    For the CMS experiment, Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) is like very prolonged open heart surgery. The…