A W boson event at CMS

CMS’ measurement of the mass of the W boson has been almost a decade in the making. Here you will find articles about the measurement and complementary resources.

A W boson event at CMS

CMS experiment at CERN weighs in on the W boson mass

CERN Press Release

The eagerly awaited result is the most precise measurement of the W mass made at the LHC so far, and is in line with the prediction from the Standard Model of particle physics


CMS Preliminary Result

CMS delivers the best-precision measurement of the W boson mass at the LHC

Physics Briefing by CMS

In an extraordinary feat of precision physics, CMS measures the mass of the W boson, and finds it to be in good agreement with the prediction by the Standard Model of particle physics.


Watch one of the researchers present the measurement:

A W boson event at CMSMeasurement of the W boson mass in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV (SMP-23-002)

CMS Preliminary Result (PAS)

The W boson mass is measured using a sample of W→μν events via a highly granular maximum likelihood fit to the kinematical distributions of the daughter muons, separated by electric charge...


Historic results of measurements of the W boson mass‘The standard model is not dead’: ultra-precise particle measurement thrills physicists

Article from Nature.com

CERN’s calculation of the W boson’s mass agrees with theory, contradicting a previous anomaly that had raised the possibility of new physics.


Anadi Canepa and Patricia McBride

New results from the CMS experiment put W boson mass mystery to rest

Fermilab Press Release

This new measurement, which is a first for the CMS experiment, uses a new technique that makes it the most elaborate investigation of the W boson’s mass to date. Following nearly a decade of analysis, CMS has found that the W boson’s mass is consistent with predictions, finally putting a multi-year long mystery to rest...

CMS Detector


INFN Press Release

È la misura più precisa che sia mai stata ottenuta all’acceleratore Large Hadron Collider (LHC) del CERN della massa del bosone W, e ne determina il valore in 80360,2 MeV con un’incertezza di 9,9 MeV...


CMS W boson event

W-Boson auf der Teilchenwaage

DESY Press Release

CMS-Experiment am CERN liefert mit neuer DESY-geführter Methode die genaueste Messung der Masse des W-Bosons...