Greetings! Thank you for the wonderful feedback we received on the inaugural issue of the CB Newsletter. Here is the second newsletter. We aim to publish an issue of the newsletter just prior to each CB meeting, and again approximately at the mid point between meetings. The next issue will appear before the April CMS week. Please contact us at any time at, or by stopping by the CB Office: 40-2-B28. On Skype we are ian.shipsey, claudia-elisabeth.wulz and jorgen.dhondt

Ian, Claudia, Jorgen

  • Preparation of a management proposal for a new CMS subsystem tentatively entitled “Beam Radiation, Instrumentation and Luminosity”
  • A four-month trial period of analyzer driven choice of journal for publication: CMS has an agreement with CERN that there will be balance between the major journals in the field in which CMS publications appear. At present the choice of journal for each analysis is made by PubCom with input from the relevant conveners. Pub Com. ensure balance is achieved. During the trial period authors will be able to choose the journal for submission. Pub. Com. will continue to ensure balance is achieved.
  • Creation of the CMS Data Analysis School Committee. This committee will work to enable all on CMS who wish to participate in CMSDAS to do so, especially students, postdocs and teachers who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend, ensure that CMSDAS is held frequently around the globe, and develop a sustainable business model for the schools.
  • Creation of the Young Scientist CMS (YSCMS) Committee: an autonomous platform for CMS members without a permanent employment contract (scientists, post docs, and students) to discuss and debate on issues of concern to them with direct communication channels to the CB and management; for example several members of the YSCMS will be ex-officio members of the CB.

Minutes of the CB meeting are here


The first CB meeting of the year also provided an opportunity to thank Teresa Rodrigo, Matthias Kasemann and Randy Ruchti, the 2011-12 CB Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary, respectively. They had presented the current CB Team with bottles of Higgs Boson Ale in December, the gift was reciprocated (see photo) with the presentation of Robert Brout Beer “The Gardener of Eden” and bottles of champagne to Teresa, Matthias and Randy.

Nominations are needed!

The Chair of the Thesis Committee, Lorenzo Foa, comes to the end of his term in April. At the same time with thesis production on CMS increasing, there were more than 150 theses produced in 2012. We call for nominations for chair and for four regular members of the committee. Please nominate!

Opportunities to work at point 5

The CMS consolidation, upgrade and maintenance programme in LS1 will underpin the Phase 1 detector upgrade and the operation of the experiment for the next decade. An article in the next CERN Courier will give an overview of the work, requiring full opening of the experiment, involving more than 500 distinct work-packages and affecting almost all sub-detectors and common systems. It is essential for the future of CMS that practical know-how relating to the various systems and instrumentation, accessible only during Long Shutdown periods, is passed on to a new generation. CMS management strongly encourages member institutes to give their young people the opportunity to experience the rich learning environment of the underground caverns during a major shutdown.


The opening of CMS, March 2013.
Photos are available on CDS:


YE3 on the move:

Fusing art and science

During CMS Week April 8-12 there will be several events fusing science and art.
The first part of the CB Chat on Monday April 8 will feature Michael Hoch, Xavier Cortarda and Pete Markowitz in the Main Auditorium describing their project Art@CMS, this will be followed by the traditional refreshments in 61-1-201 Pas Perdus providing an opportunity to interact with the artists. On Thursday April 11 at 6:15 p.m. CB members will travel by bus to Point 5 for an Art@CMS vernissage. Again light refreshments will be served. CB members will be back at CERN by about 8:30 p.m.

About Michael:…