CMS Experiment opened for the Long Shutdown, March 2013.

Dear friends, welcome to the first edition of the new CMS monthly newsletter. We would like to thank all collaborators who contributed to the CMS Times, published between 2006 – 2012. It served well in providing information during the construction period of the CMS detector and the successful start of data collection. All articles can still be found in the archive.

After a long break, the CMS Communications team is back with a new regular publication aimed primarily at our collaborators but also at other interested parties. Each issue will be published monthly and will comprise a selection of articles that appear on the front page of the public website (

We are now in the middle of the first Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) and the CMS cavern is busy with sub-system upgrades and maintenance work. This issue features articles explaining some of the work being done, as well as a summary of activities from the Point 5 experimental site.

You can also read about some of the ongoing activities within CMS to raise the awareness, particularly of young people, of the cutting-edge research being done by our physicists and engineers. Read about a virtual tour of the CMS experimental cavern for Spanish students and the CMS data that have been made public for education and outreach purposes. 

If you have an idea for an article or you would like to share something worth communicating broadly, please do not hesitate to contact us:

If you are you are not from CMS but you are interested in receiving email notifications every time a new issue of the CMS Newsletter becomes available, please subscribe here.

We wish you all the best during the coming holiday period and a successful start to 2014!

With kind regards,
The CMS Communications Team

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