The last two weeks the Forward Pixels (FPIX) detectors were both reinstalled and successfully tested. This activity was very much interleaved with the re-alignment of the central beam pipe. Both activities took place in a fragile and confined environment where each movement counts and where efficient communication between the various teams involved is essential. Once the FPIX commissioning and the central beam pipe alignment completed, both Beam Condition Monitors (BCMs) were reinstalled in just two days. The crew responsible for this activity was delighted to see that despite the huge amount of activities performed around their detectors services no damaged had to be repaired. Once the BCMs were in place, the PIX volume had to be sealed. This activity was critical to allow the efficient inertion of the PIX detectors. Ending the sequence, there came the reinstallation of the alignment ring. The subsequent survey operations are due to be complete by Tuesday April 21st. The next step will be to remove the various platforms and supporting structures that were put together to allow installing the Preshower (ES) detectors and upgrading the FPIX detectors. This heavy logistics activity will be closely monitored by the CMS mechanics team and should apply the experience acquired during the installation in February. It will remain a delicate operation during which coordination between the various actors has to be very tight.
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