Dear CMS Alumni, students, and postdocs,

We are delighted to announce that the CMS CB Career committee, CMS and CERN will be hosting a networking event for alumni, students, and postdocs in the Globe on 9 December, at 19:00. This glamorous event is designed to allow alumni (and their families) to catch up with each other, learn about the latest results from CMS through a talk at a level appropriate for our alumni, and interact with our young people, helping them learn more about opportunities for careers outside of academia. Industries will be represented, food will be provided, and there will be opportunities for Q&A. Posters will give more information on the latest CMS results.

Attendance at the event is limited to approximately 200 people by registration, on a first-come-first served basis Please go to to register and to see the developing agenda.

I ask current members of CMS who have permanent jobs, please do not register for this event. It is primarily a networking event and not a social event, and we need to reserve the spaces for our young people and alumni. Please distribute this message to any alumni with whom you remain in contact.