The CMS Collaboration Board has elected Dr. Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz as the next CMS Collaboration Board Chair following Prof. Harrison Prosper’s mandate which ends on the 31st of August 2021.
The Collaboration Board is the governing body of the experiment. The role of the CMS Collaboration Board Chair is to bring forward any issues which require decisions, discussions or approval to the Collaboration Board. The Chair also represents the institutions in many CMS boards and committees. It is very important that the Chair has a strong relationship with the Collaboration Board in order to ensure communication between management and various other committees runs smoothly.
Dr. Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz will start her mandate on the 1st of September 2021, for a two year term.
Claudia started her career in particle physics as a summer student at CERN, at the ISOLDE facility and the UA1 experiment. She then continued to work in UA1, where she contributed to the discovery of the W and Z particles. She was a CERN fellow, and as a member of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences she participated in leading roles in the CP-violation experiment NA48 and the research and development experiment RD5, a prototype of CMS. She is a founding member of our Collaboration and has held several leadership positions. Most recently, she co-chairs the Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion. She was a member of the EPS-HEPP board of the European Physical Society and the Austrian representative in RECFA, which allowed her to gain insight into particle physics in many countries. She is also an adjunct professor, lecturing in particle and astroparticle physics, and is keen to promote CMS and the values of science in general to the outside world.