The CMS Collaboration Board is the governing body of the experiment and makes all major decisions within the Collaboration. In most cases a matter will be discussed first in the Management Board which, after due deliberation, will submit a recommendation to the Collaboration Board. However, some issues may go directly to the Collaboration Board.

Read more in the CMS Constitution

CB meetings are held each CMS Week and each Physics Week, i.e. 6 times per year.

See also: Official CMS Email lists | CB attendance form (best with firefox)

CB Standing Committees

The Collaboration Board has established a number of standing committees which report to the CB, including:

Temporary working groups

The current organigram of the temporary working groups may be found here

  • CMS Fellows Group to explore the creation of leadership opportunities and mentoring programs for untenured members of the Collaboration
  • Coordinated Funding Group (joint with the Finance Board) to explore a coordinated approach to international funding opportunities
  • CMS Theorists Group to further develop the role of theorists in the Collaboration (currently dormant)

CB Search Committee

The CB Search Committee (SC) is a sub-committee of the Collaboration Board and is chaired by the Chair of the CB. The membership comprises the Collaboration Board Chair and Deputy Chair and the regional representatives to the CMS Management Board.

The CB SC originates from the time of the CMS Reflection Group when the CMS Constitution was being significantly revised. The Collaboration Board minutes of February 2006 and March 2006 record endorsements of several recommendations made by the Reflection Group regarding the formation of a Collaboration Board Search Committee. The text of the adopted proposal (Recommendation 5) was:
"Collaboration Board Search Committee: this helps the Spokesperson to select his/her Deputy and the Coordinators. Its composition would be the Collaboration Board Chair and Deputy, plus the elected Regional Representatives in the Management Board. The Spokesperson must consult all members but has the final word in the nominations which must nevertheless be endorsed by the Management and Collaboration Boards."

CB Election Committee

An election committee is formed ad-hoc for each election of the CMS Spokesperson and Collaboration Board Chair.

For details of the CB Chair election for the term July 2014-Dec 2016 please click here

CB Advisory Group

The CB Advisory Group gives advice to the CB chair and helps prepare material for the CB.

CB Membership

The CB membership comprises the Institutional Representatives, the ex-officio members of the CMS Management Board and the Subsystem Institution Board Chairs. The chairs of the CB committees and the CMS Head of Communications are also ex-officio CB members. The Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary of the CB are ex-officio non-voting members of the CB. The current CB leadership is as follows:

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