
| ebutz | Collaboration
After two years of planning, one year of implementation, and two million CHF worth of investments, the Tracker project has achieved its most important goal to enable the “Tracker Going Cold”. The Tracker was successfully (and safely!) operated “cold…
| lapka | Collaboration
From the desk of the CB Chairperson The CB Chair team is pleased to issue the first newsletter of the year. With Ian Shipsey, our former CB Chair now well installed in his new job, the team now consists of: Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz (acting CB Chair),…
| meyera | Collaboration
Dear colleagues, CMS has been invited for a total of 21 talks (16 plenary and 5 parallel) at the workshop "Physics at LHC and beyond", in the framework of the 10th Rencontres du Vietnam, taking place from August 10-17 in Quy-Nhon, Vietnam. There's a…
| achintya | Collaboration
More than 500 junior and senior high-schoolers from seven different locations in Greece had the opportunity for a virtual visit to the CMS experiment today in collaboration with the Open Discovery Space project. With the use of lightweight…
| achintya | Collaboration
Dear friends, We would like to share with you the selection of some stories from the beginning of the year year: - Tiziano Camporesi takes reins of CMS - ECAL Preshower removed from detector for…
| petrilli | Collaboration
At the beginning of the month, physicist Joe Incandela, who led the CMS experiment during the discovery of the Higgs boson, handed the reins to his former deputy, CERN physicist Tiziano Camporesi. For the next two years, Camporesi will oversee all…
| lapka | Collaboration
It has been a wonderful year for CMS. We are privileged to be on this great experiment at such a historic time. The public have never been more interested in our field and the excitement is building as we prepare for Run 2 in 2015. We have both…
| petyt | Collaboration
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) is responsible for measuring electrons and photons produced in collisions inside the detector. It comprises of 75,848 lead-tungstate crystals, each with its own photodetector and electronics to form readout…
| eno | Collaboration
Dear CMS Alumni, students, and postdocs, We are delighted to announce that the CMS CB Career committee, CMS and CERN will be hosting a networking event for alumni, students, and postdocs in the Globe on 9 December, at 19:00. This glamorous event is…
| aspola | Collaboration
As you know, we have to elect the CMS CB Chairperson for the term July 2014 - Dec. 2016. The election will take place during two special Collaboration Board meetings, held during the December CMS week: on Tuesday December 10th evening: discussion…
| achintya | Collaboration
From the desk of the CB Chairperson We have been receiving quite a few emails asking when the CB Newsletter would reappear. Finally we are resuming service. There have been CB meetings in DESY and CERN as well as in Taipei since our last newsletter…
| Anonymous | Collaboration
On 8 October, the 2013 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Professors Francois Englert and Peter Higgs “for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which…