
| lucas | Physics
31 July 2012, CERN Today CMS submitted for publication, in the Physics Letters B journal, a paper entitled "Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC". The abstract for the paper [get PDF here] reads:…
| sirois | Collaboration
Version française ci-dessous / French version below The Prime Minister of France Jean-Marc Ayrault visited CERN on the 30th of July, accompanied by the Minister of Higher Education and Research Mme Geneviève Fioraso. The Prime Minister said that he…
| kirschen | Physics
Jets are the experimental signatures of quarks and gluons produced in high-energy processes such as head-on proton-proton collisions. As quarks and gluons have a net colour charge and cannot exist freely due to colour-confinement, they are not…
| Anonymous | External news (e.g. BBC)
Our understanding of physical reality — of everything and nothing — has changed forever. We don't yet know where we are heading, but nothing will ever be the same. As a scientist, I don't know what more I could ask for. On July 4, two independent…
| Anonymous | External news (e.g. BBC)
Signaling a likely end to one of the longest, most expensive searches in the history of science, physicists said Wednesday that they had discovered a new subatomic particle that looks for all the world like the Higgs boson, a key to understanding…
| Anonymous | External news (e.g. BBC)
Cern scientists reporting from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have claimed the discovery of a new particle consistent with the Higgs boson.
| achintya | Article
The Higgs boson is a particle associated with the electroweak-symmetry breaking mechanism that was proposed in the 1960s and is a vital component of the Standard Model of particle physics. It is believed that all fundamental particles in the known…
| achintya | Collaboration
On 4th July, at 09:00 CEST, CMS will present their latest results on the search for the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson at the LHC. The presentation, which is followed by one from the ATLAS collaboration, will be in CERN’s Main Auditorium, and will…
| lucas | Collaboration
This page is to help CMS collaborators communicate with the media, public, students, etc. It will be updated as soon new material is available. Send comments or questions to Lucas Taylor CMS at ICHEP: useful links ICHEP: home page | Indico…
| achintya | Collaboration
The LHC began its 2012 run in early April, colliding protons at a world-record centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV[1]. In just over two months, CMS has recorded more data than in the 2011 run. As of the short technical stop starting June 18, the LHC…
| lucas | Feature Article
*** draft *** draft *** draft *** ICHEP agenda CMS contributions Media enquiries: CERN Press Office This page shows new CMS results presented at the International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP) during 4—11 July 2012 in Melbourne,…
| lapka | Article
Learner Objectives for Masterclass These are educational goals for students participating in the masterclass. Describe/show how conservation laws, behavior of particles in a magnetic field and energy-mass conversion apply to particle physics.…