
| nduponts | Collaboration
A reminder on CERN Safety rules
| barneyd | Collaboration
It is well known that CERN is an open laboratory, welcoming visitors from around the world on a daily basis. Often these visits are organised by schools or colleges, or are simply part of a family vacation to the Geneva area. Many VIPs also visit,…
| marlow | Collaboration
The number of events that an experiment observes is proportional to a quantity called the luminosity — a measure of how many collisions are occurring in the detector. An accelerator operating at high luminosity stands the best chance of producing…
| dlazic | Collaboration
This year's HCAL test beam run in July was completely devoted to studies of hardware that will be used in the upcoming upgrades. During the course of the two weeks the detector was moved in two independent setups – HF and the combined EB+HB+HO –…
| bklima | Collaboration
CMS published its 100th paper on 3rd August. This accomplishment, unprecedented in its pace, came as a result of many things working together extremely well. Primarily, the performance of the LHC accelerator during the last two years was terrific.…
| lucas | Collaboration
Please try out the completely new CMS Web site: Leave comments by clicking the "GIVE FEEDBACK" link on the side of the page, or contact Lucas Taylor.
| achintya | Collaboration
Building 40 at CERN’s Meyrin site was abuzz with excitement as CMS formally inaugurated an art installation featuring a full-size high-resolution photograph of the CMS detector organised by the CMS Communications Group. The unveiling was met with…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
This is a collaborative wiki where people write scrappers that can be re-used to trawl the internet or a specific website automatically and find data relating to a particular topic. For instance there is a scrapper that looks through twitter for…
| ellie | Collaboration
Piazza is an online forum for ask and answer questions. Users ask a question that is then answered by other users and/or identified experts. There is only one space for each answer and answers are edited wiki-style, with versioning - so the forum…
| nduponts | Collaboration
The self-rescue mask training course (biocell training) is now mandatory for accessing the USC55 cavern. Register now !
| gtonelli | Collaboration
Building 40 at CERN is going to change its appearance. A beautiful 1:1 maxi-poster of CMS is being installed in the central hall. To celebrate the completion of this installation we would like to invite you to a short drink this coming Friday from…
| lucas | Collaboration
CMS is now running with 1236 bunches of protons !