This page summarizes DOE and Fermilab CD-1 requirements, includes links to documents in DocDB, provides a brief description of each document, and identifies one or more contacts in DOE and/or the Project Office. The Federal Project Director is identified as "FPD". Text that appears in [BRACKETS] refers to references at the bottom of the page. FIXME: Add a link to the Director's Review and CD-1 Review charges when we receive them. [CHARGE].
Deliverables [REFERENCES] |
Required Documents (and document contents) |
Purpose and Description of Document | Contact | |
Overall Project Management | ||||
Key assumptions document [ASSUMPTIONS] [CONTINGENCY] [LABOR] | • Key Assumptions [CMS-doc-11577] 1. Cost and schedule — Contingency Rules — Labor Charging 2. Technical Assumptions 3. Programmatic Assumptions | This document describes cost, schedule, technical, and programmatic assumptions for the Project. The document contains key assumptions and is not intended to be all-inclusive. This is a living document. Its purpose is to provide up-to-date guidance on key assumptions that will affect project management decisions. Some of the sections in this document will be more fully described in other project documents such as the PEP, PMP, and CDR. This document serves as an easy reference for key assumptions for the Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Preliminary Project Execution Plan [PEP] | • Preliminary PEP [CMS-doc-11572] 1. Introduction 2. Project Baseline 3. Life Cycle Cost 4. Acquisition Approach 5. (CDx) Tailoring Strategy 6. Baseline Change Control 7. Management Structure and IPT 8. Project Management / Oversight | This document describes the mission need and justification for the Project, its objectives and scope, the DOE management structure, the resource plan, and the environmental, safety, and health (ES&H) requirements. The document also establishes the technical, cost, and schedule baselines against which performance will be measured by DOE. DOE Baseline Change Control thresholds are also established in this document. The PEP can include a Critical Decision (CD) tailoring strategy, if this is needed. | FPD Joel B. | |
Preliminary Project Management Plan [PMP] | • Preliminary PMP [CMS-doc-11569] 1. Introduction 2. Justification of Mission 3. Management, Organization, Responsibilities 4. Work Breakdown Structure 5. Technical, Schedule and Cost Baseline 6. Risk Management 7. Project Controls System 8. Acquisition Strategy 9. Technical Considerations 10. Quality Assurance Program 11. Value Management 12. Configuration Management 13. Engineering Design Review 14. Integrated Safety Management | This document describes the Project by providing an overview of project objectives, organization, management, and review mechanisms. The document supplements the PEP by providing details specific to the management of the Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Scope, Cost and Schedule Management | ||||
Conceptual Design Report [CDR] | • CDR [CMS-doc-11562] 1. Summary and Overview Science Requirements Conceptual Design Alternatives Analysis Key Performance Parameters Cost & Schedule 2. Physics Case 3. HCAL Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 4. Pixels Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 5. L1 Trigger Technical Requirements Proposed Design Alternatives Considered Risks ES&H, QA, QC, Value 6. Project Management Configuration Management Scope Management Cost Management Schedule Management Quality Management Risk Management Procurement Management | Joel B.. Joel B. Drew B. Frank C. Jeremy M Chris T. Simon K. Will J. Darin A. Sergo J. Wesley S Joel B. Erik G. Lucas T. | ||
Cost and Schedule Range (includes Resource Loaded Schedule (RLS), BoE's, and lifecycle costs. [WBS] [BoE] [COST] [SCHEDULE] [MILESTONES] | • WBS dictionary • WBS 1. Project Management 2. HCAL 3. Pixels 4. L2 Trigger • BoE form instructions • BoE [ All BoEs in DocDB ] • Summary Schedule • Critical path • Project Milestones • Cost Book • Cost and Schedule Range | Travis & L2's | ||
Risk Management | ||||
Risk Management Plan [RISK PLAN] | Refer to Fermilab Risk Management Plan (M. Dinnon) in the PEP, PMP, and CDR. | Text in the PEP, PMP, and CDR will refer to the Fermilab Risk Management Plan (RMP), which describes a process for identifying, evaluating, tracking, abating, and managing project risk in terms of risk categories: cost, schedule, ES&H and technical performance. | N/A | |
Risk Register [RISK REGISTER] | Risk Register & Assessment | Lucas T. Erik G. | ||
Quality Management | ||||
Preliminary Quality Assurance Program (QAP) [QUALITY PLAN] | • Quality Assurance Program [CMS-doc-11584] 1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. Graded Approach 4. Management 5. Quality Improvement 6. Performance/Criteria 7. Procurement 8. Inspection and Acceptance Testing 9. Assessment 10. Implementation | This document describes the Quality Assurance (QA) program for the Project. Its purpose is to state the QA requirements and describe how the requirements will be satisfied. It discusses how the QA criteria will be satisfied using a graded approach. This QAP is established in accordance with DOE Order 414.1C "Quality Assurance" and Fermilab's Integrated Quality Assurance Program. The QAP is implemented through the policies set forth in the PEP and the PMP. This QAP is reviewed at least annually and revised with the approval of the Project Manager for the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. | Joel B. Erik G. | |
Procurement | ||||
Acquisition Strategy [ACQUISITION STRATEGY] | • Acquisition Strategy 1. Justification of Mission Need 2. Project Description and KPPs 3. Alternatives Analysis 4. Recommended Alternatives 5. Total Project Cost Range 6. Funding Profile 7. Key Milestones and Events 8. Tailoring Strategy 9. Business and Acquisition Approach 10. Management Structure and Approach 11. Risk Analysis | This document describes the DOE acquisition strategy for the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. It describes the DOE's perspective of how the Project is to be managed. A preliminary version of this document is required for CD-1 and a final, signed version is required for CD-2. | FPD Joel B. | |
Procurement Management Plan | • Procurement Management Plan [CMS-doc-11585] | This document describes how the Project will obtain the goods and services required to accomplish the mission of the Project. | Joel B. | |
ES&H -- Environment, Safety and Health | ||||
Comply with the One-for-One Building Space Replacement | This document may not be needed for LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project for CD-1. | N/A | ||
Document High Perf. & Sustainable Bldg. & Sustainable Env. Stewardship considerations | This document may not be needed for LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project for CD-1. | N/A | ||
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Report [HAZARD ANALYSIS] | 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Description of Site, Facility 4. Identification of Hazards 5. Results and Assessments 6. Operations 7. Preliminary Hazard List 8. Conclusions 9. Appendix A: Risk Categorization 10. Appendix B: Hazard Worksheet | This document provides a preliminary assessment of potential hazards associated with the Project, and describes criteria used to mitigate these hazards. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
Integrated Safety Management Plan [SAFETY] | • Integrated Safety Management Plan [CMS-doc-11587] | This document describes the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Plan for the Project. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Document [NEPA & EENF] | Table of Contents: 1. Describe Proposed Action & Need 2. Describe Affected Environment 3. Potential Environmental Effects 4. NEPA Recommendation 5. NEPA Coordinator Review 6. Comments on items in Section 3 | NEPA establishes requirements for all federal agencies to prepare environmental assessments and impact statements, indicating environmental effects of proposed federal agency actions. The purpose of this document is to describe environmental impacts of the LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. | Stefan Gruenendahl | |
Other Related Documents | ||||
CMS Technical Design Documents | • HCAL Upgrades TDR • Pixel Upgrades TDR | N/A | ||
LHC and CMS constraints and assumptions | • LHC / CMS schedule | N/A | ||
Other | • Draft MOUs w/ US institutes • Draft SOWs w/ US institutes | Joel B. |
Some non-CMS material below is protected (ask Erik how to get access).
[CHARGE] • MicroBooNE Director's Review charge
[ASSUMPTIONS] • mu2e key assumptions
• MicroBooNE key assumptions
[PEP] • mu2e prelim PEP • mu2e org chart • mu2e Configuration Management and Change Control • MicroBooNE prelim PEP • MicroBooNE org chart • MicroBooNE Configuration Mgmt
[PMP] • US-CMS Construction Project PMP • mu2e prelim PMP • MicroBooNE prelim PMP [CDR] • mu2e CDR • MicroBooNE CDR
[CONTINGENCY] • mu2e Contingency Rules • MicroBooNE Contingency Rules • MicroBooNE Contingency Table
[LABOR] • Fermilab Labor Charging Practices for Projects • mu2e Labor Charging (1) • mu2e Labor Charging (2)
[WBS] • MicroBooNE WBS • MicroBooNE WBS Dictionary • mu2e WBS Dictionary
[BoE] • MicroBooNE BoE Directory • MicroBooNE BoE Form Instructions [COST] • mu2e Cost Book • mu2e Cost Range • mu2e Life Cycle Costs
[SCHEDULE] • MicroBooNE RLS Gantt Chart • mu2e Schedule • mu2e Critical Path • MicroBooNE MS Project Schedule • MicroBooNE Schedule Overview
[MILESTONES] • MicroBooNE Milestones • mu2e Milestones
[RISK PLAN] • mu2e Risk Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE Risk Mgmt Plan
[RISK REGISTER] • mu2e prelim Risk Register • MicroBooNE prelim Risk Register and Assessment
[QUALITY PLAN] • mu2e Quality Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE QA Plan
[ACQUISITION STRATEGY] • mu2e Acquisition Strategy • MicroBooNE Acquisition Strategy
[HAZARD ANALYSIS] • mu2e prelim HA • MicroBooNE prelim HA
mu2e Integrated Safety Mgmt Plan • MicroBooNE Integrated Safety Mgmt Plan [NEPA & EENF] • NEPA and EENF examples