This page contains information and links for the Project Office of the US LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project. See also the Fermilab SharePoint site used for our CD-2/3 reviews
- CD1 Review Preparations Dashboard
- CD1 Task Force Organisation
- Email list
- Indico category
- Materials from meetings stored in DocDB
CD-1 Vidyo Meetings
The regular and informal CD-1 Team meetings are always held in the same Vidyo meeting room:
- Room name: USCMS_CD1_TEAM_Weekly_Meeting_indico_220221
- Extension 9220221
- Meeting PIN 8874
- Auto-join URL
- Phone bridge: +1 866 5777460 (USA), then enter: 9220221*8874# [numbers for other countries]
- How to invite guests to Vidyo meetings
- Access to USCMS Upgrade Project Office Content
- DOE and Fermilab Project Management Guidance
- Deliverables for CD1
- Examples of other DOE CD1 Reviews
- Internal Review Preparations
- Monthly Status Reporting
- PPT Slide Template
- Redmine Issue Tracking
- Risk Management
- US Upgrades PMGs
- Uploading a document to DocDB
- Writing the US-CMS Upgrades CDR / TDR