Use the self-explanatory DocDB web form to add a new document. Under "Who can see this?" and "Who can modify this?"click "advanced" to show a list of all groups. Select from the list as appropriate. Use Control+Click or Command+Click to select multiple items in the menu, e.g.
- Public
- US ProjectOffice
- US Reviewers
Under Topics, please tag the document with as many topics as appropriate. Click the little + (plus) sign next to the topic name to see sub-topics. Notable top-level topics are:
- Countries → USA
- Upgrades
- Tracker → Pixels
- Trigger → L1 Trigger
Access Control to Documents in DocDB
- The US ProjectOffice DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-project-office egroup.
- The US Reviewers DocDB access list is defined in the uscms-upgrades-reviewers egroup.
To add or remove users in these groups, just add or remove the person in the CERN e-group as described here.