The US-CMS Upgrades Conceptual Design Report (CDR) and Technical Design Report (TDR) are prepared using the standard CMS "tdr" system(*):

  • The document is built from many files (sections, figures, etc.), so that many people can work concurrently.
  • The files are all stored in the CMS svn repository.
  • The "tdr" script is used to build a single PDF file of the complete CDR / TDR using all the input files.
Latest versions

See the latest TDR draft as a PDF file and as a DocDB record. See the final CDR in DocDB .

Getting started with the US-CMS CDR / TDR

Here is a record of a simple session that you can easily adjust to meet your own needs:

ssh -X -l lucas
mkdir TDR-WORK
svn co -N svn+ssh://
svn update -N tdr2/reports
svn update tdr2/utils
svn update tdr2/reports/us-up-401-tdr
eval `tdr2/utils/trunk/tdr runtime -csh`            (for csh, tcsh and related shells)
eval `tdr2/utils/trunk/tdr runtime -sh`             (for sh and related shells)
cd tdr2/reports/us-up-401-tdr/trunk
tdr b us-up-401-tdr
acroread /afs/
Using material from the Upgrade TDRs

For reference, a final snapshot of all the files used for the HCAL, Pixel and L1 Trigger Upgrade TDRs are available in imports directory:


Do not develop anything new in the imports directory. Copy what you need into the main TDR area (e.g. tex or fig directories).

Access Control

Access to the svn repository is controlled by CERN afs userid. If you need access and do not already have it, contact Lucas Taylor (or George Alverson).

More Documentation




(*) The CMS TDR system was developed by, and is now supported by: George Alverson and Lucas Taylor.