The LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project risk management process is described in the "Risk Management Plan" The risk planning process comprises the following steps:
Risk Identification
Qualitative Risk Analysis
Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses
- L2s: Summarize the risks to your project on this Risk Twiki page with the help of this Risk Checklist
- L2s: Ask all your team to improve the list. Remove duplicates. Consolidate overlaps.
- L2s: Fill in one Risk Web form per risk (takes < 5 minutes). Try to complete all fields (probability, impacts, response plans, etc.) if known.
- Risk Manager: collect data from all risk forms and create a single Risk Register.
- Risk Manager + Project Team: meet to review the risk register and fill in any missing data.
- Risk Manager: rank risks using probability and impact thresholds in the "Risk Management Plan"
- Risk Manager: aggregate project-wide cost risk impacts for high- and medium-ranked risks.
- Project Scheduler and Risk Manager: assess risk impacts on critical path and higher-level milestones.
- Project Manager: determine project cost and schedule range and risk cost contingency allocation.
- For CD1: preliminary risk responses, where known, will be documented in the Risk Register.
- For CD2: comprehensive risk response plans will be prepared.