By CMS Collaboration


CMS presented a series of new results at the annual LHCP conference, which took place in Belgrade, Serbia

The LHCP conference provides a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results related to the physics of the Large Hadron Collider.

From research within the standard model to searches for new particles and phenomena, CMS was involved across the board throughout the conference.

The CMS Collaboration presented new processes: the first evidence for the production of a top quark in association with a W boson and a Z boson, the first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a Z boson and a photon, and the first observation of the Λ0b→J/ψ Ξ− K+ decay. These studies establish the groundwork for future measurements, with relevant implications for further investigations, as larger event samples are collected.

A new, differential study of diboson ZZ production in association with jets has been shown. Although we see an overall agreement, significant discrepancies between predicted and measured values are observed in some regions.

The wide range of searches for new physics presented at the conference included a search for dimuon resonance production in association with one or more b quark jets, a search for leptoquarks produced in lepton-quark collisions and coupling to τ leptons, a search for narrow hadronic resonances decaying to three resolved jets, a search for violation of Lorentz invariance in top-antitop production, and a search for the lepton flavour violating tau to 3 muons decay.

Looking back at an incredible week, here are the analyses that have been presented.

Standard Model Studies


Evidence for tWZ production in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV in multilepton final states

Physics analysis summary: TOP-22-008

Physics briefing

Observation of the decay

Physics analysis summary: BPH-22-002

Evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a Z boson and a photon at the LHC

Physics analysis summary: HIG-23-002

Physics briefing

Measurement of the differential ZZ+jets production cross sections in pp collisions at 13 TeV

Physics analysis summary: SMP-22-001

Data reconstruction with Machine Learning


Identification of prompt and isolated muons using multivariate techniques at the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

Physics analysis summary: MUO-22-001

Searches for new physics


Search for a high mass dimuon resonance associated with b quark jets at 13 TeV

Physics analysis summary: EXO-22-016

Physics briefing

Search for leptoquarks produced in lepton-quark collisions and coupling to leptons

Physics analysis summary: EXO-22-018

Search for narrow trijet resonances in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

Physics analysis summary: EXO-22-008

Searches for violation of Lorentz invariance in production with dilepton final states

Physics analysis summary: TOP-22-007

Search for lepton flavour violating tau to 3 muon decay

Physics analysis summary: BPH-21-005

To find the papers explained, check out our physics briefing page.


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