Starting in 2029, the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will provide much higher collision intensities to the ATLAS and CMS experiments, with up to 200 concurrent collisions (or pileup) per bunch crossing expected. This will create very complicated…
Professor Geoffrey Hall from Imperial London College has won the James Chadwick Medal and Prize. This award is granted by the Institute of Physics (IoP) for distinguished contributions in particle physics.  Geoffrey has devoted much of his…
IUPAP Young Scientist Prize 2020 The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) commission honoured CMS member Marco Lucchini with the Young Scientist Prize for 2020, “For his pioneering work in the development of fast crystal sensors…
The 2010 CMS Achievement Awards were given during the opening session of the December CMS Week, on December 6, 2010. Two out of the 14 awardees are Tracker members, whom we warmly congratulate: Gordon Kaussen, for outstanding contributions to the…
As the LHC has delivered the first collisions and the first CMS physics paper with collision data is published, in a memorable ceremony Awards for Outstanding Achievements in the Construction of the CMS detector were given to 100 collaborators. 21…