
| achintya | Collaboration
Dear friends, We would like to share with you the selection of some stories from the beginning of the year year: - Tiziano Camporesi takes reins of CMS - ECAL Preshower removed from detector for…
| achintya | Detector
CMS has many different safety systems installed in the underground experimental area. These are designed to protect the detector and all the associated electronics as well as the cavern itself. In case of fire, the last line of defence is the High…
| tmarriot | Detector
From the CMS experimental site at Cessy, France, located at Point 5 on the LHC ring ————— After a well-deserved Christmas break, work has resumed at Point 5 at an unabated pace. With an extremely busy 2013 behind us, all teams are now focusing their…
| barneyd | Detector
The first part of the CMS endcap calorimetry, as seen by particles coming from interactions in the centre of the detector, is the "ECAL Preshower" or "ES" for short. "ES−" and "ES+" are used to distinguish the two ends of this subsystem. The ES is…
| petrilli | Collaboration
At the beginning of the month, physicist Joe Incandela, who led the CMS experiment during the discovery of the Higgs boson, handed the reins to his former deputy, CERN physicist Tiziano Camporesi. For the next two years, Camporesi will oversee all…
| lapka | Article
Dear friends, we hope that you all had a good start to 2014. We would like to share with you the selection of some stories from the end of last year: - New layer to be added to CMS muon system -…
| cavallo | Engage with CMS
Building and operating the CMS Detector is a complicated endeavour! Now, more than 20 years after the detector was conceived, the CMS Bologna group proposes to follow the steps of this challenging project by playing "The Higgs Boson Goose Chase"…
| blutz | Detector
The central hadron calorimeter (HCAL) of CMS consists of the barrel (HB), the endcap (HE), and the outer (HO) regions. The HO consists of one or two scintillator layers and uses the metal of the magnet system as an absorber. So far, the HO has been…
| tetto | Detector
A fourth station –– called RE4 –– will be added to the CMS endcap muon system during the ongoing LHC Long Shutdown (LS1). The CMS muon system consists of three different sub-detectors: RPCs (Resistive Plate Chambers), DT (Drift Tubes) and CSC (…
| lapka | Collaboration
It has been a wonderful year for CMS. We are privileged to be on this great experiment at such a historic time. The public have never been more interested in our field and the excitement is building as we prepare for Run 2 in 2015. We have both…
| achintya | Physics
At a seminar held at CERN this morning, the CMS collaboration presented several measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson discovered in July 2012. CMS showed for the first time strong evidence for the decay of Higgs bosons into fermions,…
| lapka | Article
Dear friends, welcome to the first edition of the new CMS monthly newsletter. We would like to thank all collaborators who contributed to the CMS Times, published between 2006 – 2012. It served well in providing information during the…