
| maiqbal | Physics
Image credit: Jennifer James (Vanderbilt) Imagine going to an optician to check your vision. You are looking at a series of letters "E" in different orientations. When these letters get smaller and smaller, the horizontal lines in the "E" get closer…
| maiqbal | Physics
  The study of the Higgs boson is one of the main goals of the physics program of the CMS experiment. The data collected up to now at the LHC helped us to refine our understanding of the Higgs mechanism, which is responsible for the generation…
| adelanno | Physics
  The completion of the standard model (SM) with the discovery of the Higgs boson stands as a resounding success in the world of particle physics. However, significant questions remain unanswered, such as the nature of dark matter (DM), and the…
| ajafari | Physics
  Top quarks are the heaviest known elementary particles, as heavy as a tungsten atom. In high energy proton proton collisions at the LHC about 10 pairs of a top quark and its antiparticle are produced every second. But they are not here to…
| maiqbal | Physics
  Recent observations from experiments worldwide have reported anomalies in the decays of a bottom quark to a charm quark, a charged lepton (electron, muon, or tau), and the corresponding neutrino. These observations hint at possible deviations…
| adelanno | Physics
  In 2012, the discovery of the Higgs boson marked a milestone in particle physics. It validated the standard model (SM) and unlocked new avenues of exploration. In 2022, the Higgs boson turned ten and the CMS experiment now presents a new…
| sohurst | Physics
CMS has released 37 new results for the ICHEP 2024. These results cover the full spectrum of the CMS physics program, including a few relevant highlights. On Higgs boson and Standard Model Measurements In HIG-23-013, we present the most precise…
| sohurst | Detector
How to manage large amounts of data without losing any interesting ones? The selection of data concerning particle collisions in the LHC is critical since it will determine all the resulting analyses. This is the decisive work of a novel scouting…
| sohurst | Collaboration
Starting in 2029, the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will provide much higher collision intensities to the ATLAS and CMS experiments, with up to 200 concurrent collisions (or pileup) per bunch crossing expected. This will create very complicated…
| nstathak | Collaboration
Since the year 2000, the CMS Collaboration has recognised industry partners who've played a crucial role in building the experiment. The CMS Gold Award acknowledges companies that consistently deliver high-quality components, meeting deadlines and…
| nstathak | Collaboration
The CMS Collaboration is thrilled to announce that laureates of the 2023 CMS PhD Thesis Award are Jona Motta, Christopher Edward Brown, and Spandan Mondal. This award recognizes exceptional doctoral research within the collaboration that pushes the…
| nstathak | Collaboration
It's time to shine a light on the 2023 CMS award winners! Each year, the CMS Award committee recognises outstanding contributions from members of the CMS Collaboration, honouring their dedication to the performance of CMS sub-detectors and,…