Grab a can of soda, shake it thoroughly, and open it up. What do you get? It’s an explosion of fizz. A similar phenomenon in the subatomic world might help us probe the nature of fundamental particles.
Scientists have spent centuries searching for…
achintya |
The LHC has now delivered 5 inverse femtobarns (fb−1) of data in 2011, of which CMS has collected 4.53 fb−1.
cavalari |
This year, for the first time, the winners of the Italian Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Olympiads received an unforgettable reward from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR): a trip to CERN. The National Institute…
mhoch |
You have to be curious and creative to work for a project like CMS. Without these qualities, it would be impossible to build an instrument of its complexity. The CMS detector is a marvellous instrument at the forefront of technology and will open…
marineli |
On Friday 7th October the LHC delivered, for the first time in the history of High Energy Physics, proton-proton collisions at the design frequency of 40 MHz, with bunches of protons colliding every 25 nanoseconds (ns), doubling the frequency…
lucas |
External news (e.g. BBC)
Three researchers behind the discovery that our Universe's expansion is accelerating have been awarded this year's Nobel prize for physics. Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess of the US and Brian Schmidt of Australia will divide the prize. [...]
lucas |
Watch the very first TV episode of "What's new @ CERN" featuring CMS physicist Yves Sirois, John Ellis and other physicists talking about the Higgs Boson, the Standard Model, Supersymmetry and neutrinos. "What's new @ CERN" is a new monthly outreach…
achintya |
The LHC has now delivered over 4 inverse femtobarns (fb−1) of data in 2011, of which CMS has collected 3.7 fb−1.
achintya |
The international physics masterclasses allow high-school students to spend a day at a research institute and analyse real data from high-energy physics experiments. Conducted under the aegis of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (…
nduponts |
Next short Technical Stop will take place from Monday the 7th to Friday the 11th of November 2011
barneyd |
On the evening of 23rd September CMS welcomed, for the second successive year, young local students to point 5 for an experience they will never forget - and this time we joined forces with TOTEM. As part of the European Researchers' Night, around…
achintya |
Read the paper: EXO-11-005
In this Letter, CMS describes a search for a kind of fourth-generation T quark with charge 2/3. The search for T-antiT pairs was performed in events that had a pair of oppositely charged leptons (l+l−) as well as an…