
| rusace01 | Collaboration
A series of important milestones have been passed during the last 3 months. With the delivery of refurbished cooling systems, pixels and strip systems have been brought back into operation after long shutdowns. Pixels has been operating since…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
In July of last year we successfully inserted the pixel detector inside CMS and successfully integrated and operated it with the rest of the CMS detector during the CRAFT run. Despite the excellent detector performance some problems arose after…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
The last two weeks the Forward Pixels (FPIX) detectors were both reinstalled and successfully tested. This activity was very much interleaved with the re-alignment of the central beam pipe. Both activities took place in a fragile and confined…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
Loic Quertenmont has produced a lot of very nice pictures of events in the 3.8T field. Enjoy the slideshow too...
| rusace01 | Collaboration
| rusace01 | Collaboration
| rusace01 | Collaboration
| rusace01 | Collaboration
March CERN Courier has a centre spread article on the Tracker with a cover picture.
| ajafari | Physics
  With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, an important piece in our puzzle to understand the Universe was found. However, there are still many open questions: why is the Higgs boson so light? What is dark matter? How does gravity work at…