The Bs meson is a bound state of a strange quark and a beauty antiquark – as such it possesses both beauty and strangeness! For many years, searches for an extremely rare decay of the Bs meson, to a μ+μ- pair, remained a holy grail…
estarlin |
The CMS Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) subsystem will form an extra layer of detectors, along with the Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) layers, closest to the beam. The GEM's ability to cope with a very high particle rate will greatly improve…
fbaldass |
Every year the CMS Thesis Award Committee recognizes and rewards excellence in the CMS PhD student research. As highlighted by Andrea Giammanco, the Award Committee Chair, “The quality of theses submitted for this award is increasing year…
mccauley |
The CMS collaboration at CERN is happy to announce the release of its fourth batch of open data to the public. With this release, which brings the volume of its open data to more than 2 PB (or two million GB), CMS has now provided open…
fblekman |
The CMS collaboration has carried out for the first time a direct search for a Higgs boson decaying into charm quarks, a vital step in understanding the Higgs particle and the Standard Model.
The discovery of a Higgs boson by both the ATLAS and…
CMS members recognised by 2019 Young Experimental Physicist Prize from the European Physical Society
lapka |
Each year, The European Physical Society (EPS)* recognizes outstanding work by one or more young physicists (under the age of 35) in the field of Particle Physics and/or Particle Astrophysics with the Young Experimental Physicist Prize.This…
fblekman |
Not many people know that there is a boson-boson collider hiding in the proton-proton collisions of the Large Hadron Collider. The idea is that during rare occasions other particles such as the photon and gauge bosons W and Z are created by the…
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The CMS collaboration is presenting several new results at the 2019 European Society of Physics’s High-Energy Physics conference (EPS-HEP) taking place in Ghent, Belgium. The results cover a diverse assortment of topics and range from precision…
fblekman |
The CMS Collaboration has recently presented an updated search for new invisible particles. The technique capitalizes on the imbalance among the visible particles in a collision that such an object would induce. If dark matter is made of fundamental…
fblekman |
New physics may show up at the LHC in the form of yet unobserved particles which travel inside the detector before decaying, far from the point in space where they were produced. If these particles decay to photons, at CMS we can use the short but…
fblekman |
At the EPS-HEP conference this week the CMS collaboration presents new results of a powerful search that is motivated by a variety of new physics models that predict a signature of a bump in the production of the most frequently produced particles…
fblekman |
The CMS collaboration has recently released new results on how the top quark and Higgs boson interact, and this required a much deeper understanding of the production of top quarks together with bottom quarks.
The two heaviest known elementary…