
| fbaldass | Detector
  CMS has recently conducted the largest deletion campaign in its history, deleting roughly 85 Petabytes (85’000’000’000’000’000 bytes) of data from the magnetic tapes, in order to free up space for the Run 3 collisions. No original raw data…
| sohurst | Physics
Summer is here! The CMS Collaboration is participating in conferences throughout July and August, presenting on recent studies. Make sure to check back here as this page will be updated with the latest news as we move through the summer months.…
| fbaldass | Physics
It was 1918 when the mathematician Emmy Noether published what is known as her most famous theorem, revealing the fundamental relation between the symmetries of a physical system and the laws enforcing the conservation of some of its characteristic…
| fbaldass | Physics
Three-jet event with an invariant mass of 7.2 TeV, showing the jets (yellow cones) and the energy deposited in the electromagnetic (green) and hadron (blue) calorimeters. With the discovery of the Higgs boson, the Standard Model of particle physics…
| fbaldass | Physics
  In 2012, the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations observed a new boson with a mass of 125 GeV, whose properties are compatible with those of the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. However, numerous models beyond the…
| sohurst | Physics
The CMS Collaboration has recently reported a new study of ZZ+jets production, a process described by the Standard Model of particle physics. The goal of such measurements is to compare the observed results with the theoretical predictions; any…
| nstathak | Detector
  Data taking is restarting in CMS for the continuation of Run 3 - and with it the enormous responsibility of keeping the data safe and making sure it is usable in order to conduct the physics analyses. Last April 2023, the Large Hadron…
| nstathak | Collaboration
Congratulations to Angira Rastogi, Willem Verbeke, and David Walter who won the 2022 CMS Ph.D. Thesis Award! The CMS Collaboration recognizes annually the outstanding achievements of young scientists through this award and highlights the exceptional…
| nstathak | Collaboration
The time for the 2022 CMS awards has come and we are glad to present the winners! Every year the CMS Award committee is honoring some of the CMS Collaboration’s members for their outstanding work and dedication to the CMS sub-detectors. "We are very…
| nstathak | Detector
  Everything started in early September 2022 while, during the ECAL Operations meeting that we hold every Wednesday morning, our veteran electronics expert, Evgueni, reported that the voltage in a control card was unstable. He prophetically…
| sohurst | Physics
  CMS presented a series of new results at the annual LHCP conference, which took place in Belgrade, Serbia.  The LHCP conference provides a detailed review of the latest experimental and…
| ajafari | Physics
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 marked a significant milestone in particle physics. Since then, researchers at the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations have been diligently investigating its properties and probing for rare production and decay…