CMS is in many ways a living entity, undergoing change from time to time, with components being replaced or upgraded as their ability to handle the LHC's collisions reduces. When the LHC returns to action in 2015, the collision-energy will be…
lincoln |
One of the biggest unanswered questions of particle physics is why the mass of the Higgs boson is relatively small when the Standard Model suggests a more natural value would be many thousands of trillions of times higher. We don't know the answer…
lapka |
Over recent weeks, members of the TE-VSC group have been removing seven components of the beam pipe located at the heart of the CMS detector. The delicate operations involved have been performed in several stages as the detector opening work has…
eno |
Dear Colleagues,
During the May CMS week, we had a very successful panel discussion featuring CMS Alumni who are now employed outside of high energy physics. The panel featured speakers employed near Geneva. A recording of the panel can be found…
velkovsk |
Observing a phenomenon for the first time helps us fine-tune our understanding of the Universe. CMS physicists found such a phenomenon in September 2012 in proton-lead collisions, an observation that has since been reinforced by much more data from…
achintya |
The EPS High Energy Physics Division announces the winners of its 2013 prizes, which will be awarded at the Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (EPS-HEP 2013), Stockholm (Sweden) 18-24 July 2013 (
The 2013 High…
fanfani |
CMS measures production rates up to high transverse momenta
A decade after its unexpected discovery, the properties of the X(3872) exotic resonance are still under intense scrutiny. This state was first seen in 2003 by the Belle experiment and then…
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Thank you all for the continued positive feedback on the CB Newsletter. There is always a lot happening during a CMS week. Among the many activities are three CB meetings, two of these are associated with the election of the next CMS Spokesperson.…
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The members of the CMS group at the University of Maryland were impressed when they learned of Sascha Mehlhase’s LEGO model of the ATLAS detector. They were also jealous, and so a group led by Jeff Temple, Marguerite Tonjes, and Jaime Gomez decided…
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Greetings! Thank you for the wonderful feedback we received on the inaugural issue of the CB Newsletter. Here is the second newsletter. We aim to publish an issue of the newsletter just prior to each CB meeting, and again approximately at the mid…
pivarski |
Sometimes, everyday words are co-opted by scientists and used as technical terms. One of these is the word “berry”. Talking to a botanist friend of mine, I learned that tomatoes are berries, but strawberries are not — the scientific meaning of a…
lapka |
The Special Milner Fundamental Physics Prize is being awarded this week in recognition of the success of the international LHC Project, including the major contributions of the entire CMS collaboration, for the discovery of a Higgs boson as…