
| lapka | Article
If you are a student, please show this page to your teacher, and he/she would need to register your class/group. If you are a teacher and you would like to organise a masterclass for your students/teachers, please follow the steps: Read What is the…
| lapka | Collaboration
While the LHC will play the starring role in the 2013/2014 Long Shutdown (LS1), the break will also be a chance for its experiments to upgrade their detectors. CMS will be expanding its current muon detection systems, fitting 72 new cathode strip…
| aferapon | Physics
The search for microscopic black holes at the LHC is motivated by the hierarchy problem — the huge observed difference between the strengths of the electroweak and gravitational forces. The ADD model (Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali) offers an…
| pvanmech | Physics
On request of the FSQ PAG a run with very low pile-up (PU = 0.037) was taken for minimum bias and underlying event studies. Trigger information was exchanged between CMS and TOTEM and a common dataset has been obtained.
| achintya | Physics
A measurement of the underlying event (UE) activity in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is performed using Drell-Yan events in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2 fb−1 (inverse femtobarns),…
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
Another day, another particle. Unlike the Higgs boson, the neutral Xi_b baryon is not expected to solve any deep, outstanding mysteries. But, sightings of its excited state are another first for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva,…
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider submitted a paper to Physical Review Letters claiming that they’d discovered a new Baryon particle. This is the Xi_b^*0 – which is composed of three quarks: a strange quark, a beauty quark, and an up quark.
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
A never-before-seen subatomic particle has popped into existence inside the world's largest atom smasher, bringing physicists a step closer to unraveling the mystery of how matter is put together in the universe.
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
Physicists using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator have discovered their first brand-new baryon, a particle consisting of three quarks.
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
It has not discovered the Higgs Boson — not yet, anyway — but the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator has revealed a never-before-discovered particle comprised of three quarks.
| achintya | External news (e.g. BBC)
Scientists running the Large Hadron Collider, aka the "big bang machine", announced Friday they've discovered a brand new particle during one of their experiments.
| lucas | Physics
ol.setstyle {list-style-type:arabic-lower;} p.setheight {line-height: 170%; The CMS experiment has submitted a paper for publication describing the first observation of a new, excited bottom (or beauty) baryon known as the Ξ*b0, with a…