
| lucas | Collaboration
This year's LHC physics run started in March. Since then the machine has broken many records, bringing its luminosity — the number of proton-proton collisions per second — to much higher levels than expected for this year. CMS now can take as much…
| achintya | Collaboration
Christophe Delaere, from the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium, has been with CMS for five years. Christophe works on the Tracker, the sub-detector that traces the path of charged particles that are formed in collisions at the LHC. Watch…
| lucas | Collaboration
Record fill for CMS: recorded 35.5 pb-1 ("inverse picobarns") of collisions - almost as much as we recorded in the whole of 2010!
| achintya | Collaboration
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment, designed to study dark matter and anti-matter from the International Space Station, launched successfully aboard the Endeavour shuttle from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on 16th May, 2011…
| achintya | Collaboration
After the success of the LHC restart in late 2009, the machine had its first Technical Shutdown over the Christmas period, lasting until the end of February. This time was used fruitfully, both by the accelerator and by CMS (see the first CMS Times…
| achintya | Collaboration
On 14th December, just 3 weeks after its restart, the LHC collided 1.18TeV beams of protons in CMS for the first time. During this first period more than 15000 2.36 TeV collision events were accumulated by CMS. You can keep up with the excitement…
| achintya | Collaboration
On 23rd November the LHC collided 450 GeV beams of protons for the first time (see here) but only for a short period as a trial. The first real period of collisions started on 6th December. The aim for the coming days is to accumulate about 100000…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
Only TOB was turned ON today after LHC Opearation declared stable beams for a while. Below is a 900 GeV p-p collision event seen by the TOB in Run 122314, Evt 8605569.
| rusace01 | Collaboration
TOB was turned ON today after LHC Opearation declared stable beams for a while. Here are images showings possible tracks from inelastic collisions detected by TOB in run 122294, lumi section 37
| achintya | Collaboration
Following the "splash" events of 6th/7th November (see here) the time has come to circulate the proton beams all around the LHC. This started in the early evening (Geneva time) on friday 20th and by midnight the beam had been circulated in both…
| achintya | Collaboration
On the weekend of 6th & 7th November the LHC beam was injected and arrived near the CMS experiment, before being "stopped" by a large amount of material known as a "collimator". The interaction of the protons with the dense material produced "…
| rusace01 | Collaboration
After further maintenance work on the detector here are 4 new cosmic events from run 119013