The CMS Collaboration has a broad physics programme, ranging from measurements of Standard Model quantities and the recently discovered Higgs boson, to studies of heavy-ion collisions, and searches for new particles, phenomena, and even extra dimensions in the Universe. The collaboration has published over 1000 scientific papers since 2010. CMS results from LHC collision data collected with the CMS detector are made public via papers (published or submitted for publication) and public notes (PAS) describing preliminary results. CMS also releases public notes that include detector and performance plots (DP), results on physics upgrade studies as well as Technical Design Reports. Many of these results also provide an article targeting the general public which can be found on this page.
Summary plots by physics topic: SMP, TOP, SUS, EXO, B2G, HIG
The CMS Physics Coordination area has 8 groups dedicated to different thematic physics analyses (PAGs), and 8 groups focused on physics objects (POGs). There are 4 groups (SG) in charge of reconstruction, simulation, and algorithms and 2 cross-coordinated groups among PAGs and POGs. The Physics Coordination office provides support in the development of triggers and in the development, maintenance, and use of analysis data formats (XPOG). The PC communication office prepares content for the dissemination of CMS physics results and sustains communication with the wider HEP community.
Physics Coordination Office |
Cross-POG (XPOG) Officers (email): J. R. Vlimant (CALTECH), S. Pigazzini (ETH) |
Physics Communications Officers (email): Abideh Jafari (DESY), Carlos Lourenco (CERN) |
Trigger Officer (email): M. Tosi (PADOVA), J. Alimena (DESY) |
Physics Object Groups (POGs) |
BTV: B-tagging and Vertexing Conveners (email): S. Mondal (BROWN), S. Wuchterl (CERN) Public page |
TRK: Tracking Conveners (email): S. Krutelyov (UCSD), K. Skopven (GHENT) Public page |
EGM: Electron and Photons Conveners (email): A. Kapoor (IHEP), R. Salvatico (KANSAS) Public page |
JME: Jet and Missing Energy Conveners (email): A. Kalogeropoulos (KANSAS STATE), A. Benecke (LOUVAIN) Public page |
MUO: Muons Conveners (email): J. F. Schulte (PURDUE), F. Primavera (BOLOGNA) Public page |
TAU: Taus Conveners (email): D. Winterbottom (IMPERIAL), A. Cardini (DESY) Public page |
LUM: Luminosity Conveners (email): A. Babaev (TOMSK POLYTEC), F. Romeo (VANDERBILT) Public page |
PRO: Protons (in PPS) Conveners (email): G. Gil da Silveira (UERJ), A. Bellora (TORINO) Public page |
Physics Analysis Groups (PAGs) |
BPH: B Physics and Quarkonia Conveners (email): C. Rovelli (ROMA), D. Kovalskyi (MIT) Public page |
SMP: Standard Model Physics Conveners (email): A. Gilbert (LLR), M. Pelliccioni (TORINO) Public page |
TOP: Top Physics Conveners (email): J. Kieseler (KIT), A. Grohsjean (HAMBURG) Public page |
HIG: Higgs Physics Conveners (email): A. De Wit (LLR), E. Di Marco (ROMA) Public page |
SUS: Searches for new physics in final states with Unbalanced pT and Standard objects Conveners (email): M. Masciovecchio (UCSD), C. Caillol (CERN) Public page |
EXO: Searches for Exotica Conveners (email): L. Soffi (ROMA), C. Pena (FNAL) Public page |
B2G: Searches for Beyond SM particles decaying to top quarks and Higgs and Gauge bosons Conveners (email): L. Gouskos (CERN), A. Reimers (UZH) Public page |
HIN: Heavy-Ion Physics Conveners (email): G. Krintiras (KANSAS), J. Wang (CERN) Public page |
Shared Groups |
Generator and MC production shared with O&C Conveners (email): M. Lu (NORTHEASTERN), B. Bilin (CERN) Public page |
Machine Learning shared with O&C Conveners (email): J. Ngadiuba (FNAL), J. Duarte (UCSD) Public page |
Particle Flow shared with PPD Conveners (email): S. Mukherjee (AACHEN), R. Bellan (TORINO) Public page |
Cross-group activities |
EFT Forum Conveners (email): A. Calandri (ETH), S. Bhattacharya (NORTHWESTERN), G. Boldrini (MILANO BICOCCA), J. Wilson (BAYLOR) |
PDF Forum Conveners (email): K. Wichmann (DESY), K. Rabbertz(KIT) |
Monte Carlo & Interpretation Forum Conveners (email): T. Almos Vami (UCSB), S. Qian (PEKING), R. Wolf (KARLSRUHE), A. Agapitos (PEKING), J. Choi (SEOUL), S. Fiorendi (TENNESSEE), V. Hegde (TEXAS-TECH), M. Lu (NORTHEASTERN), A. Carvalho (PEKING) |
Common Analysis Tools Conveners (email): C. Lange (PSI) and P. Lenzi (FLORENCE) |