The quantum theory of electromagnetic interaction, called quantum electrodynamics (QED), is the most accurate and successful mathematical description of a large variety of natural phenomena. In numerous experiments over last many decades it has been…
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Running toward the start of Run3 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the CMS experiment completed one of its last and crucial steps: the big solenoid magnet has been powered on to reach the nominal magnetic field of 3.8T on March 4th 2022.
mazumdar |
Tau leptons are the heavy siblings of muons and electrons, being respectively 170 and 3500 times more massive. Leptons are not sensitive to strong interaction. The tau leptons are however so massive (about 1.8 times heavier than the proton) that…
ikhalid |
CMS firmly supports the CERN Council statement. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and all those whose lives are deeply affected by the war. We strongly believe in scientific cooperation as a driver for peace and, in line with…
fblekman |
CMS casts a wide net in the hunt for undiscovered particles
Physicists at the CMS experiment have been searching for new particles in exciting new places. In a recently published paper, they explore the possibility that the Large Hadron Collider (…
mazumdar |
One of the intriguing questions in particle physics is the origin of mass of the fundamental particles. The question we ask is: is the Higgs boson responsible for the masses of all the known particles? The well-established theory of particle physics…
ikhalid |
A few months are left before the start of Run 3 at CERN. With the timely completion of all upgrades planned for Long Shutdown 2 (LS2), in the last weeks the CMS detector has been set in its closed configuration. If this sounds like an ordinary or…
ikhalid |
The challenge of Run3: CMS is preparing to resume its operations for the Run-3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) after a 3-year long shutdown called LS2 (2019-2021). The time of LS2 was used to perform upgrades, which are regularly conducted…
mazumdar |
One of the fundamental puzzles we face today is the dark matter (the dunkle materie, as called by the Swiss physicist Fritz Zwicky back in 1933) in the universe. It is highly abundant (almost five times more than all the objects put together…
ikhalid |
The CMS collaboration is happy to congratulate its members Dr. Austin Ball and Professor Phil Butler who not only made significant contributions to science but are also highly honoured in their respective countries for their achievements.
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The installation of a new prototype of CMS muon chambers was completed last December. With these installations, the CMS detector is taking further steps towards the HL-LHC era at CERN.
With the future High Luminosity Large Hadron…
mazumdar |
The word lepton comes from the Greek λεπτός (leptós,) meaning “small”; the electrically charged leptons (electrons, muons, and taus) have much smaller masses than their counterparts in the quark sector. For example, the tau particle is the…