
| achintya | Physics
12 October 2017 For most of each operational year, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) typically smashes protons together to generate vast amounts of data for physicists to analyse. These proton-proton (pp) collisions were responsible, for example, for…
| lapka | Physics
The 10th International workshop on top quark physics, TOP2017, was held in Braga, Portugal, from September 17th to 22nd, 2017 and brought together a number of experimentalists and theorists from all over the world. The CMS Collaboration presented…
| analexop | Engage with CMS
On 21 August 2017, 10 primary science specialist teachers from the UK travelled to Geneva to participate in the 1st Playing with Protons UK CPD course at CERN. This five-day course, which was hosted in CERN's IdeaSquare, was…
| petrilli | Physics
Harvesting of the large 13 TeV data set delivered by the LHC in 2016 and collected with the CMS detector continues, with 20 new results to be presented at the EPS 2017 conference, adding to the more than 60 results already presented at the 2017…
| analexop | Engage with CMS
South London-based hip-hop artist, Consensus, writes an entire album about particle physics and creates opportunities for new, under-represented audiences to discover and appreciate the beauty of scientific research (Image: Etienne "TETO"…
| analexop | Engage with CMS
The High Energy and Particle Physics (HEPP) Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) has announced the winners of its 2017 prizes. The Outreach Prize, for "outstanding outreach achievement connected with High…
| petrilli | Physics
The exploitation of the LHC data collected by CMS is continuing successfully, with more than 35 new results presented at the Moriond 2017 conference, most of which used the full 2016 luminosity. These results cover all the research lines of the…
| Anonymous | Detector
It might be hard to imagine what link there could be between a huge scientific machine underneath Geneva and a field of tomatoes in Lebanon but both need advanced technology to achieve their best results. Even if they seem light years apart, they…
| Anonymous | Collaboration
On 19 December 2016 a ceremony at CERN marked the tenth donation of computing equipment to an academic institution, the Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Ecuador.   On this occasion, 72 servers, two racks and two network switches were donated to…
| achintya | Collaboration
Rediscover the Standard Model of particle physics and much more with open data from the Large Hadron Collider Today, the CMS Collaboration at CERN has released more than 300 terabytes (TB) of high-quality open data. These include over 100 TB, or 2.5…
| Anonymous | Detector
The LHC is back online! This morning we saw first beams splashes in the CMS experiment as the beam was threaded through the LHC full circle! "This data is already useful to understand details about the behaviour of the new CMS Trigger, and we are…
| cmspeopl | Physics
The Rencontres de Moriond – Electroweak (Moriond EW) takes place this week in La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, where the CMS Collaboration will present more than 30 new results approved since the December 15 seminar at CERN. First measurements of the…