
| gill | Collaboration
The next Tracker Week is 30-Jan to 3-Feb. Details of the meetings are at: Please get in touch with session chairs to arrange your presentations.
| achintya | Collaboration
Rolf Heuer, the Director General of CERN, welcomed back CERN personnel and users after the holiday period, at the annual New Year’s presentation held on 11th January. The LHC Heuer opened the talk with congratulations to all the accelerator…
| nduponts | Collaboration
An evacuation exercise of the USC55 and UXC55 caverns will be organized on the 3rd of February 2012 around 2 pm, we need volunteers to help and to participate. Please contact if you are interested. Thanks !
| lapka | Collaboration
The Collide@CERN Artist-in-Residence programme is currently seeking CERN scientists interested in engaging in thought-provoking and creative collaborations with visiting artists. In early 2012, a Digital artist will take up a 2-month residency…
| achintya | Collaboration
Recently I participated in my second Science Hack Day (SHD), in San Francisco in November 2011. What is a Science Hack Day, you ask? According to primary organiser Ariel Waldman: “The mission of Science Hack Day is to get excited and make things…
| achintya | Collaboration
On 30th October, scientists at CERN switched off the proton beams for the Large Hadron Collider. The completed 2011 run outdid all expectations, especially for luminosity, and provided the collider's four experiments with an unprecedented amount of…
| rebeca | Collaboration
On Saturday, 12th November, a group of 240 young girls aged 11-14, sporting white lab coats, took the Science building of the University of Geneva by storm. From early in the morning until the afternoon they experienced, among other things,…
| nessif | Collaboration
The 10- and 11-year-old children of Geneva town hall employees were allowed to skip classes on 10th November to participate in the nation-wide “Futur en Tous Genres” day and find out about different career prospects. During an informative morning,…
| achintya | Collaboration
At about half-past five in the evening on Sunday, 30th October, an e-mail from Run Coordination to the CMS collaboration said: At 17:00 today the LHC dumped the last proton beams for the year to start the machine development period and to prepare…
| lucas | Collaboration
The second episode of the monthly What's new @ CERN TV programme features Steve Myers, Director of Accelerators, on the LHC performance and plans, Yves Schulz of ALICE on Heavy Ion running, and more ... Watch show on YouTube  
| barneyd | Collaboration
At 17:00 on Sunday 30th October the LHC dumped the last proton beams for the year to start the machine development period and to prepare for heavy ion running. This means that we have come to the end of proton operation for 2011. In 2011 the LHC…
| achintya | Collaboration
The machine just announced going to Proton Physics today in the afternoon since ~5pm. The 25ns Machine Development has been postponed to Monday. Subsystems experts, please make sure that we are ready for physics and running fine. Cheers, RFMs…