
| rusace01 | Collaboration
March CERN Courier has a centre spread article on the Tracker with a cover picture.
| maiqbal | Physics
  The Higgs boson is deeply connected to the mechanism that generates the masses of elementary particles. In the Standard Model (SM), which describes the properties of all elementary particles and the interactions among them, the Higgs boson…
| maiqbal | Physics
  CMS scientists discover some of the rarest collisions that the LHC can produce – such as the scattering of light by light – and learn more about the quantum nature of electromagnetism, search for new particles, and much more. In everyday life…
| adelanno | Physics
  Detailed study of collisions producing top quarks reveals discrepancy with respect to theoretical predictions. The CMS collaboration has preliminarily reported an unexpected effect in interactions involving top quark pairs. These results…