
| fbaldass | Collaboration
June is the month of the PhD Thesis Award at CMS, the prize that aims to recognise the best PhD Thesis of the year based on impact, original contribution and clarity. 25 CMS theses were nominated to compete for the CMS PhD Thesis Award for 2019.…
| brcure | Detector
The CMS magnet, one of the largest superconducting magnets in the world, with the largest stored energy, has been warmed up in April-May 2020 in order to perform an intervention on the vacuum pumping system. The magnet is a 220-ton cylinder cooled…
| fblekman | Physics
The eighth annual conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2020) is one of the important conferences for physics at the LHC. Originally planned to take place in Paris, LHCP is operating as a fully virtual conference this year.  The CMS…
| fblekman | Physics
Have you ever pondered what happened to our Universe after the Big Bang? When the Universe was created, each particle was produced together with its antiparticle. For example, for each electron we see now, there was a positron created. But, some 13…
| fblekman | Physics
In Frozen, Anna and Elsa discover magical powers that open up a whole new world of possibilities. In Frozen 2, they go far Into the Unknown to understand the source of the magic that binds them all together. The CMS experiment is doing the…
| dlange | Collaboration
The COVID-19 pandemic is having widespread impacts close to home and around the world. COVID-19 will certainly change the way the CMS collaboration will function as an experiment. Vast portions our research depend on global interactions to be…
| zeuner | Collaboration
Immediately after CMS was brought into a safe state on 18 March, planning for a controlled restart began, with the objective of protecting all people working at the CMS Experiment site (Point 5, P5) as effectively as reasonably possible. Physical…
| austin | Detector
During the early months of 2020, as the COVID-19 threat increased, CMS activity was adapted to gradually transfer responsibility to locally resident collaborators. LS2 work was accelerated in the experimental hall, so as to reach a critical LS2…
| fblekman | Physics
The CMS Collaboration announced the first observation of a new way the B0s meson – a particle combining the beauty quark (b) and the strange quark (s) – can disintegrate. The observation involves two other particles, the well-known ϕ meson…
| fblekman | Physics
Identification of muons is essential for the physics done at the LHC. CMS has recently published a paper with new techniques to identify muons with high momentum. What is so special about muons with high momentum that they deserve a dedicated paper…
| fblekman | Physics
The CMS collaboration has achieved the first observation of a ttH process in a single Higgs boson decay channel. The Higgs boson is examined in its decay to two photons when produced alongside a top quark and antiquark. This enables the…
| fblekman | Physics
The CMS collaboration has examined for the first time the kinematic dependence of the production of a top quark and a W boson. This gives insight into the quantum interference of top quark production at the LHC and allows more accurate…